This forum is ruined

This forum is ruined


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North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
07 Nov 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
wrong smong, he was unaware of even the import of his own question, only after certain clarifications were made did became apparent what he was actually asking, heaven, salvation and salvation from damnation are not the same thing dear Noobster, therefore i now have the pleasure of telling you to also, shut upa yo face! i have no problem admitting t ...[text shortened]... who says he is more than an actor, for that lie waves like a banner above theft, murder etc '
Actually I can honestly say that i did not know that we professed that you must be part of Jehovahs witnesses to survive the great tribulation, for during the debate with divejester, i could not find any reference in our literature and i did search.

Posted by you, 1st October.


24 May 10
07 Nov 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
Well this has been a revealing thread. I take two points off for bbarr. Everyone else has either played themselves or exceeded themselves on this thread , divegester.

You go away for two days and.... my gosh!!
Good onya karoly. Lot of energy for a "ruined" forum, eh? Not that there weren't legitimacies either, but it always takes two. In then end, 'sound and fury', onto the next thread.
Don't threads pass like clouds in the wind?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
07 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
I'm not giving advice I'm asking robbie to take his own medicine.

As for me "hounding" you for a yes or no answer Galv, this is really irritating from you JWs; anyone reading those threads will see that you could have finished the issue on post one, with a yes or a no.

The problem was that you and robbie were in equal measure, evasive and uninfo ...[text shortened]... ed about your own doctrines, in the end Proper Knob had to correct you both - it was a joke!
Well of course it's irritating to you because you refuse to see outside your box of what you understand spiritually. It could be that just maybe someone outside your scope of understanding spiritual matters might just know something you don't.
Who on this planet has thought they knew it all on some subject only to learn later in life they didn't?
Do you personally know every aspect of the Bible and all it contains? I think not. If you do then we can pursue a discussion on your "yes or no" question anytime.

A hint for you is the attitude you ask questions with. If the unwarranted rude attacks would stop and some resemblance of humility were demonstrated, you would no doubt recieve better responces from all and that may make this forum not so "ruined."

Lighten up a little. 🙂

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
07 Nov 10
2 edits

Originally posted by Taoman
Good onya karoly. Lot of energy for a "ruined" forum, eh? Not that there weren't legitimacies either, but it always takes two. In then end, 'sound and fury', onto the next thread.
Don't threads pass like clouds in the wind?
They do pass like clouds-or build up like clouds.

What the hell is a spiritualiy forum supposed to be like anyways?

As long as I'm enjoying it, and it isn't just mindless dogma, I dont care what goes in here.

This forum is ruined indeed.....(*shakes head*) ...the truth is divegester dont like taco's brand of christianity. I say lets focus on the newcomers such as most of my illustrious tool team (ua 41,avalanchethecat,Taoman). Also ones like Agerg, twitehead and Proper Knob always keep this forum dynamic (for me).

16 Feb 08
07 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Well of course it's irritating to you because you refuse to see outside your box of what you understand spiritually. It could be that just maybe someone outside your scope of understanding spiritual matters might just know something you don't.
Who on this planet has thought they knew it all on some subject only to learn later in life they didn't?
Do nces from all and that may make this forum not so "ruined."

Lighten up a little. 🙂
If you are going to tell people they are going to hell (or whatever euphemism you have for it), at least do them the courtesy of knowing what you are talking about and perhaps be prepared enough give some direction on how to avoid it and whether joining your organisation is part of the contract.

Incidentally let's just point out here loud and clear, that what you and robbie carrobie did not even know was that unless someone joins your Jehovah's Witness organisation they will not escape the great tribulation. This exclusivity is another sign of being a cult - you as a cult member should have known this important fact don't you think?

So why don't you both get off your holy pedestals and get back in the JW classroom.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
07 Nov 10

Originally posted by divegeester
If you are going to tell people they are going to hell (or whatever euphemism you have for it), at least do them the courtesy of knowing what you are talking about and perhaps be prepared enough give some direction on how to avoid it and whether joining your organisation is part of the contract.

Incidentally let's just point out here loud and clear, t ...[text shortened]... ink?

So why don't you both get off your holy pedestals and get back in the JW classroom.
No aviodance was ever used. You just don't get the answer. If you were TRULEY seeking the answer you would understand our answer. Sorry.

16 Feb 08
07 Nov 10

Originally posted by galveston75
No aviodance was ever used. You just don't get the answer. If you were TRULEY seeking the answer you would understand our answer. Sorry.
But you and robbie didn't know the answer Galv!

Please stop this ridiculous banter and just accept and admit you didn't know and move on.

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
07 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
what is it about shuta upa your face that yet evades you, as beetle tried to point out to bbbbarrrr, your blah is equally valid as their blah!
Ah the ever ostentatious FreakyKBH

You see,' said my Teacher, 'how little your words have done. So far as the Monarch understand them at all, he accepts them as his own – for he cannot conceive of any other except himself – and plumes himself upon the variety of Its Thought as an instance of creative Power. Let us leave this God of Pointland to the ignorant fruition of his omnipresence and omniscience: nothing that you or I can do can rescue him from his self-satisfaction.
Flatland - Edwin Abbott Abbott (Section 20)

Bless him 😵


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
07 Nov 10

Originally posted by divegeester
But you and robbie didn't know the answer Galv!

Please stop this ridiculous banter and just accept and admit you didn't know and move on.
Did I once ever say I didn't know what the Watchtower Society says on that issue? Show me where I said that to you?
Do you not grasp this point is that you asked me personally a question and I gave you my personal answer? I totally agree with what the WTS says but I am not God and I'm not a judge so I cannot tell you personally who God will judge one way or the other for life.
I answered the question you asked me....
So this is my last effort to get this point over to you and I would suggest if you don't like the comments or answers you get on this forum from all who post here, get out and leave it alone..

16 Feb 08
07 Nov 10

Originally posted by galveston75
Did I once ever say I didn't know what the Watchtower Society says on that issue? Show me where I said that to you?
Do you not grasp this point is that you asked me personally a question and I gave you my personal answer? I totally agree with what the WTS says but I am not God and I'm not a judge so I cannot tell you personally who God will judge one ...[text shortened]... omments or answers you get on this forum from all who post here, get out and leave it alone..
Your efforts are merely to cover up your lack of knowledge not to help me, please stop it Galv. You know darn well that I'm not asking you to be judge, just to state whether or not a person is required to join the JW organisation, that is all...

You may be surprised to know that I have respect for you, and it dismays me to see you being dishonest in this post. In our long exchange you went from "no" at one point and then changed your mind. If you knew the answer, then you should have said so much earlier in that 500 post long thread.


26 Aug 07
07 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
If you are going to tell people they are going to hell (or whatever euphemism you have for it), at least do them the courtesy of knowing what you are talking about and perhaps be prepared enough give some direction on how to avoid it and whether joining your organisation is part of the contract.

Incidentally let's just point out here loud and clear, t ink?

So why don't you both get off your holy pedestals and get back in the JW classroom.
as was pointed out to you, we do not profess believe in hell, but you did not know that and wrongly assigned a value to us that we do not profess, perhaps you might like to ask us questions about what we actually do believe, it will save you and us all the trouble of trying to work out what you are actually trying to ascertain! but then again it may deprive you of whinging rights! perhaps if you had asked the correct question you would have got a correct answer, first of all it started out as heaven, then salvation, then saved from hell ,then armaggedon, you have really no idea what you were talking about and we, out of the courtesy of our heart patiently tried to answer the ever shifting goal post, but it was clear you were uninterested in reason as your insistence on a yes and no answer indicated. Answers were changed as the question was changed, go away and learn something about another's beliefs before you start once again to assign values to them that they do not have, so err, tell Mohammed, why you worship Shiva and a whole host of other deities.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
07 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Your efforts are merely to cover up your lack of knowledge not to help me, please stop it Galv. You know darn well that I'm not asking you to be judge, just to state whether or not a person is required to join the JW organisation, that is all...

You may be surprised to know that I have respect for you, and it dismays me to see you being dishonest in you knew the answer, then you should have said so much earlier in that 500 post long thread.
Well to say you respect me but then say I give dishonest answers makes no sense. And I do appreciate the comment but I've never been dishonest with anyone ever here at RHP. So take it for what it is but don't group me with ones that have ruined this forum for you..... I've done no such thing.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
08 Nov 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
as was pointed out to you, we do not profess believe in hell, but you did not know that and wrongly assigned a value to us that we do not profess, perhaps you might like to ask us questions about what we actually do believe, it will save you and us all the trouble of trying to work out what you are actually trying to ascertain! but then again it may ey do not have, so err, tell Mohammed, why you worship Shiva and a whole host of other deities.
C'mon Rob. Divegeester and Proper Knob have already pointed out your elusive tactics. Please finish this crap up.
I thought it was a simple question. I knew what divegeester was talking about. Simple question.. and you two giving (and not giving) 'shifting' answers. Anyway, why am I propping you up again? Oh thats right. Its starting to get annoying. Who cares what you sound like? Answer the question and move on.

(Your welcome in advance 😉 )


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
08 Nov 10

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Hah. You transformed into Stewie Griffin in my mind when you said that.
Funny, but I was channeling him whilst typing.


26 Aug 07
08 Nov 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
C'mon Rob. Divegeester and Proper Knob have already pointed out your elusive tactics. Please finish this crap up.
I thought it was a simple question. I knew what divegeester was talking about. Simple question.. and you two giving (and not giving) 'shifting' answers. Anyway, why am I propping you up again? Oh thats right. Its starting to get annoying. ...[text shortened]... cares what you sound like? Answer the question and move on.

(Your welcome in advance 😉 )
what you 'think', Karoly Poly and what is reality are two different ideals. His question was ill conceived at best and as we endeavoured to try to answer it , it constantly changed. why, because he was assigning values to us that we do not profess, for example, do i need to join Jehovah witnesses to get to heaven? huh? clearly many were accepted to heaven before the conception of our modern day organisation, so it changed, what do i need to do to be saved from hell, wel actually dude we don't believe in hell, a yes or no will do, hello! we don't believe in hell, then it was changed, do i need to join to get salvation, well now saved from what?, saved from hell, we dont actually believe in hell! saved from Armageddon, yes, you do need to be a part of the modern day organisation. You may notice although i have no hope that you will do it objectively for that would take a degree of honesty and discernment, that the question at its original manifestation is completely different from its final manifestation and we are now in a position of having to answer four or five different question. He was uninterested in reason as his insistence on a yes or no answer stipulated.

yes indeed who does care what you sound like, perhaps one day you shall post something with a spiritual dimension instead of gossiping like an old house wife, reflection of an empty world i suggest, but then again, who cares what i think.