John 14:5,6

John 14:5,6


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04 Apr 04
28 Jan 18

Originally posted by @sonship
[b] GoD asks a question and he is brushed off.

Sometimes I reply without pushing the "Reply" activator.

I reserve the right to sometimes reply without indicating that I am specifically replying to someone. It is "general discussion".

Long replies are broken up ...[text shortened]... ut I don't HAVE to do this for you. I don't expect to ever satisfy what YOU want from me.[/b]
I dont want anything from you pal. Im here to point out the nonsense you preach.

You are a lost soul dragging the gullible down with you into mouth worshipers hell.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Jan 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @fmf
Are you even bothering to read what anyone is saying? How on earth can divegeester's "indeed" be described as "trolling"?

He was agreeing with this by Ghost of a Duke:

[b]"It does make sense that any divine message in the bible would be simple and straightforward to understand.

It's like making good pastry. The more you overwork it the less palatable ...[text shortened]...
To pretend that you are discussing something, you surely have to read what the conversation is!
"It does make sense that any divine message in the bible would be simple and straightforward to understand.

It's like making good pastry. The more you overwork it the less palatable it becomes."

The Bible can be discussed well on more than one level.
I chose to go a bit deeper in John 14.

No one has yet been able to invalidate what I have discussed. You FMF have some whining. But you haven't shown that "My Father's house" is not Christ as the temple of God -

If they destroy this temple of His body, He would raise it up in three days.

You have done nothing to "discuss" why that interpretation is wrong.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Jan 18
2 edits


Palatability may also because someone's jaw bones have become weak with atrophy. Maybe some of this is not palatable because you have been gorging on junk food too much of your life in getting into the Bible.

Maybe its is not palatable because you have no experience of the living God.

Maybe its not palatable because it is not traditional enough.

Maybe its not palatable because some people are only use to the milk of the word of God and have not yet been able to take more solid meat of the word.

Maybe its not palatable because you don't have the big picture of the whole revelation of the Bible.

I am trying to help some.
I believe some will be helped and have been so already.



04 Apr 04
28 Jan 18

Originally posted by @fmf
Actually, what I will say is, if you want to preach, and post 12 times in a row and the like, why not start a blog? And then use this facility for non-preaching interaction. It's just a suggestion.
Here he has a captive audience and he is selfishly capitalizing on that.
A blog means people will have to go pull up his blog and I reckon nobody will do that.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Jan 18
1 edit

Some eating problems are because of starvation and lack of food.

Some people come to the Bible and have a hard time digesting something more solid because they have been on a spiritual starvation famine of the word of God.

Anyway, not all the problems are because of the server of the food.


Some of the loudest complainers may give the impression that there are no other responses and reactions to what I write here but what you say. That's just your narcissism ruling your attitiude.

John 14:5,6: Briefly and more simply -

Jesus is going TO the Father.
Jesus is the WAY also for to go to the Father.

Refute it.
Or Amen it in agreement.
Or contemplate it for more study,

A little more deeply now -

The church of God is the house of the living God - (First Timothy 3:16.

The Father's house was Christ the living temple.
When He was raised from the dead He brought many people into the house of Himself and into the Father's house.

The new covenant church is the house of the living God.
Don't choke now.

" ... the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and base of the truth." (1 Tim. 3:16)


28 Oct 05
28 Jan 18

Originally posted by @sonship

Palatability may also because someone's jaw bones have become weak with atrophy. Maybe some of this is not palatable because you have been gorging on junk food too much of your life in getting into the Bible.

Maybe its is not palatable because you have no experience of the living God.

Maybe its not palatable because it is not traditional eno ...[text shortened]... le.

I am trying to help some.
I believe some will be helped and have been so already.
How on earth is this long screed an answer to the question it's in reply to, which was: How on earth can divegeester's "indeed" be described as "trolling"?


28 Oct 05
28 Jan 18

Originally posted by @sonship
Some eating problems are because of starvation and lack of food.

Some people come to the Bible and have a hard time digesting something more solid because they have been on a spiritual starvation famine of the word of God.

Anyway, not all the problems are because of the server of the food.


Some of the loudest complainers may give the impr ...[text shortened]... is the church of the living God, the pillar and base of the truth." (1 Tim. 3:16)
Which things that I have put to you does this monologue purport to be an answer to?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Jan 18
2 edits

FMF wants to wrap me up to perpetual responses. But I don't have to either read all his whines or respond one by one by one to them all.

There are better usages of my time,

Who can refute that the New Testament presents the corporate body of believers as the house of God - the Father's house on this side of the resurrection of Christ?

Paul agrees.
Peter agrees.
John agrees.

I already referred to Paul's words about the habitation of God in spirit that Christ is building in Ephesians 2:22.

Let's get a confirming word from the Apostle Peter as well.

"You yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual HOUSE into a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." ( 1 Peter 2:3)

Now watch as neither Rajk999, Divegeester, ThnkofOne, Ghost-of-a-Duke, or FMF are able to "discuss" / refute what the Apostle Peter wrote.

Compare now Peter's word to the words of Jesus that in His Father's house there are many abodes from John 14;1.



04 Apr 04
28 Jan 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship
FMF wants to wrap me up to perpetual responses. But I don't have to either read all his whines or respond one by one by one to them all.

There are better usages of my time,

Who can refute that the New Testament presents the corporate body of believers as the house of God - the Father's house on this side of the resurrection of Christ?

Paul agree ...[text shortened]... rd to the words of Jesus that in His Father's house there are many abodes from [b]John 14;1
I personally dont bother reading your nonsense because much of your writing contain typos, false doctrine and outright misinformation.

In my Bible 1 Peter 2:3 reads as follows :

If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. (1 Peter 2:3 KJV)

It is a hassle to read all that nonsense when you have so many errors, and even more importantly it is all irrelevant to the everyday lives of followers of Christ. What practical application does your preaching have? None. Nothing whatsoever. Its all foolishness.

The daily lives followers of Christ can be significantly improved by following Jesus commandments starting from Matt 5,6 and 7 - The Beatitudes. You never preach true Christlike stuff. Your talking and preaching is a complete waste of peoples time.


28 Oct 05
28 Jan 18

Originally posted by @sonship
FMF wants to wrap me up to perpetual responses. But I don't have to either read all his whines or respond one by one by one to them all.

There are better usages of my time,
Well you say that, but you used some of your time, on this thread, to call divegeester a "troll" for agreeing with Ghost of a Duke. Have you even read what Ghost of a Duke wrote? What was wrong with it?

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
28 Jan 18

Originally posted by @sonship
To this comment, no responsive discussion here.
[b]"Don't feed the troll".
I made my points in other posts, both of which you ignored.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
28 Jan 18

Originally posted by @fmf
You can't even be bothered to recognize who is trying to talk to you and what they mean by what they post.
Fingers in ears and singing LALALALALALA

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
28 Jan 18

Originally posted by @fmf
I think you are fibbing. I think you do it on purpose. I think it is intended to diminish the amount of interaction so that you can just preach vainly.
I fully agree and have often thought exactly that.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
28 Jan 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @sonship
Palatability may also because someone's jaw bones have become weak with atrophy. Maybe some of this is not palatable because you have been gorging on junk food too much of your life in getting into the Bible.
Whilst you will find my metaphor distasteful, I think you use this forum as your personal religious jizz-fest. You just rock up and jizz over the forum ignoring debate and deliberately bringing scorn upon yourself to satisfy your need for some sort persecution to validate your self-perception as an anointed minister of God.

To me this honestly how you come across....pun intended.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Jan 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @rajk999
I personally dont bother reading your nonsense because much of your writing contain typos, false doctrine and outright misinformation.

In my Bible 1 Peter 2:3 reads as follows :

If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. (1 Peter 2:3 KJV)

It is a hassle to read all that nonsense when you have so many errors, and even more importantl ...[text shortened]... r preach true Christlike stuff. Your talking and preaching is a complete waste of peoples time.
Any refutation here that "the Father's house" is the church of the living God as Peter, Paul, John agree ?


Any refutation that the resurrected Christ formed such a corporate entity by coming into His redeemed people?

Moving on.

Who is up next ?
Next discusser ?