Dive, FMF, KellyJay thread

Dive, FMF, KellyJay thread


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16 Feb 08
14 Dec 22

@kellyjay said
I take it you don't believe God had a hand it any of it, you and dive have a lot in
Dear me kellyjay, your “Jesus is restraining me” app needs an upgrade.

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16 Feb 08
14 Dec 22

@kevin-eleven said
You scrabbling in the verbal weeds like this against your fellow sprout and brother just indicates that you are willfully turning your back against Christ your Creator, because you treasure your cleverness, sense of superiority, and cutting sarcasm more than anything else.
Have a couple more days off, sober up a little, get through the DTs, and see if you can come up with something, anything at all, which contributes to any thread in this forum.

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16 Feb 08
14 Dec 22

@chaney3 said
It would be nice if you made sense, in a discussion that's interesting.
Kevin Eleven’s flowery waffle reminds me of a slightly pissed third rate magician attempting clumsy sleight-of-hand tricks at children’s party while adults look on hoping the kids don’t notice.

Secret RHP coder

on the payroll

26 Nov 04
14 Dec 22

@chaney3 said
It would be nice if you made sense, in a discussion that's interesting.
In fairness, this can be applied to several people here. 😛

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Dec 22

@divegeester said
Dear me kellyjay, your “Jesus is restraining me” app needs an upgrade.
It isn't my word we are discussing here, but the Lord's, and which side you find
yourself, dive, Atheist, and Anti-Christ is your camp. Either these things came from
God or only man, God either had a hand in writing them, then preserving them in
time, stopping them from being swallowed up in history or not. The only thing
going on here is out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and your
true nature is being revealed and it isn't one in faith in God and His Word.

Hebrews 11:3
By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Dec 22
1 edit

@moonbus said
The earliest Gospel is presumed to be that of Mark, who biblical scholars believe to have been Peter’s secretary. Mark never knew Jesus, so he’s nothing but hearsay, not a direct eye witness. Luke and Mathew came even later, and paraphrase Mark, so they are nothing but hearsay twice removed. Not one of them wrote within the lifetime of Jesus or knew Jesus. Hearsay, nothin ...[text shortened]... y again. How did early Christians keep the message alive? I’ll repeat the clue: it wasn’t scripture.
The early Christians didn't have printing presses, there was nothing but what they
could preserve by writing them down on the materials at hand, and sharing them
by oral tradition of word of mouth. They did this in a hostile world that wanted no
part of it, killing those who preached the Word.

You got different perspectives in the writings of the four gospels, Mark I believe
didn't even bother putting events in the proper sequence, they were just stories
he put down because he thought they were important, not necessarily in the right
order, while Luke researched them with great detail, not even being a Jew, but as a
doctor and historian, it was essential to Him to get it right. The things in scripture
were written on different continents in different languages, to different audiences,
without gospel writers being able to compare notes with one another as they were
writing them. No auto-corrects were in play or meetings took place making sure
the stories lined up.

Just being a member of those that believed was enough to have one killed, no fame
and glory was going to be had for any of this, all but one of the apostles died a
martyrs' death, they did that when recanting would have made them heroes and
wealthy to the powers that wanted to suppress the story of Jesus Christ, they loved
the Lord more than their own lives.

Paul when he got converted already had prestige, fame, and all the things that
most people desire and flipped, throwing it all away, to instead take on a life of
being beaten, stoned, cast into jail, and killed for a faith he once tried to destroy.

These guys were not making up stories so they could be killed for them to earn
a right to be justifed before God, they were refusing to recant what they saw and
did, quite different from those who to prove they were believers would kill others
to show they were worthy. Being a Christian is getting worthy by God and then
acting out one's faith, not the other way around.

How they did it was simple to love one another, share the truth, and follow God
and speaking the truth in faith.


28 Oct 05
14 Dec 22


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16 Feb 08
14 Dec 22

@kellyjay said
It isn't my word we are discussing here, but the Lord's, and which side you find
yourself, dive, Atheist, and Anti-Christ is your camp.
I’m more than happy to keep drawing your venomousness kellyjay, clearly you have lots of pent up rage behind that “restraint” you are struggling to maintain.

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16 Feb 08
14 Dec 22

@kellyjay said
Either these things came from
God or only man, God either had a hand in writing them, then preserving them in
time, stopping them from being swallowed up in history or not. The only thing
going on here is out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and your
true nature is being revealed and it isn't one in faith in God and His Word.
For the 35th time;

Other than your handed down and deeply held personal belief; do you have any evidence at all that the bible is the complete, exclusive, inerrant word of God?

If not why should anyone believe your assertions and appeals to authority?

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16 Feb 08
14 Dec 22

@kellyjay said
Hebrews 11:3
By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.
Yes I too believe, through faith, that the universe was created from unseen things.

Thank you for this wonderful reminder.


28 Oct 05
14 Dec 22

The New Testament was written decades after the execution of Jesus by people who hadn't met him. It's a very interesting, scholarly subject about which you seem unaware. Indeed, it would seem that whoever told you the things your have memorized and are reciting here isn't aware of the scholarly work that's been done on the origins of the texts and their authorship either.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Dec 22

@divegeester said
Yes I too believe, through faith, that the universe was created from unseen things.

Thank you for this wonderful reminder.
You believe that verse is true?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Dec 22

@moonbus said
You are factually misinformed. Nothing in the NT was written within 80 at the earliest of when when Jesus lived, and many historical scholars put the earliest writings even later.

Moreover, the people of Judea at that time were mostly illiterate (in Greek anyway), so even if any writings were produced within 80 years of Jesus’ life, no one there would have been able to rea ...[text shortened]... ture. So how do you explain the survival of this religion? I’ll give you a clue: it’s not Scripture.
Just to clear up an obvious point you don’t give credit for any NT writing to be by those whose names are in the text, if they were all written 80 years later?


28 Oct 05
14 Dec 22
1 edit

@kellyjay said
Just to clear up an obvious point you don’t give credit for any NT writing to be by those whose names are in the text, if they were all written 80 years later?
The Gospels were named after people who were featured in the stories and people like you have been told, and ~ because you are not curious ~ you believe that that means they were written by the people mentioned in the names of the Gospels.

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16 Feb 08
14 Dec 22

@kellyjay said
You believe that verse is true?
It is for me, yes.