masturbation makes you gay

masturbation makes you gay


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26 Aug 07
14 Feb 13
2 edits

'it cultivates wrong thinking do you see that phrase? where is wrong thinking cultivated? that's correct, in the mind and that leads to what according to the article wrong desire which leads to what? wrong action, fornication and/or homosexuality

now its not my fault your powers or reading comprehension seem to be minimal and that you could not discern this self evident detail, perhaps reading the beano and the dandy has left some kind of deficiency that needs to be addressed, who can say?

No we wont get there as long as your reading comprehension remains so thoroughly poor, one needs to interpret almost every piece of data simply so you an grasp its implications. Learn to read and understand what it is you are reading, who knows, you may do better? You could hardy do any worse.

16 Jan 07
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
thanks the matter is perfectly clear in my mind, i dont want nor need your help. Condescension is never becoming.
ive over stepped the mark, i apologize. too much too soon. i guess you dont need accuracy and a balanced view when spending time pontificating to the converted.

ooh 'paranoid android' has just come on the radio, how fitting.

16 Jan 07
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
'[b]it cultivates wrong thinking do you see that phrase? where is wrong thinking cultivated? that's correct, in the mind and that leads to what according to the article wrong desire which leads to what? wrong action, fornication and/or homosexuality

now its not my fault your powers or reading comprehension seem to be minimal a ...[text shortened]... stand what it is you are reading, who knows, you may do better? You could hardy do any worse.[/b]
is this for me?

like i said robbie, im not here to argue and you have stated you dont need my help so ill leave you be. if you want some help explaining the errors in your last post give me a shout id be more than happy to contribute to your educational needs.


26 Aug 07
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
is this for me?

like i said robbie, im not here to argue and you have stated you dont need my help so ill leave you be. if you want some help explaining the errors in your last post give me a shout id be more than happy to contribute to your educational needs.
we have helped thousands of persons to read, perhaps you can be one of them, its free.

16 Jan 07
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
we have helped thousands of persons to read, perhaps you can be one of them, its free.
its a very kind offer. ill decline though. im not sure you mean reading, i think you were actually questioning my ability to comprehend.


28 Oct 05
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
[the] unproven assumption that sexuality is immutable
What percentage of homosexuals do you think can become heterosexuals through therapy? Less than 1%? Between 1% and 2%? Between 2% and 5%? More than that? What would be your estimate?


28 Oct 05
14 Feb 13
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
[the] unproven assumption that sexuality is immutable
Would you accept that the sexuality of those homosexuals who are unable to change themselves into heterosexuals, as much as they might seek to, and even with therapy, is "immutable"?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
If one is inclined towards persons of the same sex and who fantasise about persons of the same sex which i assume they must do when masturbating, yes, i think its possible. The article makes it clear that if a persons engages in sexual fantasises they may seek out other persons, i dare say that it has happened and may lead to a homosexual act.
So let me see if I understand what you wrote here correctly.

So, by the same token, are you also saying that masturbation can also lead to heterosexuality?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Its not news to me, you asked the question, you got the answer. I dont believe the once a homosexual always a homosexual, its nonsense. There is NO genetic evidence that predisposes one towards a particular sexuality, if there was, the the human gnome project would have identified a cause and here is news for you, they didn't find the so called gay ...[text shortened]... ality in such ludicrous terms, you got that? Good then perhaps you will come to terms with it.
As far as I know, a preference for broccoli over brussel sprouts isn't encoded in our DNA either.


26 Aug 07
14 Feb 13
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
As far as I know, a preference for broccoli over brussel sprouts isn't encoded in our DNA either.
well well well, is anyone other than Robbie prepared to defend the scriptural record, or must he stand alone, the all conquering hero of Biblical truth among a daemon infested forum of materialist, secular liberals and wishy washy luke warm Christians intent on his demise!


26 Aug 07
14 Feb 13
2 edits

Originally posted by Suzianne
So let me see if I understand what you wrote here correctly.

So, by the same token, are you also saying that masturbation can also lead to heterosexuality?
nope, i have explained the article, you may make reference to that, here it is again, sigh,

'it cultivates wrong thinking', do you see that phrase? where is wrong thinking cultivated? that's correct, in the mind and that leads to what according to the article wrong desire which leads to what? wrong action, fornication and/or homosexuality

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have already stated that there is no single empirically established and conclusive genetic causation for homosexual behaviour, how many time do you want me to repeat it. Why you cannot accept it is your affair, i am done arguing about it.
robbie, my point is that, if this is true, then there must be "no single empirically established and conclusive genetic causation for" heterosexual behavior, either. N'est-ce pas?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
nope, i have explained the article, you may make reference to that, here it is again, sigh,

'it cultivates wrong thinking', do you see that phrase? where is wrong thinking cultivated? that's correct, in the mind and that leads to what according to the article wrong desire which leads to what? wrong action, fornication and/or homosexuality
but I am not making reference to any article.

You were asked a question, and you answered. That is what I am referencing.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
well well well, is anyone other than Robbie prepared to defend the scriptural record, or must he stand alone, the all conquering hero of Biblical truth among a daemon infested forum of materialist, secular liberals and wishy washy luke warm Christians intent on his demise!
I would think a modern Christian, especially one who confronts the "unwashed masses" every day would have developed a thicker skin by now. 🙂


26 Aug 07
14 Feb 13

Originally posted by Suzianne
robbie, my point is that, if this is true, then there must be "no single empirically established and conclusive genetic causation for" heterosexual behavior, either. N'est-ce pas?
why are you equating an anomaly (homosexuality) with a normality (heterosexuality), clearly genetically we are designed to pass on the genetic blueprint to the next generation, this we are told is the purpose of procreation, homosexuality therefore makes no sense, so your analogy is essentially flawed, you are attempting to equate an anomaly with a normality, epic fail, unless of course you are willing to argue that genetically the blueprint is not to reproduce itself in the next generation.