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The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
23 Nov 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie

if an old person, say 85yrs has an accident and is taken to hospital, his family pray for him and he beats the odds and survives, did god answer the prayer?
Who else answers prayers? The devil? 😏

16 Jan 07
24 Nov 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
Who else answers prayers? The devil? 😏
good point. maybe the devil does answer prayers. maybe he can intercept and act on peoples wishes. if god has a perfect plan then what better way to throw a spanner in the works and start saving people who were supposed to die.

16 Jan 07
24 Nov 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie

if an old person, say 85yrs has an accident and is taken to hospital, his family pray for him and he beats the odds and survives, did god answer the prayer?
bump,bumpy,bump for bonoon.

30 Dec 04
25 Nov 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie
bump,bumpy,bump for bonoon.
Why does age play a role in your question ?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
25 Nov 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie
good point. maybe the devil does answer prayers. maybe he can intercept and act on peoples wishes. if god has a perfect plan then what better way to throw a spanner in the works and start saving people who were supposed to die.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.

16 Jan 07
25 Nov 12

Originally posted by boonon
Why does age play a role in your question ?
thats kinda what im asking you. do you think god saves old people, does god take age into consideration when answering prayers?

30 Dec 04
25 Nov 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie
thats kinda what im asking you. do you think god saves old people, does god take age into consideration when answering prayers?
I've said many times that I do not know why God answers some prayers and not others.

30 Dec 04
25 Nov 12

Originally posted by boonon
I've said many times that I do not know why God answers some prayers and not others.
My wife prayed for something over ten years ago and it just came to pass. As far as God healing old verses young i don't really think age matters. The old testament is full of healing of older people.

16 Jan 07
25 Nov 12

Originally posted by boonon
I've said many times that I do not know why God answers some prayers and not others.
are you okay not knowing? does it cause you any internal struggles? or do you just accept it and not question why? can you see why the prayer system to an non-believer may seem immoral?

30 Dec 04
25 Nov 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie
are you okay not knowing? does it cause you any internal struggles? or do you just accept it and not question why? can you see why the prayer system to an non-believer may seem immoral?
Of course I wish I knew all of Gods ways or reasoning. The Bible tells me that right now I can't. It says that all things will be made known upon Christs return. The Bible states that His ways are higher than ours, as it should be since I believe He is the creator of all things.

I wouldn't be human if I didn't have questions. I consider myself humble enough to realize that some things are not for me to know right now. I believe to question God or demand an answer from Him that would satisfy me as a human would be arrogant and even blasphemous. Who am I compared to the all mighty creator? The alpha and the omega?

The Bible states that God is sovereign. Since I believe the Bible I believe this also.

16 Jan 07
25 Nov 12

Originally posted by boonon
Of course I wish I knew all of Gods ways or reasoning. The Bible tells me that right now I can't. It says that all things will be made known upon Christs return. The Bible states that His ways are higher than ours, as it should be since I believe He is the creator of all things.

I wouldn't be human if I didn't have questions. I consider myself humble enou ...[text shortened]... a?

The Bible states that God is sovereign. Since I believe the Bible I believe this also.
if you could for a moment pretend that god wasnt perfect and that the bible didnt qualify gods behavior by saying everything he does is for the right reason. if you had to just base your opinion on what he has done rather than what he says he will do. what opinion would you have of gods actions?

30 Dec 04
26 Nov 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie
if you could for a moment pretend that god wasnt perfect and that the bible didnt qualify gods behavior by saying everything he does is for the right reason. if you had to just base your opinion on what he has done rather than what he says he will do. what opinion would you have of gods actions?
I can assume that you think God has done bad.
I really can't pretend that God isn't perfect as you ask. I see what you are saying but to me it's not possible to do.
Can I ask what bad things you perceive him to have done? I consider myself a 'student' of the Bible, still and always learning.
The Bible says that God is pure and good. Their is no evil in him, he can not stand evil. I know there are things in the Bible that can be viewed as God doing evil things. For this I with a flood (except Noah). If we study this deeper the Bible says that God saw that they were all evil in all t
All evil in the world comes from Satan. The faThe ONE who saw himself as equal to or better than God. The one who questioned God and even sought to take his place. I believe it was
pride that made him this way. It is said he was Gods most beautiful angel, and thus saw himself that wayFor

30 Dec 04
26 Nov 12

Originally posted by boonon
I can assume that you think God has done bad.
I really can't pretend that God isn't perfect as you ask. I see what you are saying but to me it's not possible to do.
Can I ask what bad things you perceive him to have done? I consider myself a 'student' of the Bible, still and always learning.
The Bible says that God is pure and good. Their is no evil in h ...[text shortened]... him this way. It is said he was Gods most beautiful angel, and thus saw himself that wayFor
Sorry !!! All thumbs on my IPhone . I will try to clear this up later.

Very frustrating to say the least.

30 Dec 04
26 Nov 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie
if you could for a moment pretend that god wasnt perfect and that the bible didnt qualify gods behavior by saying everything he does is for the right reason. if you had to just base your opinion on what he has done rather than what he says he will do. what opinion would you have of gods actions?
I guess if I could do the things you ask I could possibly question Gods actions.

However I have studied enough to realize that for me , God is real, and God is good. In Him is no darkness, only light.

I have only received good from God. Satan is our accuser, trying to steal our joy.

Have you ever studied the Bible? Done more than read a few passages? I ask this sincerely , not in jest. God says that we must first seek him, so that he can reveal Himself to us. He wants a relationship with us but not a forced relationship. I gave my life to Christ over twenty years ago. I didn't really know what it meant until I earnestly started to study the Bible around 15 years ago. I am still learning and growing, but my faith grows more as I seek him out more. The more I seek the more He reveals to me.

16 Jan 07
26 Nov 12

Originally posted by boonon
I can assume that you think God has done bad.
I really can't pretend that God isn't perfect as you ask. I see what you are saying but to me it's not possible to do.
Can I ask what bad things you perceive him to have done? I consider myself a 'student' of the Bible, still and always learning.
The Bible says that God is pure and good. Their is no evil in h ...[text shortened]... him this way. It is said he was Gods most beautiful angel, and thus saw himself that wayFor
i believe that if the christian god is real then he is monster. the bible is littered with his cruel actions and his stupidity, he gets away with it by adding the caveat 'im good so everything i do is good'. this isnt good enough for me. i believe everybody should be accountable for their actions and i see no reason why god should be exempt from this.

there are lots of examples i could use. but ill go with the flood as you mentioned it. god decided everybody was evil.
god is perfect yet he made imperfect man, so imperfect that in a very short period of time 99.99999999% of man became evil. how can a whole planet become evil? how did one man and his family avoid being evil? how could society function if everybody was evil? what does god even mean by evil? did everybody start murdering and torturing each other? lets say we were all evil, god created us he has to take some responsibility for his flawed creation. why not rehabilitate mankind, why not come down and cure us, teach us. no, he decides on murder. the god who has the power to do anything can only think of murder as a solution.
i think the god of the old testament is cruel, brutal, racist, stupid and sexist. he behaves like an aggressive, megalomaniac.
what kinda nutcase puts the danger of knowledge in a fruit tree!!!! why would you do that,
what kind father creates an angel that becomes satan and humanity that keeps sinning. what has god created that hasnt become flawed?