
The "Space Alien" thing


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16 Feb 08
29 Aug 17

Originally posted by @sonship
Don't you ever stop to think about what it is you believe?

Stopping to think what I believe is not stopping to think of your take on everything.
Stopping to think what I believe is not stopping to decide to disbelieve what the word of Jesus Christ was.

I don't stop to think what I believe with a pair of scissors to cut verses out o ...[text shortened]... n" what I believe comes short of shutting my eyes and saying "It is not there, It is not there."
What believe is, as you said earlier, "about intereptation of words".
What you believe is a choice about god.
What you believe is horrendous, nonsensical and morally bankrupt.
What you believe brings christ into disrepute.

Yes you should stop and reconsider what you believe.

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16 Feb 08
29 Aug 17

Originally posted by @chaney3
Give it up FMF. You abandoned your weak faith.

Sonship provides a valuable voice here, and you are in NO position to challenge it.

You discarded God, you discarded Jesus.
Irony or what!

Have you decided whether or not you are a Christian chaney3?

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16 Feb 08
29 Aug 17

Originally posted by @sonship
"Negative glory" is not a good of a phrase.

But the fact remains that in judgment God was glorified. It the final crushing of Antichrist and his kingdom, the vision of the glory of God is striking.

[quote] [b] "And one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the fury of God, who lives forever and ever.

And ...[text shortened]... to me an indication that for God to BE God there will come a point where His judgment must fall.
None of these scriptures support your claim that god is glorified the the suffering of the lost in their eternal woe.

Just because the word "glory" appears in the scripture you have quote doesn't mean it's supports your premise in your OWN text.

You are completely misrepresenting the scripture.

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16 Feb 08
29 Aug 17

Originally posted by @chaney3
At one point in your past, you believed the same thing as sonship.

Now, that you have conveniently discarded your faith, you feel it's okay to challenge someone who STILL believes in the "GOD FIGURE" that you put in the dumpster.

You are a hypocrite of the worst kind.
So did you. In the first post you made on this website you said:

"I have always considered myself a Christian"

Later you denied having ever been one and and have been slagging off Christianity ever since.

You are a hypocrite.

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16 Feb 08
29 Aug 17

Originally posted by @sonship
The other possibility is that you just do not realize who it was who died on that cross laying down His life that we might not be judged but be saved.

Either you do not realize or you WILL not realize (probably some of both).

That that "figure" was someone more or less the same as Hitler, I am sure, is not the answer.
What you believe and preach is a stumbling block.

How do "the lost glorify him in their eternal woe"?

How does that work sonship?

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16 Feb 08
29 Aug 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship
These arguments capitalize on objectors knowing the precise details of eternal perdition more than we are told.

To be fair, sometimes believers also may submit details of the nature of eternal perdition beyond what they have been told.
Why are you using the word "perdition"? It's another catholic word and is not scriptural. Where do you get this from? You keep doing this and is odd.


26 Dec 14
29 Aug 17

Originally posted by @divegeester
So did you. In the first post you made on this website you said:

"I have always considered myself a Christian"

Later you denied having ever been one and and have been slagging off Christianity ever since.

You are a hypocrite.
I generally ignore posts when clear bias is involved.

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16 Feb 08
29 Aug 17

Originally posted by @chaney3
I generally ignore posts when clear bias is involved.
And yet here you are replying and at the same time dodging my spot on comment.

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03 Jan 13
29 Aug 17
7 edits

Originally posted by @divegeester
What you believe and preach is a stumbling block.

You found the offending paragraph. I am sure that if you examined the thread/s about the subject at that time you will see that that probably was not the FIRST paragraph I wrote on the argument. It probably came to drive home a point resisted vigorously for many posts.

Second, maybe it was not the best thing to say.
The repeated references to it to try to rub my face into it has been your idea.
You wish to make sure it stays in the public's attention.

I think if you were really concerned about the stumbling of people, you would not so gleefully pull out the your loose reference to it reminding me and everyone for years about it.

Third, Christ IS Himself a stone of stumbling to some unbelievers.
Some people simply will be stumbled at all Christ is, does, and speaks.

" For it is contained in Scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a cornerstone, chosen and precious, and he who believes on Him shall by no means be put to shame.

To you therefore who believe is the preciousness, but to t he unbelieving,

The stone which the builders rejected, this has become the head of the corner.

And, A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense who stumble at the word, being disobedient, to which also they were appointed.: (1 Peter 2:6-8; See Rom. 9:33; Isaiah 28:16)

I am not saying that all that causes stumbling is of God.
I am quoting that Jesus Christ Himself WILL be a cause of stumbling.

" And blessed is he who is not stumbled because of Me." (Matt. 11:6)

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03 Jan 13
29 Aug 17

If a man is offended and stumbled by what Jesus said, the best thing is to go to God in prayer and have a good honest talk about it. It is better to pray to God that you admit that you just cannot take something that Christ said.

You will receive grace and new eyes to see.
And I think you should persist in dealing with God until you have a break through.

How do "the lost glorify him in their eternal woe"?

That expression was the way I read it and freely used it.
While harsh it is not unbiblical.

I have given up any idea that God NOT passing final judgment will either be righteous of Him or bring glory to Himself. It must be that a by-product of an ultimate Governor and freedom to reject the ultimate Governor gives rise to the greatest possible wrongdoing.

Jesus spoke of " an eternal sin."

Mark 3:28-30: "Truly I tell you, all sins and blasphemes will be forgiven for the sons of men. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin. He said this because they [the Pharisees] were saying, 'He has an evil spirit'."

I do not claim to completely understand the passage.
But I think I understand the principle of the passage. It is possible to for a creation of God to commit a sin which is an eternal one.

The One Who died for us was God become a man.
As far as it is possible for us to understand the mystery of an uncreated Person - God laid down Himself in the form of a man to save us from God's infinite and perfect ultimate-ness in rightness.

There must be a greatest possible crime.
I am glad that before I was born God made provision for the danger of appearing before God unjustified.

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03 Jan 13
29 Aug 17

How does that work sonship?

The Son of God said that He was that rock that is the cornerstone of the eternal kingdom of God. He will both positively break and negatively crush.

" Jesus said to them, Have you never read in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, this has become the head of the corner. This was from the Lord, and is marvelous in our eyes....

And he who falls on this stone shall be broken to pieces, but on whomever it falls, it shall crush him to powder and scatter him like shaft." (Matt. 21:42,44)


28 Oct 05
29 Aug 17

Originally posted by @sonship
There must be a greatest possible crime.
And what is it? Not being a Christian - is that the greatest crime?

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03 Jan 13
29 Aug 17
2 edits

Originally posted by @divegeester
And yet here you are replying and at the same time dodging my spot on comment.
Have you answered my question to you, put perhaps a half a dozen times by now.

If your interpretation turns out to be wrong and there is the eternal punishment of some kind other than annhilation into non-existence -

Will you prefer in your heart to be with Satan and all his followers in "unfair" condemnation instead of be with God in His unrighteous kingdom ?

Will you surmise in your heart that all the accusations from Satan against God must have turned out to be true ?

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16 Feb 08
29 Aug 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship
"the lost will glorify Jesus in their endless woe"
What you preach brings the gospel and Christ into disrepute.


28 Oct 05
29 Aug 17

Originally posted by @sonship
Have you answered my question to you, put perhaps a half a dozen times by now.

If your interpretation turns out to be wrong and there is the eternal punishment of some kind other than annhilation into non-existence -

Will you prefer in your heart to be with Satan and all his followers in "unfair" condemnation instead of be with God in His unrighteous ...[text shortened]... in your heart that all the accusations from Satan against God must have turned out to be true ?
Here's a question in the same spirit. What if it turned out that your torturer god ideology was the work of the "Satan" figure you believe in?