You don't have to. I haven't said you "should".
You're implying that everyone should.
You're implying that that is a better approach.
When it comes to the events of a person and the writing down of those events about him or her, who in ancient history do you think fairs better than Jesus ?
To those impressed with FMF's theory that they wrote about Jesus TOOOOOOO LOOOONG after He lived.
Gary Habermas has some things for you to think about.
The Resurrection Argument That Changed a Generation of Scholars - Gary Habermas at UCSB
And if anyone prefer to see Habermas work in DEBATE MODE with those of equal historical research credentials,
Here he is in debate mode.
Kenneth Humphreys vs Gary Habermas - Was The Resurrection An Invention - 2008
15 Jan 19
@sonship saidYou're now talking about my parents?
Read it again slowly. You'll get it.
I have a conspiracy theory about your mother and father. I bet I can offer a plausible argument ad infinitum that you have been victim of a conspiracy as to the identity of your parents.
Doesn't it bother you that you've been lied to about who your parents are really ?
How do you know that the person you called "father" was actually your father ?
@sonship saidI have no reason to believe any of this. I am not a Christian.
In the Hebrew Bible the lamb slain was to be examined for defects for four days.
Jesus went up to be examined by the religious power structures for four days before He was executed.
How did Jesus arrange for His death to occur on the night the passover lamb was to be slain?
15 Jan 19
@sonship saidYou should subscribe to whatever religion and whatever approach to religious texts you want. Because of my loss of faith, sharing your religion obviously became untenable.
@FMFYou don't have to. I haven't said you "should".
You're implying that everyone should.
You're implying that that is a better approach.
15 Jan 19
You're now talking about my parents?
Yes. I can manufacture endless arguments that you are GULLIBLE to have believed that the person you called your father is something you have to be suspicious of.
You can come here and display your endless arguments not to trust Jesus and His apostles.
OKay, I can invent endless logical arguments to cast doubt that you know who your father was, no matter how much you trusted him.
He may be the greatest guy around. You don't KNOW that he is really your father. How do you know that your parents didn't conceive a conspiracy to make you THINK you belonged to them ?
15 Jan 19
@sonship saidYour feeling that you "have met Jesus" is not evidence of anything to me other than evidence of your religious beliefs. One thousand or a million people having such feelings or similar feelings or different feelings... it doesn't amount to much. Widespread "religious experience" is not evidence of supernatural causality.
Huh ?
Many people say many things and have many feelings. Right ??
15 Jan 19
@sonship saidWhy are you talking about my parents?
You're now talking about my parents?
Yes. I can manufacture endless arguments that you are GULLIBLE to have believed that the person you called your father is something you have to be suspicious of.
You can come here and display your endless arguments not to trust Jesus and His apostles.
OKay, I can invent endless logical argume ...[text shortened]... do you know that your parents didn't conceive a conspiracy to make you THINK you belonged to them ?
15 Jan 19
I have reason to believe any of this. I am not a Christian.
So you want to talk about history. And you don't want to say you believe something because the Bible says so.
But when your history is put up to examination you want to fall back on "I use to be Christian" and "Oh, I am not a Christian."
That thousands of Jerusalem Jews suddenly changed their tradition has a historical reason which doesn't require you to say you're a Christian.
15 Jan 19
@sonship saidDo whatever you feel you need to do, sonship. But if you want to do a proper parody of my stance, then you'll have to restrict yourself to only stating things about my "father" that you actually believe.
OKay, I can invent endless logical arguments to cast doubt that you know who your father was, no matter how much you trusted him.