Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter

Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter


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Andrew Mannion

Melbourne, Australia

17 Feb 04
31 May 07

Originally posted by josephw
Well, in the first place God calls it that. But, since you don't believe in the existence of God, I can't really use that one.

But even if there were no God I would still find that "lifestyle" to be, well, for lack of a better word, abominable.
I've been around. I've seen a few things. I've watched the slow, inexorable decline of moral values, on every l ...[text shortened]... whole life. Homosexuality is just another disease. In my opinion. This is what I believe.
Ignoring the fact that there is no evidence of this 'disease' nature of homosexuality, doesn't the fact that homosexuality has been around for as long as humans have (and if you look at the existence of homosexuality in some other primate species probably longer) sort of rule it out as a causal factor in your society's decline?

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 May 07

Originally posted by kirksey957
Do you have any ideas about what that "thorn in the flesh" might have been?
It is believed by some that it may have had something to do with his eyes. That blinding light you know. But I don't really know. Paul said it was a messenger of Satan sent to buffet him because of the exceeding revelation he had received from God. Or something like that.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 May 07

Originally posted by kirksey957
Just grow to accept me as your thorn in the flesh. Much luv, in an agape kind of way.
Accepted. And the same Agape love to you. 🙂

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 May 07

Originally posted by pawnhandler
Is this another Bait and Switch? If I read it, are you then going to claim that I'm wrong and should instead read Letter to the Hebrews or something? That's an annoying tactic.
No deception here. I try to be as honest as I know how.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 May 07

Originally posted by twhitehead
Well its been a long time since I read it so I could be wrong. But it was my understanding that he was conceived before Mary got married.
Also it is my understanding that a child is also illegitimate if his two parents are not married to each other as was the case with Jesus.
If you get somebody else's wife pregnant is that child legitimate?
I thought that as long as the parents were married when the child was born, then the baby would be legitimate. If not, then I was illegitimate.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 May 07

Originally posted by bbarr
Excuse me? I don't care at all what you believe; you're free to adopt whatever hateful and bigoted beliefs your impoverished heart desires. I am intolerant of such beliefs because they are ugly, but I have never insisted that you become a better person by jettisoning those beliefs. I'm happy to hear that your absurd worldview hasn't completely impaired you ...[text shortened]... xual friends that when they express their love for their partners they are being abominable?
We're too far apart to have a meaningful debate I think. But I will confess I was tempted to engage you on your level, but realized it would only make me feel guilty if I did.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 May 07

Originally posted by amannion
Ignoring the fact that there is no evidence of this 'disease' nature of homosexuality, doesn't the fact that homosexuality has been around for as long as humans have (and if you look at the existence of homosexuality in some other primate species probably longer) sort of rule it out as a causal factor in your society's decline?
To my way of thinking, which is biblically based, homosexuality is a sin. And as such, like all other sins, is a repudiation and rejection of God.
This is just the simple, easy, short and to the point answer.

Andrew Mannion

Melbourne, Australia

17 Feb 04
31 May 07

Originally posted by josephw
To my way of thinking, which is biblically based, homosexuality is a sin. And as such, like all other sins, is a repudiation and rejection of God.
This is just the simple, easy, short and to the point answer.
Yes, but as you rightly pointed out I don't believe in God, so any morality based on such a creature is meaningless to me. So my question remains - do you seriously believe homosexuality is somehow to blame for a perceived shortcoming in your society?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 May 07

Originally posted by josephw
Mary and Joseph were betrothed. In that culture it was as good as married. And they did marry long before Jesus was born.
So if I have a child with my girl friend that I am living with which in my culture is as good as married then my child is not illegitimate?


Felicific Forest

15 Dec 02
31 May 07
1 edit

Originally posted by kirksey957
Hell if I know. It might be one of those conceptions via a turkey baster.
Don't you think the child wants to know who his father is when he grows older ?


Felicific Forest

15 Dec 02
31 May 07

Originally posted by twhitehead
The other woman. Or did you mean biological father?
Confused already ? ...... just wait till the child starts asking questions and wants to know who his father is.

Gandalf's Hero.

And I should say????

17 Nov 06
31 May 07

Originally posted by josephw
To my way of thinking, which is biblically based, homosexuality is a sin. And as such, like all other sins, is a repudiation and rejection of God.
This is just the simple, easy, short and to the point answer.
Well not intrly true is it!
it tels us it's not prohiboted it's not forbiden. ( it means so you understand it is not ok but doesnt say its forbiden.) But do you know why it said so. at that time? Now think back about three thousend years. and then answer me if you can.
I will tell you after you guess wrongly like most people whould who says the live after the bible and when you probe a bit they know nada are you one of those. then you have already lost.

Gandalf's Hero.

And I should say????

17 Nov 06
31 May 07

Originally posted by amannion
Yes, but as you rightly pointed out I don't believe in God, so any morality based on such a creature is meaningless to me. So my question remains - do you seriously believe homosexuality is somehow to blame for a perceived shortcoming in your society?
Dont you worry his out of he's depht and dont really know what he is talking about. And no homo&Bi&tran is not the percieved short comings, hate is.
And ignorence is.
And the fact they dont love thy next person as you self. Thats the problem.
And not careing about people or them self for that matter.
that is the problem to day.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 May 07

Originally posted by ivanhoe
Confused already ? ...... just wait till the child starts asking questions and wants to know who his father is.
I know several children who don't know who their father is and they only have one mother. A significant number of children think they know who their father is but have it wrong. Many adopted children do not know either parent.
Two mothers must surely be better than one mother and no father.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 May 07

Originally posted by josephw
To my way of thinking, which is biblically based, homosexuality is a sin.
How do you know it is a sin now. You said that it was OK to stone homosexuals in the past but not any longer, isn't it possible that it is also no-longer a sin?