Using Dianetics to Improve in Chess

Using Dianetics to Improve in Chess


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Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by Grandmouster
suppressive person: a person who possesses a distinct set of characteristics and mental attitudes that cause him to suppress other people in his vicinity. This is the person whose behavior is calculated to be disastrous. Also called antisocial personality.

antisocial personality: a person who possesses a distinct set of characteristics and mental at ...[text shortened]... ng whether or not his hidden deed is known. See also withhold in this glossary.

Yes, yes, that's all well and fine. But you do realize that in the mid 1950s, L. Ron Hubbard had relegated Dianetics to a sub study of Scientology. It was after that when he made his greatest breakthroughs within the church of Scientology.

We understand that we are thetans who have lived many past lives and that we have stored memories that can cause problems in the present day. It seems clear that Xenu's cataclysmic genocide are the prime source of the memories and traumas that cause us to be "aberrated" today. So, for you to hold out on telling us what you know about Xenu seems callous in the extreme.

Is it true that Xenu's spaceship looks exactly like a Douglas DC-8? These are things that we need to know if we're going to see the light. Preach it to us, Grandmouster, spread the good word. Don't hold back, we're dying for enlightenment.

Flamenco Sketches

Spain, in spirit

09 Sep 04
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by Grandmouster
A test of this kind would normally cost you $500.00 and up. It is offered to you here free of charge as a public service.

If you are not happy with life, you can find out why.

Really. <roll eyes>

With such uber-ambiguous questions such as:

Do you make thoughtless remarks or accusations which later you regret?

Yeesh. Who doesn't?

Do you get occasional twitches of your muscles, when there is no logical reason for it?

lol. It's called muscle spasms. They happen. It's not a character flaw.

Do you often sing or whistle just for the fun of it?


Do you take reasonable precaution to prevent accidents?

Why do I get the feeling no matter how you answer these questions, the answer is "Scientology is for you!". Now, if Grandmouster will answer:

How much do the "auditing" sessions cost?!?



07 Mar 05
01 Aug 05

Looks like only negative, and anti-social types resond to my post.
I think im going to throw this thread to the lions.


19 Nov 03
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by Grandmouster
Looks like only negative, and anti-social types resond to my post.
I think im going to throw this thread to the lions.
I'd throw your scientology books in the bin instead, trust me, it will do a lot more for you.


Gangster Land

26 Mar 04
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by Grandmouster
Looks like only negative, and anti-social types resond to my post.
I think im going to throw this thread to the lions.
I think most of the people you find in this thread simply have questions about Scientology and you have increased thier frustration by not answering them.

We are not interested in the scientology party line...we want to hear what YOU have experienced. I would not mind knowing, for instance, how much it costs to reach OT III. I have heard that it can be VERY expensive! Is this true?


Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by Grandmouster
Looks like only negative, and anti-social types resond to my post.
I think im going to throw this thread to the lions.
Negative and anti-social? Why, Grandmouster, I'm trying my best to understand some of the central beliefs of the church of Scientology, but you keep ignoring me. I don't understand. I keep asking for some enlightenment and you keep avoiding my impassioned pleas. I feel I'm going to have nightmares until we can get this Incident II thing out into the open.

Flamenco Sketches

Spain, in spirit

09 Sep 04
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by lioyank
Now what? Nothing. You go on living your life, and I go on living mine. What more were you expecting?
Obviously, if you think that all organized religion is worthless and brings no benefits, there is no convincing you otherwise.
Fine. I objected to your characterization that I had been hiding my "true intentions" until this point. Frankly, I cannot see any difference between Grandmouster being brainwashed by Scientology and any run of the mill xtian believing Jesus ever really existed. The only caveat is that xtianity has had ~2000 years to perfect its' brainwashing methods and has insidiously permeated almost every facet of Western society. Good thing mass communication didn't exist during xtianity's infancy.


04 Aug 04
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by Grandmouster
Looks like only negative, and anti-social types resond to my post.
I think im going to throw this thread to the lions.
Yup. It's official. You're brainwashed.
It's OK. I understand. It might even be for the best. People tell you what to do and how to do it. You have the terminology down, and everything. Good for you. They have made your life much simpler.

That being said, I sincerely hope that they don't SERIOUSLY screw up your life later on. When they will most likely take you for all your worth, all your money and possessions. Then all the "dianetics" and "Scientology" in the world wont be able to save you. Unfortunately, this happens all too often.

Fast above

Slow Below

29 Sep 03
01 Aug 05
2 edits

Originally posted by Grandmouster
'Right, I warned you! one more time and I'll blummin' report you big nose'.

The original question was does scientology help your chess?

The only reason the people in this thread haven't alerted
moderators over your constant posting of links to a blatantly
profitable organisation, other than the sheer boldfaced amusement
of Hubbards work is they actually are concerned about you and people
like you.

Personally, I think you're beyond help.
You may want to take a look, they're doing this for free
(other than the spoils of hillarity).

So back to the question. I think we have good reason to
post the webmaster and request people posting repetitive
links to commercial sites to be kicked off the site.

So it's up to you. Does scientology improve your chess?



07 Mar 05
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by lioyank
Yup. It's official. You're brainwashed.
It's OK. I understand. It might even be for the best. People tell you what to do and how to do it. You have the terminology down, and everything. Good for you. They have made your life much simpler.

That being said, I sincerely hope that they don't SERIOUSLY screw up your life later on. When they will most lik ...[text shortened]... "Scientology" in the world wont be able to save you. Unfortunately, this happens all too often.
Actually, most of the people on this planent are "brainwashed"
Brainwashed into allowing psychs to drug their children and themselves into a zombie like state or dead.
They allow psychs to label them with "learning disorders" or a "brain condition", etc. And keep them on drugs, or charge a lot of $$ for "therapy" that never works.

Scientologist go the root of the problem and handle it with out any drugs, or anything else except mostly communication, and drills, and lectures, text, etc.
Can your "non-brainwashed" public say that they have ever been "cured"
By psychs?
Maybe not because they cant think for themselves anymore, the drugs have turned them into mindless vegtables, incapable of emotion, or creative thought.
(that sounds more brainwashed to me)

How about the goverment and defense contractors making trillions of dollars from starting wars in other countires, and keeping the public in a constant state of fear. And you going along with the program (sounds brainwashed to me)

How about watching the media, television, newspapers, teachers, goverment officials, psychs, constantly exerting control over the massses, by "pushing their buttons" (read dianetics) and withholding positive information, and always only allowing negative and distorted information to get out to the public. (ups and downs in life anti-social personality)Sounds like anyone without the right information is "brainwashed"

How about a revolving turnstile justice system that doesnt reform anyone, and just makes a person into a criminal more so, then just someone who could have a simple ethics handiling, and been a much better person (see: Introduction to Scientology Ethics)
Instead, there are overflowing jails, and a swamped court system, that cant reform anything, and makes criminals more hardnened and violent then "reformed" (seems brainwashed to me)

Psychs say "you cant get any smarter" "your IQ cant change"
Really? Mine went up 20 points after i did my Purification Rundown. (seems like the psychs are brainwashing you!)

Most Marriages end in divorce nowdays. Yet most Scientologist have long and lasting marriges. See: Marriage. A mini course or booklet available at any org or mission or at
Yet most people are "brainwashed" into thinking its the normal trend nowadays, that most marriages are doomed to fail

People who shy away from society, and are withdrawn, are "shy" or "eccentric" and maybe need some drug, or psych. "help" (more brainwash" )yet this is easily handled:
anyway... i can go on, and on...But i think i get it. yea, im brainwashed, im so happy and smarter, and have much more cause over life as when my brain was dirty, that i just dont know what to do with myself.. 😏
So dont worry about it, im sure none of you are brainwashed...🙄


04 Aug 04
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by Grandmouster
Actually, most of the people on this planent are "brainwashed"
Brainwashed into allowing psychs to drug their children and themselves into a zombie like state or dead.
They allow psychs to label them with "learning disorders" or a "brain condition", etc. And keep them on drugs, or charge a lot of $$ for "therapy" that never works. ...[text shortened]... ow what to do with myself.. 😏
So dont worry about it, im sure none of you are brainwashed...🙄
Right, right, right.... I've heard it all before. Yes, there are problems with the world. Thanks for the revelation. 🙄 Yes, psychiatrists dont have all the answers. Yes, government officials dont have all the answers. Yes, in some ways, there is suppression by authority figures. SO WHAT???

LISTEN CAREFULLY: YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS PRESENTED HERE. People here have asked you numerous questions, in a nice manner, and you have NOT answered them. Answer them. How much more "clear" can I be?

Flamenco Sketches

Spain, in spirit

09 Sep 04
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by TheSkipper
I would not mind knowing, for instance, how much it costs to reach OT III. I have heard that it can be VERY expensive! Is this true?
The church states in its promo that its goal is to get
one to attain the State of a Clear.

But once you attain State of Clear which is supposed to
be so monumental, you get advertising from the church of
scientology all similar to the following:

OT III THE WALL OF FIRE. Get through OT III at AOLA Today!

"Anyone who is Clear but not OT III had better be pushed
up to OT III fast because otherwise HE IS AT RISK. (HCO
Bulletin of 23 Dec 1971 RA, re-revised 1 July 1985)

If a Clear does not move rapidly up through OT III, certain
aspects of the case found on this level can impinge on his
universe. Due to the magnitude of the case on OT III it is
vital that a Clear move rapidly through the No-Interference
Zone and through The Wall of Fire. Contact AOLA immediately
about getting through The Wall of Fire today.

AOLA has "Special Offers" to get you up the Grade Chart

AOLA "Go OT" Package.
(Solo 1 - OT III and 3 Intensives)
Full Donation Rate . . . . $35,450.00
AOLA "Go OT" Package Rate . . . . $19,500.00
You Save $15,950.00!!

AOLA NOTs Sliding Scale
(4 Intensives)
Full Donation Rate . . . . $30,400.00
AOLA NOTs Sliding Scale Rate . . . . $19,760.00
You Save $10,640.00

At these prices, how can you afford to pass this up?



07 Mar 05
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by Thequ1ck
'Right, I warned you! one more time and I'll blummin' report you big nose'.

The original question was does scientology help your chess?

The only reason the people in this thread haven't alerted
moderators over your constant posting of links to a blatantly
profitable organisation, other than the sheer boldfaced amusement
of Hubbards work is t ...[text shortened]... sites to be kicked off the site.

So it's up to you. Does scientology improve your chess?

I think ive stated many times how Dianetics and Scientology can help your chess.
The reason i put links here is for people to get all the right information for themselves.
Like i said (many times)
Dianetics cleared a lot of engrams that where causing me constant stress, and negative emotion. (see my story about beating the russin master in the park) I had a hard time concentrating, and would get angry or frustrated over losing. Now i use more of my analytical mind and less reactive mind, and can see a position better and without confusion.
I stiil have bad habits from too much blitz that im trying to work on. i I see the improvement daily, and can also absorb much more data then before when i use the tech from the Basic Study Manual. (Scientology course)
Also doing ethics handlings releases a lot of negative emotion and bitterness, etc, that the majority of posters here seem to have.
This also slows down your chess progress, as your attention is diverted by your out-ethics acts.
What intrested me about reading dianetics is how Hubbard talks about an engram using a part of your mind and spiritual energy, and how a person can have as much as 50% diverted to feed these engrams, and thats a lot less energy that you could use for your chess.
I only did about 20 hours of dianetic auditing, and i feel incredible release, as i got rid of a lot of intense engrams that i was sitting on for many years.
I would like to get to clear, and take some time to study chess, and really see if i can get to master level. This is a workable and not impossible goal. (Except maybe if i did'nt use dianetics and scientology)
By the way, if one did the Dianetics Auditor Course for less the $200. and found someone else who did the course, they could co-audit each-other for free. Thats a lot less the $300 an hour a psych. would charge (not including $$ for drugs)

Flamenco Sketches

Spain, in spirit

09 Sep 04
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by Grandmouster
Dianetics cleared a lot of engrams that where causing me constant stress, and negative emotion.
Do you know who G. I. Gurdjieff was? L. Ron Hubbard did.

BWA Soldier

Tha Brotha Hood

13 Dec 04
01 Aug 05

Originally posted by David C
The church states in its promo that its goal is to get
one to attain the State of a Clear.

But once you attain State of Clear which is supposed to
be so monumental, you get advertising from the church of
scientology all similar to the following:

OT III THE WALL OF FIRE. Get through OT III at AOLA Today!
CL ...[text shortened]... . . . $19,760.00
You Save $10,640.00

At these prices, how can you afford to pass this up?
I propose that we as a community pool funds to sponsor one of our members to pursue the State of Clear. Who shall we send, and what are you willing to contribute?