killing in the name of

killing in the name of


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The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
02 Apr 12

Originally posted by Penguin
Well I didn't intend to so I apologise if I did. Maybe if you read the WLC link you can decide if you really do agree with his arguments.

The rest of my post was then trying to point out the flaw in his argument which is essentially that there is no way of telling the difference between a command from God and a hallucination of a command from God, which i ...[text shortened]... ry much hope that my own moral sense would prevent me obeying such a command.

--- Penguin.
I have faith that God would provide the means if such a thing were to occur. But
I do not believe it will. So I do not expect any problems because I know who I
believe in. HalleluYah !!! 😏

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
02 Apr 12

Originally posted by googlefudge
God likes people to be stoned because he's a sadist and likes them to suffer.
So THAT's why he invented marijuana.


01 Jun 06
04 Apr 12
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
I have faith that God would provide the means if such a thing were to occur. But
I do not believe it will. So I do not expect any problems because I know who I
believe in. HalleluYah !!! 😏
But how do you tell the difference between God providing the means and an illusion of God providing the means.

The whole point here is that for important decisions such as whether to follow a command to kill, you must must have some external verification that the command is real and not imagined.

I simply don't believe you have that, and your willingness to follow such a command without that verification is quite scary.

--- Penguin.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
04 Apr 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Penguin
But how do you tell the difference between God providing the means and an illusion of God providing the means.

The whole point here is that for important decisions such as whether to follow a command to kill, you [b]must
must have some external verification that the command is real and not imagined.

I simply don't believe you have that, and ...[text shortened]... willingness to follow such a command without that verification is quite scary.

--- Penguin.[/b]
very scary.

Especially if you cant distinguish the voices in your head.

The most nona fide "voices " I've trusted have been of a telepathic nature.

Also the messages are definately of a peaceful nature.
I believe I have had sufficient experiences of this sort -ie voices and telepathic communications to be able to distinguish.

There are the voices that come from inside your head. There are the voices that come from outside your head. And then there are the voices that are neither.
As for telepathy is is still a mystery for my rational mind, it is like I am transported to a different (higher ?) "dimension" to be able to receive these communications.
The fact that I can understand it in English is weird for my rational mind, but I can definetely receive and respond in English.
As for further explanation, I have trouble putting much that would make sense into words.
All I know , form direct experience, is that the nature of these "communications" are usually of a positive , holistic nature. Sometimes they are specific, (as to address a certain problem with my thinking), other times they are general, which sounds very wishy-washy and mushy when put into words, so I wont even try, suffice to say that when I'm "there" I feel no dualism of any sort.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
04 Apr 12

Originally posted by Penguin
But how do you tell the difference between God providing the means and an illusion of God providing the means.

The whole point here is that for important decisions such as whether to follow a command to kill, you [b]must
must have some external verification that the command is real and not imagined.

I simply don't believe you have that, and ...[text shortened]... willingness to follow such a command without that verification is quite scary.

--- Penguin.[/b]
In my opinion the question is imaginary from the beginning. So there is really
no need for further discussion on it.

31 May 06
04 Apr 12

Originally posted by karoly aczel
very scary.

Especially if you cant distinguish the voices in your head.

The most nona fide "voices " I've trusted have been of a telepathic nature.

Also the messages are definately of a peaceful nature.
I believe I have had sufficient experiences of this sort -ie voices and telepathic communications to be able to distinguish.

There are ...[text shortened]... o I wont even try, suffice to say that when I'm "there" I feel no dualism of any sort.
I worry about your grip on reality... Or rather your lack of it.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
04 Apr 12

Originally posted by sonhouse
So THAT's why he invented marijuana.
seriously i think "he" "invented" mary jane is to save the chronic drug users that have let the 'drug demons' take hold of them too badly-where they were in serious drug dependency issues ( usually opiates, but also amphetamines(although amphetamines only causes a psycological addiction ) , where their drug habits have threatened their families,their employment and worst of all their lives. Marijuana has saved many lives and kept many families together, this info comes ,as most of it does, from personal ,direct experiences of friends and aquaintences.
One of the main problems is peoples unwillingness to talk about this stuff.
Another is to justify other drug habits (like alcohol or cigarette addiction because it is legal)

I am perfectly willing to talk/answer any questions along these lines.

I can say this for sure , that back when I was about 25 , I had "saved" my r'ship through "dregging "(that is what we call scraping the black 'poo' from the bottom of the "billy"😉 my bong and getting my missus to smoke that (black s**t) when we had nothing (and she had a chronic pot habit).
I could see her eyes "widen" and a general calmness come over her where if I didn't do that that then she would have caused much damage , and attacked me physically, which could have led to all sorts of unwanted mischief.
In these 2 cases, I can definatly say that the black "poo" saved much grief.
(I admit it may have just been a band-aid remedy to an ongoing problem, but at the time it did the trick and saved much uneeded violence-especially in front of a 5 year old , sensitive child).
(You see this gal (the mum of my 1st child) knew that if she struck me and I struck back, then I would be charged with assault, and not her, so she was was more than willing to hit or kick me , even in my back when I wasn't watching . This was the time and place and politics of a small redneck town that we resided in)

So thats my example, which has been repeated in many other cases.

So my main point here is that marijuana is the lesser of the evils as far as drugs are concerned.
Please note (I am not shouting) : I AM IN NO WAY ADVOCATING DRUG USE.

As for understanding what "drugs" are? That is another issue.

And why pot is illegal while , the more harmful alcohol is legal? the mind boggles.

I have studied this and there is absolutely no proof that pot is harmful , although I would stress that it is definatly not for everyone. Especially for people with schizoid tendencies.

Certain "people" have come out and said stuff like no research has been done into the long term side effects of smoking weed.
Utter crap. There was a study done in 1900 in India of short,mid and long term pot users and there was no conclusive proof that there was any damage done whatsoever other than the damage that is caused by smoking ciggies.

Not to mention our "creator" has put THC receptors into out spleens and brains (or was it our nervous systems?)

So why did God put THC receptors into us?


01 Jun 06
04 Apr 12

Originally posted by karoly aczel
seriously i think "he" "invented" mary jane is to save the chronic drug users that have let the 'drug demons' take hold of them too badly-where they were in serious drug dependency issues ( usually opiates, but also amphetamines(although amphetamines only causes a psycological addiction ) , where their drug habits have threatened their families,their em ...[text shortened]... t our nervous systems?)

So why did God put THC receptors into us?
Wow, this is a very interesting topic, worth a thread of its own.

--- Penguin

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
04 Apr 12
1 edit

Originally posted by googlefudge
I worry about your grip on reality... Or rather your lack of it.
Look at it this way- I can talk about having tea, watching tv,etc.

Nothing to worry about.

I can engage in conversations that I know a little about. If I do not, then I I will tell you.
In the "telepathic realm" you cannot lie. Your thoughts can be read str8 away.

Whenever someone gets too serious about spirituality, or whatever, then I tend to want to drop it and perhaps make a cup of tea and talk about the footy game.

I feel it important to be able to be able to "flow" from one subject to the next.

Your post (the one that you responded to) seems to be a bit of a "reality bump" .
We have clashed ideologies , which, in this particular case, does not seem to be conducive to any further explanation on my part, as any further info would just be counterproductive to my "mission".

Why dont you have a stab in the dark and tell me why you are worried? Please?
I will not judge, and I will not be abusive. I just merely want to know what you find about my "grip on reality" worrying?

alternatively, I am quite happy for you to renig, but I feel that your post deserves some sort of counter-reply,no?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
04 Apr 12

Originally posted by Penguin
Wow, this is a very interesting topic, worth a thread of its own.

--- Penguin
ok,I'll start one, as long as some of you come out of the closet


01 Jun 06
04 Apr 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
In my opinion the question is imaginary from the beginning. So there is really
no need for further discussion on it.
Hmm, I detect a circle here:

1. Original question: If God told you to kill, would you do so?
2. RJHinds Yes. God is Good by definition so if he commands me to kill, it must be good to do so.
3. Penguin: But how do you tell real communication from God from imaginary communication from God? With such a drastic commandment, surely you would need independent verification that you are not simply hallucinating?
4. RJHinds: The original question was hypothetical so I don't care
5. Penguin: But if you believe in the Bible, then it has happened before so it could happen again and is worth investigating.
6. RJHinds: Well God would give me the means to discern.
7. Goto 3

We have been round this circle at least twice and maybe 3 times now. It seems to me that RJHinds is avoiding the need to look at his own beliefs, possibly out of a sub-conscious fear of the implications of those beliefs.

--- Penguin.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
04 Apr 12

Originally posted by Penguin
Hmm, I detect a circle here:

1. [b]Original question:
If God told you to kill, would you do so?
2. RJHinds Yes. God is Good by definition so if he commands me to kill, it must be good to do so.
3. Penguin: But how do you tell real communication from God from imaginary communication from God? With such a drastic commandment, surely you ...[text shortened]... efs, possibly out of a sub-conscious fear of the implications of those beliefs.

--- Penguin.[/b]
Thing is there is no "God" (relating to point 3)
Not a christian one anyway.
I have said this many times , but people just seem too scared to realize that they are all alone in the universe.

You are the answer. You are God.
But there is no God.
This is where rationality fails and intuition takes over.

There are ways to the describe the notion of "God" and I believe I have tried many times. But the truth is there is no SEPARATE BEING OBSERVED OR UNOBSERVED WHICH CAN BE CALLED 'GOD'.

Until then you will keep going in circles, as Penguin has pointed out.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
04 Apr 12

Originally posted by karoly aczel
seriously i think "he" "invented" mary jane is to save the chronic drug users that have let the 'drug demons' take hold of them too badly-where they were in serious drug dependency issues ( usually opiates, but also amphetamines(although amphetamines only causes a psycological addiction ) , where their drug habits have threatened their families,their em ...[text shortened]... t our nervous systems?)

So why did God put THC receptors into us?
Although cigarettes are harmful to ones health, it is less harmful to other peoples
health than marijuana because it has effects like drinking too much alcohol that
impairs ones driving ability. Banning alcohol has been tried and found worst in
our society than allowing it. The federal government is also able to gain extra
revenue off of it by taxing it heavily. This could also happen to marijuana, but
not until enough people are convinced that criminalizing it is less beneficial.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
05 Apr 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
Although cigarettes are harmful to ones health, it is less harmful to other peoples
health than marijuana because it has effects like drinking too much alcohol that
impairs ones driving ability. Banning alcohol has been tried and found worst in
our society than allowing it. The federal government is also able to gain extra
revenue off of it by taxing i ...[text shortened]... marijuana, but
not until enough people are convinced that criminalizing it is less beneficial.
you think people who sit at home and smoke pot should be thrown in jail with murderers and rapists?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
05 Apr 12

Originally posted by karoly aczel
you think people who sit at home and smoke pot should be thrown in jail with murderers and rapists?
No, the punishment should be proportional to the crime. This does not always
happen because evil men are sometimes judges.