I am FabianFnas

I am FabianFnas


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31 Jan 06
14 Mar 14

P.S. Apparently, the Samaritans were only part Jewish. I guess, the Israelites did not like the Samaritans.

And unless I am mistaken, the Samaritan woman at the well of water who talked with Christ said that her "father" was Jacob(Israel). So, that may be one example of a Jew who did not receive the Law of God. But DON't quote me on that last sentence.


11 Nov 05
14 Mar 14

Originally posted by KingOnPoint
You Typed
Is it the christian god I would chose? Isn't it better to join the gods own people, the jewish people?
Israelites are God's first chosen people, but this same God was rejected by Israel in Jesus. Now the same God is for all men and not just Israel.
Originally posted by KingOnPoint
All Israelites are Jews, but All Jews are not Israelites.

Okay, we are talking about jews here. And their status as gods pet chosen people. If they say that Jesus is not divine, then it must be true, right? Why don't we get rid of the christian religion, altogether, and convert to judaism all of us? They are after all the loved and chosen people of god, right?

Or just accept that the bible was wrong in this part. And the truth is that christians are the chosen people of god. Or the Swedish christians. Or even my denomination. Why not just me.


31 Jan 06
16 Mar 14

When Grampy posted:

"So far, I can think of hardly any Christians here...." sadly, an applicable indictment of many online forum communities.

Wasn't he adding that it was also true in other communities?


31 Jan 06
16 Mar 14

You Typed:
By listening to authorities and learn, then you have to know if it is a real authority or a cheating one. To tell which is teaching me valuable things and which is just blabbing, then I have to go into myself, reason, and make a decision. Some self-proclaimed instructors are easy to dismiss, some others you have to think more about. So therefore you have to rely on your own senses instead of putting your brain on the hat shelf.

Whatever you listen to, look into the bible to see if what they speaker is saying is accurate. You might need to to look at Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek for exact meaning. Of course, use your brain to try to think and understand, but don't deny God when it is clear, even if you don't understand.

One example is when God in the bible clearly teaches that we are sinners and that Christ died for us. Both of us don't know what to call the origin of all that is wrong with humanity. People kill, steal, and hurt. God calls that sin. Also, you and I never saw Christ do anything good and we never heard Him speak. However, the bible does testify of Christ. And there were eye witness of Christ. Nonetheless, you and I are to believe in faith.


31 Jan 06
16 Mar 14

You Typed:
Is it the christian god I would chose? Isn't it better to join the gods own people, the jewish people? Or the the teaching of Buddha who says that you will enter Nirvana if you live right? Who are the right preachers, and who are the wrong ones? Who can tell?

The God of Israel and the God of Christians is the same God. However, when someone says that you can earn your way to heaven or Nirvana, don't believe them. God put us on this earth and God will have to put us elsewhere. We did not put our ourselves here. We can't put ourselves anywhere after human life either.

If before I was born, I had known the way I would have to live my life on this earth, I may have chosen not to be born at all.


31 Jan 06
16 Mar 14

You Typed:
I am marvelled of seeing a red flower in all that green. And I think it is beautiful! The next thought is why evolution has brought this extraordinary colour to my vision! The answer is coming flying at the moment: to attract insects to pollinate the plant. No god needed.

If you accept evolution, you accept it by faith. Have you ever proven it to yourself? Have you spent years studying to come to the conclusion of evolution being a scientific law. No one else has done it either. Evolution is not a scientific law.

God in the bible did not say that He evolved things on this earth. The bible says that He created. Don't let your 5 senses rule your eternity. You did not experience existence with your 5 senses before you were born. So, how will you use your 5 senses now to determine your future after death?


31 Jan 06
16 Mar 14

You Typed:
Okay, we are talking about jews here. And their status as gods pet chosen people. If they say that Jesus is not divine, then it must be true, right? Why don't we get rid of the christian religion, altogether, and convert to judaism all of us? They are after all the loved and chosen people of god, right?

Or just accept that the bible was wrong in this part. And the truth is that christians are the chosen people of god. Or the Swedish christians. Or even my denomination. Why not just me.

Specifically, Israel is God's chosen. The sons of Esau were not chosen. The sons of Ishmael were not chosen. The sons of Jacob were the ones chosen. In the bible Christ was sent to Israel. Some accepted Jesus as Savior, and some did not accept Jesus as Savior.

Christians can misunderstand God's will about everything and so can Israelites. Israel did not even accept God's will after He led them out of Egypt. I don't know how many times Israel turned from God and did what they wanted to do in spite of God's clear commands. Read the old testament to see how Israel did to God. Israel is subject to the human nature just like any other man, or woman, boy, or girl.

Israel rejected Christ whom God sent to be the Savior of the world. Christ became the Savior for all people of the earth. God did choose Israel, but Israel did not choose God's Savior. Now, Gentiles can be grated in. Abraham is the father of believers, and not just the father of Israelites. To be redeemed now, Israelites have to accept Christ. Christ came to finalize salvation for Israel. The Law of God is on longer required to gain eternal life. Christ Himself is the Savior. Christ is the focus.

The bible clearly shows that Christ's sacrifice is for all the people of the earth. The bible is not wrong on this matter. To understand the" ins and outs" of some of the purposes in the bible for Israel and Gentiles, it takes reading the bible and studying about the bible.

One day, God will again favor Israel, but all of Israel will still not be redeemed. The purpose of God is shown in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Christ is referenced to in the Old Testament Christ is expressly told about in the New Testament.

King James Version
Matthew 24: 25-37
Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself


11 Nov 05
17 Mar 14

Originally posted by KingOnPoint
You Typed:
Okay, we are talking about jews here. And their status as gods pet chosen people. If they say that Jesus is not divine, then it must be true, right? Why don't we get rid of the christian religion, altogether, and convert to judaism all of us? They are after all the loved and chosen people of god, right?

Or just acce ...[text shortened]... and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself
You only confirm that the gods own chosen people doesn't admit the divinity of Christ. Then why would christians admit it? Why aren't we all gods own chosen people? Or at least hang-arounds?


11 Nov 05
17 Mar 14

Originally posted by KingOnPoint
If you accept evolution, you accept it by faith. Have you ever proven it to yourself? Have you spent years studying to come to the conclusion of evolution being a scientific law. No one else has done it either. Evolution is not a scientific law.
I haven't studied particle physics either - does that mean that we should rely on the old Greeks atomic theory? That the knowledge of atoms are not science either?

Evolution is science, weather or not I have spent years of studies.

If you cannot differ science from religion, then you have to study scientific methodology. Or trust them who have.

If you think that the Earth is only 6000 years of age, then I can imagine that you cannot believe in evolution, time is simply not enough for life to evolve this far in only 6Ky. But with the scientifically proven age of our solar system there are time enough for just that.


31 Jan 06
18 Mar 14

Science should be used to help you. But science should not be used to give you harm, not even eternal harm. Science has not proven evolution scientifically. Darwin did not develop a scientific law.

Furthermore, scientific law is not always demonstrated in our human lives due to some natural intervention which is not seen, heard, smelled, knowingly touched, or tasted.

If science can't explain God, then don't demand for yourself that it explain everything in human life if that lack of explanation can take you to an eternity without God. Science has not discovered everything in this life. Look for discoveries in this life that refute evolution.

Don't accept evolution just because scientists agree that it is, even when evolution is not a scientific law. Don't let scientists who don't try to explain God be your guides into eternity. If they don't know, then accept that they don't know. But don't let blind people lead you to disbelieve in God just because they have not proven God's Being scientifically.


31 Jan 06
18 Mar 14

You Typed:
You only confirm that the gods own chosen people doesn't admit the divinity of Christ. Then why would christians admit it? Why aren't we all gods own chosen people? Or at least hang-arounds?

Some Israelites have accepted Christ as Savior, but not all Israelites. But Christ did go to Israel so that they could receive Christ.

King James Version
John 1: 11
He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

Gentile Christians admit Christ as Lord because He offers salvation to Gentiles also. I don't know all the reasons why God wanted Israel to be His people. However, believers of Israelites and Gentiles are "His people" now in a sense. Israelites that don't believe will not receive eternal life. Perhaps, you could call Believing Gentiles, "hang-arounds."

Romans 11: 17 - 23
And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;

Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.

Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:

For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.


31 Jan 06
18 Mar 14

P.S. I would not be surprised if non-Israelites in history who accepted God's Law for themselves to live by will be in heaven. One example may be Rahab of the city of Jericho. And maybe Ruth who said that Naomi's God would be her God.


11 Nov 05
19 Mar 14

Originally posted by KingOnPoint
You Typed:
You only confirm that the gods own chosen people doesn't admit the divinity of Christ. Then why would christians admit it? Why aren't we all gods own chosen people? Or at least hang-arounds?

Some Israelites have accepted Christ as Savior, but not all Israelites. But Christ did go to Israel s ...[text shortened]... f they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.
Perhaps I'm not clear, or perhaps people are avoiding the question, or perhaps there is no answer to my question.

If I wanted to be religious, and have to chose between one religion (judaism) that is the religion of the gods own chosen people, or another religion which is *not* a religion of cod chosen people. Which religion should I chose?
The answer is obvious - the judaism, of course.

If I was to follow judaism, then I have to dismiss the idea that Jesus is devine, that Jesus is just a trouble-baker. Because I am among the people that god chosed, right?

This isn't a paradox, this is straight forward.

The paradox is that there are so many christians admit the israelites, the jewish people, as the god chosen one, and, at the same time, see Jesus as divine. If Jesus is devine, then the jewish people would admit him as devine, which they don't. Therefore Jesus is not divine, he is just a trouble-maker, just as the gods chosen people thinks.

How can christians live with such a crucial paradox unresolved?


03 Sep 13
19 Mar 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Perhaps I'm not clear, or perhaps people are avoiding the question, or perhaps there is no a...[text shortened]...Jesus is not divine, he is just a trouble-maker, just as the gods chosen people thinks.

How can christians live with such a crucial paradox unresolved?
How can christians live with such a crucial paradox unresolved?

Why do you think Christians live with a paradox unresolved?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
19 Mar 14

Originally posted by yoctobyte
How can christians live with such a crucial paradox unresolved?

Why do you think Christians live with a paradox unresolved?
Two out of three of the Abrahamic religions reject the idea the Jesus was a god.