Proper Christian living in a multi-religious context

Proper Christian living in a multi-religious context


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20 Mar 07
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by whodey
Hmm. Preach the gospel without offending anyone. Is this even possible Biblically? My thinking is, the only cats who came after Christ were the "religious". In short, he exposed their hypocrisy and their lack of love for their fellow man. In short, all you can do is tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may.
Preach the gospel without offending anyone. Is this even possible Biblically?

I agree, the Gospel ought to be offensive to sinners; if it isn't, then it hasn't been understood correctly. But I'm not talking about how people react to the Gospel itself. My point is that it is possible to offend unnecessarily.


20 Mar 07
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by FMF
I would have thought Christians ought to treat the people with different belief systems as if they might be right and Christians might be wrong. Isn't faith all about maintaining an open heart? And isn't one of the most amazing human qualities our ability to maintain an open mind? Isn't humility virtue?
I don't think you understand faith. You seem to think it's akin to some kind of state of religious indifference, wherein one's choice of beliefs is retained only halfheartedly.


20 Mar 07
04 Jan 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no answer Epi? yes you are correct, the position is inexcusable, i wouldn't touch it either!
I'm just pointing out the obvious, that it is completely unnecessary to condemn. Just take it down a notch.


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by epiphinehas
I'm just pointing out the obvious, that it is completely unnecessary to condemn. Just take it down a notch.
but i was incensed at the lack of fellow feeling, for a Christian its almost inexcusable. Indeed how are we to excuse it? you must correct me if i am wrong Epi, it just seemed so , well devoid of any semblance of humanity. if it struck you as condemnatory , well so it should have been, did not Paul publicly condemn Peter for his pretence of eating only with the Jews while living his life as a person of the nations?

(Galatians 2:11-14) . . .However, when Cephas came to Antioch, I resisted him face to face, because he stood condemned. For before the arrival of certain men from James, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he went withdrawing and separating himself, in fear of those of the circumcised class.  The rest of the Jews also joined him in putting on this pretense, so that even Barnabas was led along with them in their pretense. But when I saw they were not walking straight according to the truth of the good news, I said to Cephas before them all: “If you, though you are a Jew, live as the nations do, and not as Jews do, how is it that you are compelling people of the nations to live according to Jewish practice?”


28 Oct 05
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by epiphinehas
I don't think you understand faith. You seem to think ... ...
... you seem to think ...... ... [something of epiphinehas' own design projected onto me]. Well done.

I do understand faith. It is my understanding of faith that enabled me to make the suggestion that I did.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
sorry i read the first few words and could take no more, i leave you to your example of compassion!
Don't worry about it, little guy! I know it's all about emotion for you, so it's often difficult for you to see truth--- even when it's hitting you in the mouth. You'll wake up eventually: I'm certain of it.


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Don't worry about it, little guy! I know it's all about emotion for you, so it's often difficult for you to see truth--- even when it's hitting you in the mouth. You'll wake up eventually: I'm certain of it.
no its not all about emotion, i have a faith based on reason, that is why i am able and indeed willing to reason with people, you on the other hand seem intent simply to point the cannon and fire cannonballs. i am not the only one to recognise this hypocritical act, unfitting for a Christian and as far removed from the Christ as you can get. Epi to his credit has tried his very best to be diplomatic and to shield you from condemnation, but your own words have condemned you, for out of the hearts abundance, the mouth speaks! thank you for pontificating to me from your throne of self righteousness, we may now add condescension to your ever growing list of 'ahem', christian qualities, although i use the word with reservation.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by FMF
... you seem to think ...... ... [something of epiphinehas' own design projected onto me]. Well done.

I do understand faith. It is my understanding of faith that enabled me to make the suggestion that I did.[/b]
I do understand faith. It is my understanding of faith that enabled me to make the suggestion that I did.
Excuse the interruption, as I know you addressed someone else with the issue, but I think you are confusing non-biblical concepts with biblical mandates. When Paul spoke of having an open heart toward the Corinthians, he said that he was speaking in a personal manner--- as a parent toward his children.

Christians are nowhere commanded to have an "open heart" toward other religions. In fact the very you-might-be-right-and-I-might-be-wrong approach toward another lost in a religious system is the exact opposite position for a Christian to be presenting. That is not to say that one comes in guns blazing, either. Every person ought to be accorded the respect due them.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no its not all about emotion, i have a faith based on reason, that is why i am able and indeed willing to reason with people, you on the other hand seem intent simply to point the cannon and fire cannonballs. i am not the only one to recognise this hypocritical act, unfitting for a Christian and as far removed from the Christ as you can get. Epi to ...[text shortened]... r ever growing list of 'ahem', christian qualities, although i use the word with reservation.
Okay, if you think so. But it's difficult to consider what you employ as 'reason.' Repeatedly, you have been objectively shown to be flat-out wrong on various issues, and your response has consistently been diversion, finger-pointing and (comical) ad hominem attacks. Hardly the earmarks of a reasonable approach toward faith. Like everyone else on the planet who has come to a position regarding certain aspects of their beliefs, you are entrenched in the positions you hold. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, and I find myself in the same position.

However, the difference between say, you and me, is that I am able to reason with others about my stance on various positions, whereas your primary reaction is as stated above. If we were in a court of law arguing the opposing sides of a fill-in-the-blank issue, your side would lose every time--- even if it were right! Why? Because you argue like a child: insistent on your having your way, instead of exposing and considering the pertinent issues of the case. You may as well be protesting to the judge and jury about how opposing counsel has stinky pants, for the effectiveness of your arguments otherwise.

Even here, where you consider me 'hypocritical' and 'as far removed from the Christ as you can get,' your assessment doesn't ring true. Previously, I offered no less than three direct quotes from the Gospel of Matthew, wherein the Lord Jesus Christ was verbally and graphically condemning a group of people who themselves were standing in opposition to truth... in public, no less! And yet, according to you, such insulting language is un-Christ-like! A tad irreconcilable, don't you think?


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Okay, if you think so. But it's difficult to consider what you employ as 'reason.' Repeatedly, you have been objectively shown to be flat-out wrong on various issues, and your response has consistently been diversion, finger-pointing and (comical) ad hominem attacks. Hardly the earmarks of a reasonable approach toward faith. Like everyone else on the p ...[text shortened]... you, such insulting language is un-Christ-like! A tad irreconcilable, don't you think?
thankyou however i am perfectly capable of seeing the rafter in my own eye. if i ever need it plucking out, i know where to come,

FreakyKBH, rafter removal service, no rafter too large no straw too small!


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
thankyou however i am perfectly capable of seeing the rafter in my own eye. if i ever need it plucking out, i know where to come,

FreakyKBH, rafter removal service, no rafter too large no straw too small!
Off-base again. My discussions with you have had nothing whatsoever to do with your ability to live the Christian life--- as your have pointedly been toward me.

Instead, my discussions with you have been whether certain beliefs are even part of the Christian doctrine. That you are unable to see the difference is (yet again) no surprise.

02 Feb 06
04 Jan 10
2 edits

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Okay, if you think so. But it's difficult to consider what you employ as 'reason.' Repeatedly, you have been objectively shown to be flat-out wrong on various issues, and your response has consistently been diversion, finger-pointing and (comical) ad hominem attacks. Hardly the earmarks of a reasonable approach toward faith. Like everyone else on the p you, such insulting language is un-Christ-like! A tad irreconcilable, don't you think?
I don't know if any Christian on this cares what a non-Christian has to say. So I apologize for the intrusion. I generally read Christian threads out of interest and why shouldn't I? If you are interested at all in human history you cannot ignore Christianity and it's affect on the world. I also would say to those that suggest that a Christian should not take in interest in other religions that by burying your head in the sand you are missing out on having a better understanding of history. A Christian may very well think that a heathen religion is invalid or even ridiculous for example but it is part of our history like it or not and to gain an understanding of it is to gain a better understanding of ourselves. If you think Christianity, as it spread to various parts of the world, simply occupied a spiritual vacuum then you are incorrect. In many cases it blended with the existing spiritual beliefs and folk customs. Just look at Christmas and Easter for example.

As I read through this thread and watch the exchange between Robbie and Freaky in particular it reminds me that I, as a heathen, should be very careful whom I openly discuss my religious beliefs with. It's one thing to talk openly about it on a forum like this where nobody really knows you and has no real influence in your life but out in the real world (i.e. in the workplace, amongst family, etc.) it can be a very different story. When I read comments by Freaky about other beliefs being "crap from a sewer" it is a stark reminder that there are people in this world that would denigrate you and possibly do you harm in some way if you are too open with them about your religious views. Sad to say but true. I disagree with Robbie on many things (Noah's ark, evolution, etc.) but I at least agree with him on his condemnation of some of Freaky's comments. My religous beliefs are not hostile to Christianity. I would suggest do not create an enemy where one does not exist.


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Off-base again. My discussions with you have had nothing whatsoever to do with your ability to live the Christian life--- as your have pointedly been toward me.

Instead, my discussions with you have been whether certain beliefs are even part of the Christian doctrine. That you are unable to see the difference is (yet again) no surprise.
thanks, shall i send you a personal cheque or pay with paypal.


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by Ullr
I don't know if any Christian on this cares what a non-Christian has to say. So I apologize for the intrusion. I generally read Christian threads out of interest and why shouldn't I? If you are interested at all in human history you cannot ignore Christianity and it's affect on the world. I also would say to those that suggest that a Christian should not ta ...[text shortened]... stile to Christianity. I would suggest do not create an enemy where one does not exist.
Yes you and i have different evaluations and more often than not we have disagreed Ullr, but it does not mean that yours evaluations are any less valid than mine, does it?

Hmmm . . .

19 Jan 04
04 Jan 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
[b]Are you really that utterly contemptuous of any religious view but your own?
Way to paint me into a corner, v! Kind of hard to backpedal from that position, now isn't it?

Well, I'll give it a shot. I take rc's position to mean that we should be reconciliatory in our approach as it relates to our beliefs--- almost as though he is suggesting tha ...[text shortened]... to its intended original state... emphatically not the opposing beliefs, however.[/b]
Well, I can’t paint you (or anyone) into a corner; we paint ourselves into corners. I was taken aback by the harshness of your comments, that’s all. Hence my question—which I chose to ask in order in order to clear the air if I was misreading/misrepresenting you, and which you answered. A pointed question to be sure, reflecting how I read the post I was responding to.

Now, I’ll let you guys debate over “proper Christian living in a multi-religious context”. I likely should not have intruded to begin with.