Converting to Islam

Converting to Islam


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Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
20 Feb 09

Originally posted by dystoniac
I know because God has shown me that my worship of Him is acceptable in His eyes. One must pray that they are in the right church, and God will do the rest. God does speak to the heart, therefore, I have no need to learn about other religious institutions/sects. I would be wasting my time.
Your mind is the sole agent that has “shown You” whatever You are able to “see”. Your mind is the agent that guided you to a specific Church which you consider that is the "right", and your mind is the agent that guided you to believe that it is not necessary "to waste your time" in order to study the doctrines of the other Churches although if you don’t “spend time” to study the false doctrines you are unable to know what is “right” and what is “wrong”.
This procedure of yours is clearly caused by your own mind and not from the so called "god"; because, if this was not the case, you could be able to transfer from your mind to everybody else’s mind whatever "God" revealed to you without the slightest contradiction at every level of the evaluation of this "apocalypse"; however your way of thinking is full of contradictions and therefore irrational, and this does not cope with the qualitative way of thinking of an enlightened by "god" person.

So when you are speaking about Christians and "Christians", about "right Churches" and "wrong Churches", I understand that this is solely a reflection of your personal taste; for it is impossible to prove that although a specific Church is "wrong" it remains able to spread the so called "word of god" the same way as the "right Church" does. So, for starters, it seems to me that you have to define who is the sole "right Church" in your opinion.

Done Asking

Washington, D.C.

11 Oct 06
20 Feb 09

Originally posted by dystoniac
Having a blast! In the name of Jesus. Who's name are you having fun in?
I am not having fun.

My experience is that life can be very meaningful. However, I also derive from my experience that life's meaning is not about having fun.

If you are having fun, in my experience, you'd better duck or bend over and kiss your ass goodbye, for that which is not fun is not too far behind you.

Done Asking

Washington, D.C.

11 Oct 06
20 Feb 09

Originally posted by FMF
I'm hedging my bets.
Take a lesson from the Wall St hedge funds -- you can't hedge your bets and win.

You win or you lose -- but you have to commit one way or another.

Decide. Even if you lose, "'T'is better ..." etc.

Done Asking

Washington, D.C.

11 Oct 06
20 Feb 09

Originally posted by FMF
This appears to be all about certainty. Meanwhile the slightly hapless ex-Catholic in the OP is seeking to hedge his bets while continuing to do God's bidding. He spent half of his adult life in the Christian 'realm' and the more recent half in a multi-faith environment located squarely in the Muslim 'realm'. He has reached the conclusion that Muslims are more C ...[text shortened]... inty' outweighs yours, doesn't that mean YOU might be wrong, and they might be right?
Certainty is a trap. Certainty leads to things such as what people did to other people at places like Dachau.

When you are certain, for example, that you can tell us exactly where any particular electron in any particular atom of any substance you care to name may be, be sure to let us know, won't you?

Believe it or not, the entire universe may be symbolically represented by the uncertainty principle.

Maybe that is why the most difficult thing one can find out about life is that you are completely free to make choices without any certainty promised regarding either your chances for success or judgment afterwards whether you chose well or ill. But with such freedom comes responsibility. You have no choice at all in this. You must own the consequences of your own choices.

Most of us have a real hard time with that idea, so we take refuge and comfort in beliefs and faiths involving imaginary friends and imaginary happenings of long ago.

But if you've lived long enough to be able to think at all clearly, you already know that life isn't about gambling, it is about making the best choice you know how to and committing yourself to making it work out.

If you hedge your bets, aren't you setting yourself up for disappointment, even failure?


28 Mar 08
21 Feb 09

First, look at their word for any contradictions there are at least 16 in when the earth was created and thats just a start. then look for contradictions in the bible least in my K.J.V. there is none, zilch zero. Jesus said there would be those who will kill you thinking they are doing God service. The devils believe and tremble. When one is God breathed he is God inspired and there is no contradictions in his or their account. God loved the whole world the word says even sinners whom He wishes to come to him. No one else has the claim they existed before all things as Jesus does and was and still is nor are they claimed to be the ONLY WAY BUT Jesus is the only way. forget degrees.



30 Nov 08
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by Scriabin
I am not having fun.

My experience is that life can be very meaningful. However, I also derive from my experience that life's meaning is not about having fun.

If you are having fun, in my experience, you'd better duck or bend over and kiss your ass goodbye, for that which is not fun is not too far behind you.
You have a point...we are in the last days, but I ain't bending over for nobody! I am waiting patiently for Jesus to return. It's the rest of the God-haters, Jesus-denying, Jihadist-hugging liberals who cannot seem to comprehend what I'm telling them. They will have their day in court. 😲



30 Nov 08
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by twhitehead
First you say that Christianity is 600 years older than Islam, then later you compare only current examples of Christianity with current examples of Islam.
What happened to Christianity over the past 2000 years? Why are you ignoring all the people in that period claiming to be Christian who were just as violent if not more so as the current more violent ...[text shortened]... fact true, so it is really a non-starter as you don't give equal credibility to Islams claims.
Christianity gave the world Democracy, Freedom, Govornance, and the greatest country ever to be graced by God. 'nuff said.



30 Nov 08
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by black beetle
Your mind is the sole agent that has “shown You” whatever You are able to “see”. Your mind is the agent that guided you to a specific Church which you consider that is the "right", and your mind is the agent that guided you to believe that it is not necessary "to waste your time" in order to study the doctrines of the other Churches although if you don’ ...[text shortened]... hat you have to define who is the sole "right Church" in your opinion.
The sole right Church is the one Jesus's disciples started shortly after His death, resurrection, and ascention into Heaven...the one that I worship in today. You, too, can claim this if you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Today is the day of salvation!!!

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by dystoniac
The sole right Church is the one Jesus's disciples started shortly after His death, resurrection, and ascention into Heaven...the one that I worship in today. You, too, can claim this if you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Today is the day of salvation!!!
Does a Baptist, an Anabaptist, a Lutheran, a Presbyterian, an Orthodox, an Anglican, a Pentecostal, a Roman Catholic, a Congregational, an Adventist, a Trinitarian and a Nontrinitarian amongst else belong in that "sole right Church" that is so hard for you to define?



30 Nov 08
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by black beetle
Does a Baptist, an Anabaptist, a Lutheran, a Presbyterian, an Orthodox, an Anglican, a Pentecostal, a Roman Catholic, a Congregational, an Adventist, a Trinitarian and a Nontrinitarian amongst else belong in that "sole right Church" that is so hard for you to define?
Don't know; don't care. I don't concern myself with this question because God will judge according to His will. All I know is that I believe in Jesus Christ and what He taught: we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God unless we believe in our hearts that Jesus is the Son of God and that Jesus died for our sins.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by dystoniac
Don't know; don't care. I don't concern myself with this question because God will judge according to His will. All I know is that I believe in Jesus Christ and what He taught: we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God unless we believe in our hearts that Jesus is the Son of God and that Jesus died for our sins.
It seems to me that all you know is that you believe whatever you believe because you decided out of the blue to believe it without the slightest evaluation of the nature of your beliefs, and your beliefs have nothing to do with understanding; but this is typical for the people who think that their mind is an apparatus that they think they use it in order to think😵

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by dystoniac
Christianity gave the world Democracy, Freedom, Govornance, and the greatest country ever to be graced by God. 'nuff said.
Are you joking or are you really that ignorant?

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by dystoniac
Christianity gave the world Democracy, Freedom, Govornance, and the greatest country ever to be graced by God. 'nuff said.
Sure thing; Pericles and his fellow Athenians were Christians (big time)😵


24 Feb 07
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by FMF
Hypothetical scenario.

If I were a Catholic who had, thus far led a good life, and done all the things I was supposed to do, outwardly as well as in my heart. And here I was, at the midpoint of my adult life, converting to Islam (not superficially but after study and instruction) so that I could marry the love of my life, a Muslim woman. If I continued to liv ...[text shortened]... Muslim tradition... at the end of my life, would I still have a good chance of going to heaven?
No, you would have no chance.

Done Asking

Washington, D.C.

11 Oct 06
21 Feb 09

Originally posted by dystoniac
You have a point...we are in the last days, but I ain't bending over for nobody! I am waiting patiently for Jesus to return. It's the rest of the God-haters, Jesus-denying, Jihadist-hugging liberals who cannot seem to comprehend what I'm telling them. They will have their day in court. 😲
there is no court. your imaginary friend, Jesus, isn't coming back -- no one ever does or has or will under the system of natural laws that appear so far to admit no supernatural exceptions.

you are deluded.