Fearful Unbelief

Fearful Unbelief


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Cape Town

14 Apr 05
12 May 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
The question doesn't refer to the veracity of the given; it asks why a person would choose to reject a free gift--- thereby categorizing themselves as unbelievers.
A rather odd use of the word "unbeliever" is it not? Could you define it so I can understand what you were asking in your first post? If I am correct and your definition is:
Unbeliever: a person who believes your premise but rejects the gift.
Then are you suggesting such people exist? If so, I seriously doubt it.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
12 May 10
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
Your comment seems like a direct attack on those who proport to adhere to a faith that they have adopted. For example, you make it sound as though those who adopt the Christian faith, for example, as being intellectually lazy for not figuring things out on their own. Am I interpreting your comments correctly or no?
No. I was just adding to the list. Do you not consider it a valid reason?

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
12 May 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Given that the soul lives forever and our only choice is where we shall spend that existence, what keeps the unbeliever in such a state? Meaning, why not simply accept a free gift and move on?
It's not really a choice thing, anyway, is it? My mind would no more allow me to accept all this religious hoojummywotsit than yours would reject it. For you it's Truth, for me it's fairy stories.

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
12 May 10
1 edit

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Given that the soul lives forever and our only choice is where we shall spend that existence, what keeps the unbeliever in such a state? Meaning, why not simply accept a free gift and move on?
Accepting this alleged "free gift" would be a gross betrayal of my mindset and rational thought.

Why don't we all write letters to Santa Claus...Just in case!

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
12 May 10
1 edit

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
It's not really a choice thing, anyway, is it? My mind would no more allow me to accept all this religious hoojummywotsit than yours would reject it. For you it's Truth, for me it's fairy stories.
Where or in whom or in what do you place your confidence...

regarding the destiny of the real you, your immortal soul?

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
12 May 10

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Where or in whom or in what do you place your confidence...

regarding the destiny of the real you, your immortal soul?
I strive to live my life in such a manner as to render this question irrelevant.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
12 May 10

Originally posted by twhitehead
A rather odd use of the word "unbeliever" is it not? Could you define it so I can understand what you were asking in your first post? If I am correct and your definition is:
Unbeliever: a person who believes your premise but rejects the gift.
Then are you suggesting such people exist? If so, I seriously doubt it.
Believer: someone who accepts the gift.
Unbeliever: someone who rejects the gift.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
12 May 10

Originally posted by Agerg
Accepting this alleged "free gift" would be a gross betrayal of my mindset and rational thought.

Why don't we all write letters to Santa Claus...Just in case!
So, for you, the only thing keeping you from acceptance of the gift is what you consider to be your intellectual integrity?

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
12 May 10
2 edits

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
So, for you, the only thing keeping you from acceptance of the gift is what you consider to be your intellectual integrity?
More than that...I'd have to be consistent and convince myself of the possibility 4>5, that perhaps I'm 9 metres tall, perhaps the world is flat, etc...In short; my mindset does not allow it.

Why don't you accept the Islamic god???...special bonus of 72 virgins if that happens to be the right call!!! 😕


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
13 May 10

Originally posted by Agerg
More than that...I'd have to be consistent and convince myself of the possibility 4>5, that perhaps I'm 9 metres tall, perhaps the world is flat, etc...In short; my mindset does not allow it.

Why don't you accept the Islamic god???...special bonus of 72 virgins if that happens to be the right call!!! 😕
That assumes that anyone who does accept the proposal has convinced themselves that five is less than four; are uncertain as to their height; the world is flat and etc..

You are equating acceptance with belief in all that the Bible has to say about reality--- not that you could ever be successful in negating any of what the Bible has to say--- when the crux of the matter is simply acceptance or rejection of the gift.

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
13 May 10
3 edits

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
That assumes that anyone who does accept the proposal has convinced themselves that five is less than four; are uncertain as to their height; the world is flat and etc..

You are equating acceptance with belief in all that the Bible has to say about reality--- not that you could ever be successful in negating any of what the Bible has to say--- when the crux of the matter is simply acceptance or rejection of the gift.
That assumes that anyone who does accept the proposal has convinced themselves that five is less than four; are uncertain as to their height; the world is flat and etc..
Assuming nothing of the sort! I'm just saying if I were to force myself into believing in what you believe then there is no reason not to do my very best at believing anything else which seems nonsensical

You are equating acceptance with belief in all that the Bible has to say about reality--- not that you could ever be successful in negating any of what the Bible has to say--- when the crux of the matter is simply acceptance or rejection of the gift.
Did you not say a few posts earlier an unbeliever (ie: me) is someone who rejects the "gift"???...If I was a believer then I'd probably believe all (or a significant portion of what) the Bible has to say.
On a different (but related note) when did you last see me trying to negate the Bible? (I leave that to those for whom such an endeavour is of interest to them). Note, negating the Bible is not the same as failing to accept the Bible, or passages contained within as evidence for a position inspired from the Bible.

Finally, I'll ask again...Why don't you try really really really hard at believing in Islam?!..go the extra mile in trying to believe, you might just do it! 🙂

02 Feb 06
13 May 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
[b]Nothing is ever free.
Is this unsolicited advice?

In order to accept this gift one only need to bend their knee swear fealty to a spiritual dictator.
Not true. Condition of acceptance is simple acceptance: His work for my work. Nothing more, nothing less.

See you in Hell biotch!
Not likely.[/b]
"Is this unsolicited advice?"

Quite the contrary. It's not advice just a dose of reality and in addition posting on these forums in and of itself solicts a response so no it is not unsolicited.

"Not true. Condition of acceptance is simple acceptance: His work for my work. Nothing more, nothing less."

Good then we agree. There is work involved thus proving that the gift that you previously suggested was free is indeed not free.


28 Oct 05
13 May 10
1 edit

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Believer: someone who accepts the gift.
Unbeliever: someone who rejects the gift.
Not so.

Believer: someone who thinks there is a gift and thinks they can accept it in some way.
Unbeliever: someone who doesn't think there is a gift and therefore isn't 'rejecting' anything.


02 Jan 06
13 May 10
2 edits

Originally posted by Agerg
More than that...I'd have to be consistent and convince myself of the possibility 4>5, that perhaps I'm 9 metres tall, perhaps the world is flat, etc...In short; my mindset does not allow it.

Why don't you accept the Islamic god???...special bonus of 72 virgins if that happens to be the right call!!! 😕
So you could never accept that the world is flat? What if people began to come out with information that data that had previously shown us that the world was round was all just a ruse? In fact, what if everyone became convinced of this except you? This would really hit home if people you look up to and respect and trust began saying that the world was flat. I bet you that you could be convinced or perhaps you would believe that you were loosing your mind. At best, you would probably just keep the fact that you don't buy it to yourself much like someone who thinks they were abducted by aliens would keep their mouths shut.

The same could be said about believing in Islam.


02 Jan 06
13 May 10

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
No. I was just adding to the list. Do you not consider it a valid reason?
I think it is a valid reason. In fact, I have talked to more than one person on these boards about evidence as to why I believe in the God of the Bible, but the response is usually something to the effect that they simply are not interested enough in researching such information. However, I'm not sure how much is laziness and how much is fear. After all, once a belief system has been comprimised a crisis of sorts is initiated to rebuild another.