No need to be like Christ ?

No need to be like Christ ?


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on the payroll

26 Nov 04
23 Aug 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
In another thread, I said : :"Jesus is the model of righteousness and His teachings leads one to living righteously. But he now goes back to God. The Holy Spirit will now serve as the model that Christians can emulate "

Sonship says : "Where are we told to "emulate" Jesus ?"

Do Christians share this view of sonship, that we are not required to emulate [meaning to imitate or try to be like] Jesus.Christ.
Context matters.

I have not read the previous discussion, but I am betting that he didn't use it with the meaning you are ascribing.

16 Feb 08
23 Aug 16

Originally posted by chaney3
So much for debate and discussion?? Pussy!!!

Suzianne is correct about you. When you disapprove of a topic or opinion, you act just like a pussy!!

If Jesus drank all, it is quite possible He got drunk. I asked questions about it. If you don't like it...fukk off pussy!!!!
As I said, what about my replies to your other posts?



26 Dec 14
23 Aug 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I think the point is valid. Jesus is every Christians exemplar. In the case of alcohol, specifically wine, there is no question that the Christ enjoyed a glass probably with a meal. There is however no basis to the idea that he was ever intoxicated because he was sinless. Drinking wine or alcohol to the point of intoxication is unbalanced and a fo ...[text shortened]... e of balance and moderation and if we strive to be like him we can avoid many hurtful scenarios.
Hey Robbie, thanks for the reply. "Sinless" is the key word I took from what you wrote. It seems Jesus did drink wine, but your explanation regarding being intoxicated, and how that could be considered sin, would seem that He didn't get drunk. I initially asked the question of why Jesus may have been called a drunkard in Matthew 11:19, and felt it a topic of interest.

Dive could have answered in a manner such as you, but he's a fake Christian and preferred to call me a dickhead instead. I guess that was easier to do than to dwell on a difcicult and sensitive topic such as Jesus, the Savior being accused of a drunkard. Again, Matthew wrote it and Jesus said it.


26 Dec 14
23 Aug 16

Originally posted by divegeester
As I said, what about my replies to your other posts?

What are you talking about??


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Aug 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
but you rather believe the mumbo jumbo doctrine of Witness Lee :

Produce three testimonials from Christians declaring they got as much help from your "ministry" as these did from the ministry of Brother Witness Lee.

From Denver Colorado

Finding the Central Line

I was raised Roman Catholic but I was not saved until I was twenty-six. Although I attended Catholic schools and Catholic religious classes, there was a huge void deep inside that still wasn't filled. Within me, there was a yearning to know the purpose concerning my existence and the destiny of mankind. However, due to frustrations with family and my Catholic religious background, I gave up pursuing these questions for years.

As a student at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, I met the brothers and sisters in the local church. In addition to my university studies, I felt I needed to read the Bible, to know the Bible, and overcome my ignorance in the Bible. I was invited into the homes of these dear Christians. I was warmly welcomed and spent much time with them to read the Bible. I was quite impressed by their knowledge of the Bible and their clear understanding of God's purpose as revealed in the Bible.

During my 13 years of continually meeting with the saints in the local churches, I myself have become clear about God's purpose in the Bible. I have been helped to know Christ and to grow in Christ. Over the years, I have actively attended meetings in 3 different cities. Every local church that I have met with has been marvelous.

Knowing the Sweetness of the Unlimited Christ

Before contacting the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, I was only a nominal Christian. I was saved at the age of 26 when I was a student attending Texas A&M University. I was raised Catholic but I never remember hearing the words `experiencing Christ' `enjoying Christ,' nor did I ever hear anything about it being possible. I attended the meetings of other Protestant denominations but I never heard such terms either. The ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee was the first ministry that I had encountered where Christ was presented in such a sweet way that one would want to experience Christ, one would want to enjoy Christ, and one would want to live Christ. After I started reading the Life-Study messages of Matthew by Witness Lee, I began to tell the Lord that I loved Him. That was a first for me. Eventually, I could even tell people that I loved the Lord Jesus. The ministry of Witness Lee and Watchman Nee presented Christ to me from the Bible in such a sweet and endearing way.

From Arlington Texas

Oh, What Joy!

I am a middle-aged wife, mother, and preschool teacher who has been meeting in the local churches since my late twenties. Raised in a large Catholic family, I tried a variety of religious denominations, experimented with Eastern ideologies, and humanitarian philosophy, and then tasted the hollowness of worldly entertainments before eventually (Oh, What Joy!) I found the Christ Who's all in all, with Christians whose sincere desire was to find and experience the Truth of the Word of God--not counting the cost. I had found the local churches as in the book of Acts. Hallelujah!

Here I truly experience the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13:14). Day by day I learn more and more to know this wonderful Triune God Who came down out of heaven in Christ to be food to me (John 6:51). Now I am being built together with other believers into His body that He may have a way to be expressed on this Earth. He is the Head, we are His Body. His very life is in me, refreshing me, renewing me, inwardly strengthening, enlightening, spreading into and occupying my inward parts, and transforming me into His own image.

How I praise Him for introducing me to the wonderful riches of the New Testament through Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. God has used them to speak to His churches in this age.

From Middlebouh, Mass

You Can Enjoy God

I will never forget the first time that I attended a meeting with the believers in the local church. One of the brothers came to me after the meeting and fellowshipped with me that God wants us to enjoy Him. I had never been told that I could enjoy God.

I grew up in Catholicism and was a very devout Catholic. I went to mass every Sunday and I attended parochial school, I was an altar boy and even became a deacon in the Catholic church. Even with all of this, my aunt would always say to me, “You will never be happy until you receive the Lord.” I never understood her words until one day I opened up from the depths of my being and invited the Lord to come and live inside of me. From then on, I loved the Lord and I had a yearning in my heart to cooperate with the Lord in what He was doing on the earth today.

Almost 23 years ago, I attended my first meeting of the local church. I heard at that meeting that I not only could enjoy the Lord, but that the God of the universe has an eternal purpose and each and every Christian on the face of the earth can be part of it. God desires to have a group of people on the earth that love Him and enjoy Him daily and who desire to express Him corporately as His Church today and eternally as the New Jerusalem.

I can testify that I have been enjoying the Lord and growing in Him daily for the past 23 years and, by His mercy, I will continue to cooperate with Him for the rest of my life. I can also testify that the truths that are revealed in God's Word have been given to me in a genuine and Spirit-filled way.

Copied without permission from

16 Feb 08
23 Aug 16

Originally posted by chaney3
What are you talking about??

I'm asking you if you want to respond to the their replies I made to your posts. Not difficult.

16 Feb 08
23 Aug 16

Originally posted by chaney3
Hey Robbie, thanks for the reply. "Sinless" is the key word I took from what you wrote. It seems Jesus did drink wine, but your explanation regarding being intoxicated, and how that could be considered sin, would seem that He didn't get drunk. I initially asked the question of why Jesus may have been called a drunkard in Matthew 11:19, and felt it a topic of ...[text shortened]... uch as Jesus, the Savior being accused of a drunkard. Again, Matthew wrote it and Jesus said it.
Lol. Good luck getting a satisfactory response.


26 Aug 07
23 Aug 16
1 edit

Originally posted by chaney3
Hey Robbie, thanks for the reply. "Sinless" is the key word I took from what you wrote. It seems Jesus did drink wine, but your explanation regarding being intoxicated, and how that could be considered sin, would seem that He didn't get drunk. I initially asked the question of why Jesus may have been called a drunkard in Matthew 11:19, and felt it a topic of ...[text shortened]... uch as Jesus, the Savior being accused of a drunkard. Again, Matthew wrote it and Jesus said it.
yeah its an interesting phenomena. I think it has to do with Jewish culture and being seen to be pious. Alcohol is associated with drunkenness and therefore debauchery and immorality which of course is simply nonsense. Italian and French kids are given wine with their meals. Infact in Italy wine is delivered by a tanker and families simply take a large container and fill it up and consume it during meal times. Even in my own culture there is a prevalence that alcohol is immoral and a Calvinistic attitude that 'drinking and dancing will be the ruination of Scotland'. No doubt we have problems but as I stated previously over indulgence usually has some other underlying problem. Being tea total and being an alcoholic are simply two ends of a spectrum and as Christians we are free to enjoy it in moderation.

16 Feb 08
23 Aug 16
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yeah its an interesting phenomena. I think it has to do with Jewish culture and being seen to be pious. Alcohol is associated with drunkenness and therefore debauchery and immorality which of course is simply nonsense. Italian and French kids are given wine with their meals. Infact in Italy wine is delivered by a tanker and families simply take a l ...[text shortened]... holic are simply two ends of a spectrum and as Christians we are free to enjoy it in moderation.
All this somewhat incongruous spiel, and yet you frequently taunt Very Rusty in the general forum with alcohol banter, knowing full well he is a confessed alcoholic. Come the time when Chaney3 happens to find himself on the wrong side of your ridiculous and retarded clan forum banter (as Very Rusty is), will he also become another victim of your unprincipled and indiscriminate "robbie banter"?


26 Aug 07
23 Aug 16
3 edits

Originally posted by chaney3
Hey Robbie, thanks for the reply. "Sinless" is the key word I took from what you wrote. It seems Jesus did drink wine, but your explanation regarding being intoxicated, and how that could be considered sin, would seem that He didn't get drunk. I initially asked the question of why Jesus may have been called a drunkard in Matthew 11:19, and felt it a topic of ...[text shortened]... uch as Jesus, the Savior being accused of a drunkard. Again, Matthew wrote it and Jesus said it.
There is an argument that has been proffered that the wine which Jesus drank was not fermented and thus non alcoholic but this does not hold up, if you crush grapes the skin has a natural yeast which will ferment the grape juice even if you just leave it to stand by itself adding nothing.

There is also a very interesting point made by Barnes that not even the most pious innocence is not a safeguard against gossip and reproach.


26 Aug 07
23 Aug 16
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
All this somewhat incongruous spiel, and yet you frequently taunt Very Rusty in the general forum with alcohol banter, knowing full well he is a confessed alcoholic. Come the time when Chaney3 happens to find himself on the wrong side of your ridiculous and retarded clan forum banter (as Very Rusty is), will he also become another victim of your unprincipled and indiscriminate "robbie banter"?
Your text is unworthy of anyone's attention just the usual dreary fingerpointing nothingness and seeing how you have expressed yourself so far if I was you I would remain quite for your text above is a disgrace to anyone calling themselves a Christian.

16 Feb 08
23 Aug 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Your text is unworthy of anyone's attention just the usual dreary fingerpointing nothingness and seeing how you have expressed yourself so far if I was you I would remain quite for your text above is a disgrace to anyone calling themselves a Christian.
Well "anyone" can make their own mind about that.

Meanwhile, you can continue to challenge me on calling you out for being an unprincipled spiritual invertibrate,


26 Aug 07
23 Aug 16
5 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
Well "anyone" can make their own mind about that.

Meanwhile, you can continue to challenge me on calling you out for being an unprincipled spiritual invertibrate,
Your dreary finger pointing is hackneyed, unoriginal, banal, predictable, intellectually stifling
and anti Christian. Take a look at yourself, take a good long hard look at yourself. Is this
really al you have to offer this online community? Is it, really?

16 Feb 08
23 Aug 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Your dreary finger pointing is hackneyed, unoriginal, banal, predictable, intellectually stifling
and anti Christian. Take a look at yourself, take a good long hard look at yourself.
Are you going to stop aiming cruel alcohol jibes at Very Rusty?


26 Aug 07
23 Aug 16
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you going to stop aiming cruel alcohol jibes at Very Rusty?
another intellectually stifling, banal, predictable and dreary loaded question which contains
a rather plastic and transparent assumption of guilt, turn up the tone, seriously you are
coming across like a braying donkey. Perhaps someone can help you with the concept of a spirituality forum where things of a spiritual nature are discussed, you seem intent to reduce it to drivel at every turn.