Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance


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Club 64

03 Sep 06
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by xpoferens
You need more faith (blind faith) to believe in evolution than to believe in God the creator.

Does life come from non-life? Has it been proven?

Did "nothing" turn into matter? Has it been proven?

Well, just the opposite, since both would contradict science laws.

If nevertheless both things happened, then it could only be caused by someone that created the laws.

You prove a good point....


Gangster Land

26 Mar 04
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by xpoferens
You need more faith (blind faith) to believe in evolution than to believe in God the creator.

Does life come from non-life? Has it been proven?

Did "nothing" turn into matter? Has it been proven?

Well, just the opposite, since both would contradict science laws.

If nevertheless both things happened, then it could only be caused by someone that created the laws.

Good grief.

How about the topic at hand. Do you believe non-Christians should have to lie when they repeat the national statement of patriotism?



Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by Tooner
... and really, who can take at face value ANYTHING said in the bible. With the emmense corruption of text (intentional or just mis-annotating). Some of the hundreds of changes since conception can be found here:

Just research a bit and you'll see how much the bible has been corrupted by christians, mostly in various councils.
I'd dare say that Terry Watkins is no authority (recognized consensually or not) on the documents upon which the Bible is based. Translation differences notwithstanding, the manuscripts we are in possession of have proven themselves to be exceedingly reliable, time after time.



21 Dec 05
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by xpoferens
You need more faith (blind faith) to believe in evolution than to believe in God the creator.

Does life come from non-life? Has it been proven?

Did "nothing" turn into matter? Has it been proven?

Well, just the opposite, since both would contradict science laws.

If nevertheless both things happened, then it could only be caused by someone that created the laws.

Just because we don't have a solution, doesn't mean there isn't one. It's human nature to think God did it if we don't understand or can't find an answer. Like my earlier post, we used to think the sun was pulled around by chariot... until we learned more about the universe we reside. There are certainly endless amounts of knowledge that we'll never acquire in our current state. Doesn't mean there aren't other states, but to say there is a GOD is to say there is SOMETHING. If there is SOMETHING, then the duality is that there is also something that ISN'T. But I could be wrong as I am only a semi-god.

God, for the lack of a better term, is all that is, and all that isn't.

Anyway, how about that pledge of allegiance?

I would say, overall, if one doesn't like the word 'God' in the pledge, then don't say God when you say the pledge. Even in court, one can say "I affirm" without having to put their hand on the bible and swear to a god in which they don't believe.


Club 64

03 Sep 06
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by TheSkipper
Good grief.

How about the topic at hand. Do you believe non-Christians should have to lie when they repeat the national statement of patriotism?

I guess, for non-Christians, that it's just become more of a habit of saying the pledge in school than anything else......

Possibly, for us Christians, it means something more.....

That's all I have to say about the matter for now......


Club 64

03 Sep 06
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I'd dare say that Terry Watkins is no authority (recognized consensually or not) on the documents upon which the Bible is based. Translation differences notwithstanding, the manuscripts we are in possession of have proven themselves to be exceedingly reliable, time after time.
you couldn't be more right.....


Gangster Land

26 Mar 04
12 Sep 06


I just found out from a different thread that you are 15. Considering your age i wonder if you would allow me to offer you some advice. I will tell you that had i been offered the same advice (and followed it) when I was your age it would have saved me a great deal of grief and frustration.

1. Concerning religion - keep an open mind!
2. Pay attention when your english teacher covers grammer and spelling.
3. Don't eat fast food.
4. Play a sport in highschool.
5. Remember that women are people too and there is no more reason to be nervous around them as there is around "the guys".




27 Apr 05
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by Ironstar
You prove a good point....
There is no "proof" there. Do not be absurd. This is the simple rantings of someone who (a) does not understand the first thing about science, and (b) is out to try and score a point for their world view. None of this "proves" God anyway - it could have been Muffy, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


With White Women

31 Jul 01
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by Ironstar
I guess, for non-Christians, that it's just become more of a habit of saying the pledge in school than anything else......

Possibly, for us Christians, it means something more.....

That's all I have to say about the matter for now......
As a Christian, which means more to you or carries more weight? The Pledge of Allegiance or The Lord's Prayer?



27 Apr 05
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by Ironstar
A friend of mine asked me the question "should the words 'under God' be taken out of the pledge of allegiance?" I don't think so. After all, our country was founded by Christian people, and God has indeed blessed us as a country, though we may not sometimes see it.....
Well, by retaining it you are stipulating that it is a Christian country. However, that seems very unfair to the atheists, muslims, agnostics, hindus, buddhists, taoists, shintoists, aboriginies, maori, and all other religions that live in your country with its so called separation of church and state.



21 Aug 06
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by scottishinnz
There is no "proof" there. Do not be absurd. This is the simple rantings of someone who (a) does not understand the first thing about science, and (b) is out to try and score a point for their world view. None of this "proves" God anyway - it could have been Muffy, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
What do you know scottshinnz?


Cosmologist Stephen Hawking stresses, “It seems clear that there are relatively few ranges of values [for these coincidences] that would allow the development of any form of intelligent life.”[2]) Thus, more than a few scientists think that this chain of “coincidences” could at the very least suggest the work of a Creator or “creative force.” Hawking, one of the world’s most respected cosmologists, remarks, “I think there are clearly religious implications whenever you start to discuss the origins of the universe. There must be religious overtones. But I think most scientists prefer to shy away from the religious side of it.”



21 Dec 05
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by scottishinnz
There is no "proof" there. Do not be absurd. This is the simple rantings of someone who (a) does not understand the first thing about science, and (b) is out to try and score a point for their world view. None of this "proves" God anyway - it could have been Muffy, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
... and for those interesting in learning more about the fascinating Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster see:

Too funny. A virtual rec goes to scottishinnz!



27 Apr 05
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by Ironstar
The beginning of the Declaration of Independence does state that we "are endowed by our Creator, with certain, inalienable rights...". Who else could our Creator? GOD. Since it's in the Declaration of Independence, the main document of this country (along with the Constitution), that would lead a lot of other countries to believe that we probably were founded by Christian why take "under God" out?
Could be Allah. Or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Feel free to try and prove me wrong.


Gangster Land

26 Mar 04
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by Ironstar
I guess, for non-Christians, that it's just become more of a habit of saying the pledge in school than anything else......

Possibly, for us Christians, it means something more.....

That's all I have to say about the matter for now......
My whole point is that the national pledge of patriotism *should not* mean more to Christians than everyone else! Not if we are going to continue to pretend to have freedom of religion in this country.

What do you mean that is all you have to say about it for now? I hope it means you are going to give the matter some more thought, I have tons of respect for people your age who are willing to give things more thought.




27 Apr 05
12 Sep 06

Originally posted by xpoferens
What do you know scottshinnz?


Cosmologist Stephen Hawking stresses, “It seems clear that there are relatively few ranges of values [for these coincidences] that would allow the development of any form of intelligent life.”[2]) Thus, more than a few scientists think that this chain of “coincidences” could at the very least suggest the work of a ...[text shortened]... igious overtones. But I think most scientists prefer to shy away from the religious side of it.”
Yes, and he's being disingenious. This is a very common argument, the name of which has slipped my mind. The present state of the universe ONLY TELLS YOU THAT THIS IS THE PRESENT STATE OF THE UNIVERSE. In another billion universes, this conversation is being had by two protons, thanking their creator, the holy neutron. In another couple of hundred million universes, both you and I have compound eyes, and eat sugar. It makes no difference.

The long and short of it is thus. The fact that we exists only proves that the universe exists in such a way that we can exist, BUT CANNOT INFORM YOU AS TO WHY THAT CONDITION EXISTS. Indeed, "why" is, in my opinion a heavily loaded question.