Evolution Q & A

Evolution Q & A


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16 Feb 08

@mlb62 said
it wasn't until the space aliens came that humans began to evolve. They alterred our DNA and that resulted in advancements in every respect.
I’ve seen that movie too 😄


31 May 12

@kellyjay said
That was not dodged! I answered you saying each person owned their own part, and asked you if you were trying to absolve someone? You left the conversation I guess so you could say what you just did without following through. Pathetic behavior moonbus!
Absolution is not in my portfolio.

The ultimate author of evil is God. God it was who put a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden. God cannot have forbidden Adam to know good and evil if evil did not already exist. God it was put a tempter into the Garden; without a tempter, it would not have occurred to Adam to transgress. God it was who gave Adam a hand grenade and told him "don't pull the pin" but, unaccountably, did not have the foresight, or the courtesy, to tell Adam what would happen if he did (pull the pin).

Moreover, God is the ultimate author of man's subsequent so-called sinful nature (of which you make so much). Adam and Eve had no power to make a new soul; only God can ensoul a fertilised ovum. Adam and Eve could procreate only a material body. Adam's sin died with him, as did Eve's; no particle of their sin was transferred to their progeny, because only God can ensoul a zygote. So, if a baby is born with a sinner's soul, that is God's handiwork, not Adam's or Eve's.

Now, try to get your mind round a simple question: why does God prohibit Adam from coming to know good? Why does God say not to eat of the tree of knowledge of GOOD AND evil, and not just of evil? (I'll give you a hint: it's nothing to do with freewill.)

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@pettytalk said
You have to take responsibility for what you say and imply.

The point revolves around the concept of fools. You referenced a passage discussing the consequences of labeling someone a fool and also mentioned that we should emulate God. If God used the term 'fool' to refer to others, then we align ourselves with God by doing the same when appropriate. Essentially, you are ...[text shortened]... ten down to the point of having been made to believe that we (mankind) are all thieves and killers.
There is a difference between us in anger acting out, and God making a judgement call.

We can justify very bad behavior in our anger while God judges always in righteousness.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@moonbus said
Absolution is not in my portfolio.

The ultimate author of evil is God. God it was who put a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden. God cannot have forbidden Adam to know good and evil if evil did not already exist. God it was put a tempter into the Garden; without a tempter, it would not have occurred to Adam to transgress. God it was who gave Adam a hand g ...[text shortened]... ge of GOOD AND evil, and not just of evil? (I'll give you a hint: it's nothing to do with freewill.)
The one that does evil is the one responsible I could put my wallet next to me on a table if someone stole it, it would be on them. Simply because an opportunity is there doesn’t remove the guilt of who takes advantage.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
1 edit

@moonbus said
Absolution is not in my portfolio.

The ultimate author of evil is God. God it was who put a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden. God cannot have forbidden Adam to know good and evil if evil did not already exist. God it was put a tempter into the Garden; without a tempter, it would not have occurred to Adam to transgress. God it was who gave Adam a hand g ...[text shortened]... ge of GOOD AND evil, and not just of evil? (I'll give you a hint: it's nothing to do with freewill.)
Being able to choose good or evil places the guilt or innocence on the one making the choice. The weight of reality and accountability is heavy!


28 Oct 05

@kellyjay said
Simply because an opportunity is there doesn’t remove the guilt of who takes advantage.
But you seem to believe that the fact "an opportunity is there" makes every human being equally as guilty and evil as the person that "takes advantage" because, as humans, we could or might take the wallet you mentioned.


31 May 12

@kellyjay said
Being able to choose good or evil places the guilt or innocence on the one making the choice. The weight of reality and accountability is heavy!
The guilt is with He who created black and white, not he who is set before the coerced cursed dilemma: "Choose! Either black or white. I forbid you to choose black, and I won't tell you what happens if you do!"


16 Feb 08
1 edit

@kellyjay said
There is a difference between us in anger acting out, and God making a judgement call.

We can justify very bad behavior in our anger while God judges always in righteousness.
Aren’t there dozens of examples in the Bible of God “in anger acting out”?

(Edited to include your grammar for accuracy)

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@moonbus said
The guilt is with He who created black and white, not he who is set before the coerced cursed dilemma: "Choose! Either black or white. I forbid you to choose black, and I won't tell you what happens if you do!"
God created everything, as soon as good is there evil is possible, and with choices it can be one or the other. Telling you, that you will die is telling you what will happen, God being the source of life and good means that if you choose evil, you cut yourself off from the source of life, they hid themselves where they didn't before.

You are bending over backward attempting to make God guilty because people can be evil because of the choices they had in the beginning, and all of the choices they are making in the here and now. They did not have to eat, every other choice in all creation laid before them that they could have made, any study, any desire fulfilled, but they chose the only thing they were warned against, they choose to disobey God when they did it, they ignored God's warning, they rebelled against God in the only place where that was possible, that was where they went.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@moonbus said
Absolution is not in my portfolio.

The ultimate author of evil is God. God it was who put a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden. God cannot have forbidden Adam to know good and evil if evil did not already exist. God it was put a tempter into the Garden; without a tempter, it would not have occurred to Adam to transgress. God it was who gave Adam a hand g ...[text shortened]... ge of GOOD AND evil, and not just of evil? (I'll give you a hint: it's nothing to do with freewill.)
God created the universe and when He created man He called it very good. So there was no probation on knowing goodness it was everywhere, the introduction of evil was only in one place and then by doing one forbidden thing.


15 Jun 10

@kellyjay said
You cannot even voice a place in all of the things I have been saying that you can show how I am wrong, if anyone here doesn't know evolution it seems to me you and a few others who cannot get specific only offer up vague accusations.
I'm not going to explain to you how evolution works, it's been explained to you before, if you aren't able to understand there's really nothing I or anyone else can do about that. Earlier you posted that evolution is about one species being slower than another species at obtaining scarce resources, and it isn't, so there's one example of how you are wrong to be going on with.


15 Jun 10

@pettytalk said

Any religion that promises eternal life could serve as an example. Are you suggesting that the mental aspect and attitude towards survival are not influenced by evolution? Isn't faith motivated by the desire for eternal life? After all, eternal life represents the ultimate goal of survival.

The process is known as neuroevolution, where changes in brain structure and function occur over generations.
I'm with you on the neuro - evolution thing, it's how we became self - aware, and aware that we die, so we invent the concept of eternal life to help us sleep nights. I'm not sure, therefore, what we are disagreeing about, if I've said anything which contradicts this basic premise then I'll be glad to clarify.

I've been accused in these forums of being 'anti - religion', which I'm not, some people need the comfort blanket, my only gripe is when someone says 'My religion is better than your religion' , or refuses to acknowledge that their ancient beliefs fly in the face of scientific evidence and discovery, but that probably isn't what we're talking about here. Interesting conversation, though.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@indonesia-phil said
I'm not going to explain to you how evolution works, it's been explained to you before, if you aren't able to understand there's really nothing I or anyone else can do about that. Earlier you posted that evolution is about one species being slower than another species at obtaining scarce resources, and it isn't, so there's one example of how you are wrong to be going on with.
I don't think you have a clue how evolution works, even remotely, and you couldn't even in my opinion repeat back what you think others have said as they in your opinion explained evolution. You don't even grasp the arguments I have made to refute them. What I said about natural selection NOT evolution was that the stronger and faster get the limited resources when that is a reality, and that is a truism, not some theory. So you don't grasp the conversation, I doubt you know the first thing about it.


16 Feb 08

@kellyjay said
I don't think you have a clue how evolution works, even remotely
Perhaps you can explain evolution how evolution works KellyJay?


28 Oct 05

@kellyjay said
You don't even grasp the arguments I have made to refute them.
You have "refuted" evolution?