Galveston75’s visit to family

Galveston75’s visit to family


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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
1 edit

@mchill said
May I ask what this has to with spirituality?
Lol. I have no idea. Most of us have been trying to figure this out for a long time. But he feels like he owns this site, maybe he does, but it never ends. He accuses me of not being truthful, so be it. I have other things to do as I have a life with quit a bit going on other then to sit around and worry about what he says. But even if it wasn't for life, he has been a cancer to this forum and no doubt will be for a long time. I check back from time to time to see if he is gone, but's still here. I have a few friends here but have to communicate other ways. No big deal.....

Hang around to see how he responds to this!!!!!

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16 Feb 08
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@galveston75 said
Lol. I have no idea. Most of us have been trying to figure this out for a long time. But he feels like he owns this site, maybe he does, but it never ends. He accuses me of not being truthful, so be it. I have other things to do as I have a life with quit a bit going on other then to sit around and worry about what he says. But even if it wasn't for life, he has been a ca ...[text shortened]... have to communicate other ways. No big deal.....

Hang around to see how he responds to this!!!!!
Ahh the coward is back.

Wow that was a long “few days” visit to family without cell or internet access. Turned into about 4 weeks!

But don’t worry, Ghost of a Duke isn’t around in the forums now so you’re ok to come back and pretend you saw off him and his question to you about what your cult founder said about Jesus.

Here’s another one for you:
Is being an actual member of the Jehovahs Witness church a prerequisite for access to the paradise afterlife?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08

Jude: 17 As for you, beloved ones, call to mind the sayings that have been previously spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, 18 how they used to say to you: “In the last time there will be ridiculers, following their own desires for ungodly things. 19 These are the ones who cause divisions, animalistic men, not having spirituality.

Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Respond to All Accusations Made Against Them?
Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the Bible’s advice not to respond to all accusations and instances of ridicule. For example, a Bible proverb says: “The one who corrects a ridiculer invites dishonor.” (Proverbs 9:​7, 8; 26:4) Rather than being pulled into quarreling by an undue concern over false accusations, we focus on pleasing God.​—Psalm 119:69.

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16 Feb 08

@galveston75 said
Jude: 17 As for you, beloved ones, call to mind the sayings that have been previously spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, 18 how they used to say to you: “In the last time there will be ridiculers, following their own desires for ungodly things. 19 These are the ones who cause divisions, animalistic men, not having spirituality.

Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witness ...[text shortened]... into quarreling by an undue concern over false accusations, we focus on pleasing God.​—Psalm 119:69.
Is being an actual member of the Jehovahs Witness church a prerequisite for access to the paradise afterlife?

14 Mar 15

@galveston75 said

Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Respond to All Accusations Made Against Them?
Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the Bible’s advice not to respond to all accusations and instances of ridicule. For example, a Bible proverb says: “The one who corrects a ridiculer invites dishonor.” (Proverbs 9:​7, 8; 26:4) Rather than being pulled into quarreling by an undue concern over false accusations, we focus on pleasing God.​—Psalm 119:69.
Back in reality, we are actually witnessing your cowardice in not answering questions and it is quite shameful for you to misuse/twist scripture to suggest otherwise.

You were not confronted with ridicule or accusations. You were confronted with questions about what the founder of your church believed, beliefs that were recorded in your own church literature, and other questions pertaining to what you believe on highlighted topics. - Again, it is cowardice to come to this forum and dump your dogma and then run for the door, completely unwilling to answer questions. - Go ahead though and deny again this is your ploy.

'Peter again denied it, and at once a rooster crowed.' (John 18:27 ESV)


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
1 edit

Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Respond to All Accusations Made Against Them?
Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the Bible’s advice not to respond to all accusations and instances of ridicule. For example, a Bible proverb says: “The one who corrects a ridiculer invites dishonor.” (Proverbs 9:​7, 8; 26:4) Rather than being pulled into quarreling by an undue concern over false accusations, we focus on pleasing God.​—Psalm 119:69.

He has asked me that question many times. I have answered him many times. He does not accept my answers, so why should I keep answering him? My answers will always be the same...

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16 Feb 08

@galveston75 said
Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Respond to All Accusations Made Against Them?
Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the Bible’s advice not to respond to all accusations and instances of ridicule. For example, a Bible proverb says: “The one who corrects a ridiculer invites dishonor.” (Proverbs 9:​7, 8; 26:4) Rather than being pulled into quarreling by an undue concern over false accus ...[text shortened]... oes not accept my answers, so why should I keep answering him? My answers will always be the same...
Do you think your attempt of avoidance of Ghost of a duke’s question to you, by pretending you can’t engage due to “visiting a relative” … for what turned out to be four weeks … puts you and your religious cult in a good frame?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
1 edit

I don't give 1 cent what you think........

Matt 24:7-9. 7 True wisdom is unattainable for a fool;
He has nothing to say in the city gate.
8 Anyone who plots evil
Will be called a master schemer.
9 Foolish schemes are sinful,
And people detest a ridiculer.

14 Mar 15

@galveston75 said
I don't give 1 cent what you think........

Matt 24:7-9. 7 True wisdom is unattainable for a fool;
He has nothing to say in the city gate.
8 Anyone who plots evil
Will be called a master schemer.
9 Foolish schemes are sinful,
And people detest a ridiculer.
If the Bible is truly the word of God, I doubt He will look kindly on people who twist those words for their own brittle purposes.

You might want to think twice before doing that.

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16 Feb 08

@galveston75 said
I don't give 1 cent what you think.
But I think you do care. You care enough to repeatedly spit our scripture based insults when you’ve been caught being dishonest and when you don’t want to answer questions like this one:

Is being an actual member of the Jehovahs Witness church a prerequisite for access to the paradise afterlife?

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16 Feb 08

@galveston75 said
I don't give 1 cent what you think.
I’m ask YOU what YOU think Galveston75.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08

@Ghost-of-a-Duke said
If the Bible is truly the word of God, I doubt He will look kindly on people who twist those words for their own brittle purposes.

You might want to think twice before doing that.
Absolutely he wouldn't. That is why through asking Jehovah, yes that is his name, that he direct anyone who is looking for the truths from the bible, not paganistic teachings like the trinity for example, to direct those who use his name and to separate oneself from those teachings and learn what the truths are. There are no gray areas allowed by him. And yes we do have to put up with ones like Divi Dude who cares less about anything truthful.
Do you believe in the trinity?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
1 edit

(((((((((( YOU ))))))))))))))) know what I think. Don't have a memory do you? lol. Go back over the last few years and look all the times you've gone down this same boring road...

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16 Feb 08

@galveston75 said
(((((((((( YOU ))))))))))))))) know what I think. Don't have a memory do you? lol. Go back over the last few years and look all the times you've gone down this same boring road...
I’m concerned about the after life Galveston75 and I think you have responsibility, before Jehovah, to answer my question honestly.

Is being an actual member of the Jehovahs Witness church a prerequisite for access to the paradise afterlife?

14 Mar 15

@galveston75 said
Absolutely he wouldn't. That is why through asking Jehovah, yes that is his name,
Actually no, that isn't His name.

In the original Hebrew language, God’s name as revealed to Moses at the burning bush is rendered as YHWH—or Yahweh, meaning “I Am.” Ancient Hebrew was a consonantal language (no vowels). Out of reverence for God, faithful Jews would not even speak his name, so when YHWH was written in the biblical scrolls, the scribes would write the markings for the vowel sounds a-o-a for the word adonai (Lord) directly over YHWH so that anyone reading the scroll would know to say adonai rather than Yahweh. - Along comes a Catholic monk and, seeing the vowel markings over YHWH, thought they were part of the actual spelling of God’s name and thus combined YHWH with a-o-a, making YaHoWaH, which eventually became “Jehovah.”

So every time JWs insist on the use of God’s name, they are actually promoting a corrupted form of it. (Based on an error made by a Catholic monk).