Am I a real Christian?

Am I a real Christian?


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Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
16 Jul 14

Originally posted by galveston75
No takers?
My "works" lie in another direction, Galveston.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
16 Jul 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
You're kind of missing the point too, Ron.

The Lord has promised me eternal life. Why would I not risk my own mortal life for this? Why throw away what has been promised to me in order to live a few more hours? That makes no sense.
I was just giving divegeester a hard time.

16 Jan 07
16 Jul 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
Ask me this again once we're in the thick of the Tribulation and the real Christian Holocaust starts. No one's got a gun to my head... yet.

Were the Jews "in it for the reward" during their Holocaust?
Were the Jews "in it for the reward" during their Holocaust?

maybe, i dont know. if there were no comfort or promise of an afterlife would they go so easily to their deaths (equally i dont know, but its a good question), similar for your 'christian holocaust' you would still have your promise of an eternal afterlife, a gun to the head will never take that gift away from you.........just potentially bring it earlier.


26 Feb 09
16 Jul 14

Originally posted by divegeester
I'll ignore the trinity elements of your post (although I would challenge where in scripture you base sone of you statements here) as I want to focus on what it means to be a "real" Christian.

I like your comments about compassion, I think some people have a compassionate nature and others not. Are you saying that being compassionate is what demonstrates being a real Christian? I suspect many of the atheists here are compassionate.
Yes, being compassionate is what demistates it is to be a real Christian.

The whole of scripture teaches this too.

It is what Jesus tryed to show us is stories like the Good Samaritan. It is what Paul teaches in all of his letters.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
16 Jul 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
My "works" lie in another direction, Galveston.
Hummm. Im intersted in knowing what your works are. Are they different then the works Jesus told us to do? If they are different where did you get this info from?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
17 Jul 14

Originally posted by galveston75
Hummm. Im intersted in knowing what your works are. Are they different then the works Jesus told us to do? If they are different where did you get this info from?
It's not exactly any of your business.

Making works public so that man can boast is contrary to the teaching of Jesus.

Let's just say that I take his words "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" to heart.

Matthew 25:31-46


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
17 Jul 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
It's not exactly any of your business.

Making works public so that man can boast is contrary to the teaching of Jesus.

Let's just say that I take his words "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" to heart.

Matthew 25:31-46
Fair enough. We all answer to God for our lifes. But still curious as to what this calling is and where you recieved it from. Are you the only one who's recieved this?

And yes many do their thing for what glory they can get out of it or condemn others who they think have not recieved this special attention so to say. I ahvea few relatives who fit that to the fullist.
But I have recieved nothing other then Gods promise that if I remain faithful to him and do the best I can to help others learn about him and to help them learn of the promisses of the future, and that I may be eligable to recieve those benifits.
I boast of nothing but try to be humble in all things.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
17 Jul 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
My "works" lie in another direction, Galveston.
Sorry but still have to ask as this is very interesting. Do your works include helping others either physically or spiritually or both?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
17 Jul 14

Originally posted by galveston75
Matthew 28:19, 20

19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”

I'm just wondering what you guys se ...[text shortened]... y a Christian, so I can't do that"

"yeah their lifes are at stake, but who cares, I'm saved"
Wow....still nothing?


26 Aug 07
17 Jul 14

Originally posted by galveston75
Sorry but still have to ask as this is very interesting. Do your works include helping others either physically or spiritually or both?
Shhhhhh its a big secret, you are not supposed to ask, they blush easily.

16 Feb 08
17 Jul 14

Originally posted by galveston75
Hey brother. Still having the membership cancel in a month or two, but thought I'd jump in with this issue. 🙂
Gosh I bet that was a surprise to fellow Jehovah's Witness and long time forum buddy robbie carrobie!

16 Feb 08
17 Jul 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
I bet you would have move luck in getting her to renounce her faith if she believed it would prevent a rape from you. How detestable that must be to her.
As opposed to a "rape from"... Which would be pleasurable..?


16 Feb 08
17 Jul 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
My entire point is that there is no "pretending". Peter was not pretending to deny Christ, either. He *was* denying Him.

And yes, any kind of death. And my family members don't enter into it. Are you changing the parameters in mid-stream?
What parameters. I'm contesting you implicitly suggestion that nothing would make you deny your faith. So yes your family members do enter into the scenario I put to you which is

If a loved ones life depended on it would you [pretend] to deny Christ in order to save them?

Simple question.

16 Feb 08
17 Jul 14

Originally posted by galveston75
It goes both ways. I'll always disagree with you because of your "not seeing" and supporting what the bible says about being a part of his organization and why it has to exist in order to do the world wide teaching work a Christian has to do in order to educate all who are looking for knowledge of Jehovah and of the time period we are in.
This work has ...[text shortened]... t God's Kingdom and what it will do not only for the person your talking too but all of mankind?
But you (JWs) are not doing the work, you think you are, but just turning up unappointed at someone's door and annoying them is not doing gods work. No one here except you and robbie carrobie think it is gods work and no matter how much bleating about persecution you do, in the final analysis you are just cult members peddling your dogma and being annoying.

16 Feb 08
17 Jul 14

Originally posted by Rajk999
Maybe he talks like that over a beer 🙂. Have a few more beers and you will understand what he is saying. Basically he is saying that some people claim to be Christians but they fail to do what it takes to be one. So in fact they are deluded.
So that's a double-delusion then?