One thing you would do differently

One thing you would do differently


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Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@pettytalk said
I'm catching up on this thread's posited opportunity to express our opinions of one thing we may do differently, provided it were possible and permissible.

I believe that down here on earth it's not possible to do anything differently from the life we chose, before coming down. For instance, if I would say that one thing I would do differently in this life is to never ha ...[text shortened]... g human natures—the good into the gentle and the evil into the savage, in all sorts of combinations.
I finally got through and got that you quit smoking 20 years ago, good job. I quit in 2004 don't want to say how many years I was smoking but it was longer than you by a long shot. It is an addiction like any other addiction, and good on you for managing to quit. Some never do, and die because of it unfortunately.


14 Jan 19

@divegeester said
Scottish men do not wear “skirts” they wear kilts. Calling a kilt a “skirt” would offend Scotsmen who wear kilts.

So no one is a “hypocrite” and you would benefit from expressing less faux outrage and upsetting yourself everyday.
I'll make an exception here, and give you direct attention and a piece of my mind.

Very likely, the kilt was given a different name due to the mindset of individuals like FMF, and yourself as well. You two still remain wrapped in a swaddle blanket, much like a pair of crybabies. The kilt is often referred to as a skirt in makeup because it is traditionally worn by both men and women, and its design is similar to that of a skirt, with pleats and folds that can be styled in various ways.

Whoosh! You two don't grasp the humorous irony of the banter directed your way.

In this case, the clothes we wear do not define the man or the woman. It's akin to an old saying: by wearing the habit of a monk, one does not necessarily become a monk. Similarly, wearing a crown does not automatically make one a king or a queen, as both wear crowns.

14 Jan 19

@very-rusty said
Wow....That is probably the longest posting I've ever seen!!! 🙂

I will however read it all, when time allows. I am a slow reader! 🙂

My contribution was brief, and I included additional content for the sake of appearances. Some here seem to believe that posting more frequently, or using more words, increases the likelihood of being named the poster of the year. However, it's important to remember that quality is often more crucial than quantity.

The extra content I posted is a portion of the myth of Er, which is the concluding 'monologue' delivered by Socrates in Plato's Republic dialogue.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

@pettytalk said
My contribution was brief, and I included additional content for the sake of appearances. Some here seem to believe that posting more frequently, or using more words, increases the likelihood of being named the poster of the year. However, it's important to remember that quality is often more crucial than quantity.

The extra content I posted is a portion of the myth of Er, which is the concluding 'monologue' delivered by Socrates in Plato's Republic dialogue.
No argument from me pettytalk. You always get a green thumb from me. You got a way with words my friend. 🙂

Hopefully, fmf got what you said about wearing crowns. 🙂


14 Jan 19

@very-rusty said
I finally got through and got that you quit smoking 20 years ago, good job. I quit in 2004 don't want to say how many years I was smoking but it was longer than you by a long shot. It is an addiction like any other addiction, and good on you for managing to quit. Some never do, and die because of it unfortunately.

Good for you!

For me, it's been almost 40 years of non-smoking tobacco. I started very young, and later kept it up trying to impress the opposite sex that I was a cool guy, and in fashion. In the early 60s it was still considered 'cool' to smoke. I started at age 12 by occasionally stealing a couple of my father's unfiltered Camels, and which he never missed. At 15 I was smoking 4 or 5 cigarettes a day, secretly. Back then the packaging had no warnings labels. Not that it would have made any difference. Tobacco represents another plant, another tree of good and evil. By age 18 I was a pack-a-day smoker, and when I got out of the army I was up to two packs, or more, per day.

Jack Torrance

Overlook Hotel

04 Feb 11

@pettytalk said
Some here seem to believe that posting more words increases the likelihood of being named the poster of the year.
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

16 Feb 08

@pettytalk said
I'll make an exception here, and give you direct attention and a piece of my mind.

Very likely, the kilt was given a different name due to the mindset of individuals like FMF, and yourself as well. You two still remain wrapped in a swaddle blanket, much like a pair of crybabies. The kilt is often referred to as a skirt in makeup because it is traditionally worn by both ...[text shortened]... . Similarly, wearing a crown does not automatically make one a king or a queen, as both wear crowns.
You’re upsetting yourself again PettyTalk.

16 Feb 08

@pettytalk said
However, it's important to remember that quality is often more crucial than quantity.
Advice you would do well to refer back to.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@pettytalk said
Good for you!

For me, it's been almost 40 years of non-smoking tobacco. I started very young, and later kept it up trying to impress the opposite sex that I was a cool guy, and in fashion. In the early 60s it was still considered 'cool' to smoke. I started at age 12 by occasionally stealing a couple of my father's unfiltered Camels, and which he never missed. At 15 I was ...[text shortened]... 8 I was a pack-a-day smoker, and when I got out of the army I was up to two packs, or more, per day.
Yes, I remember in the 70's it was cool if you were a smoker! If knew what I know now would have never started the nasty habit. I was also very young when I started, like yourself just a few to start then was up to a package and a half. I had to cut back some when I started boxing, but still smoked as many did. Even hockey players smoked back in those days. 20 years that I quit this year. It is all like another life time ago now.


Jack Torrance

Overlook Hotel

04 Feb 11

The kilt is often referred to as a skirt in makeup

What does that mean?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@divegeester said
Yes Very Rusty’s intellect and razor wit got me real good with that one.
I can see exactly why you wrote “ouch”, you obviously felt the blow as it landed.
Try not to let it upset you so much.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
1 edit

@fmf said
"Getting the hem of [my] skirt wet"?

Are you likening me to a woman?
Not at all.

You have a long way to go before you'd have the mental fortitude to be a woman.

16 Feb 08

@suzianne said
Try not to let it upset you so much.
Your advice is to not let Very Rusty’s keen intellect and sharp forum wit… “not upset me”?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@divegeester said
Yes Very Rusty’s intellect and razor wit got me real good with that one.
I can see exactly why you wrote “ouch”, you obviously felt the blow as it landed.
Geester, Go back and re-read what I said it was directed at fmf, not you although the same could be said about you. 😛 🙂


Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@divegeester said
Your advice is to not let Very Rusty’s keen intellect and sharp forum wit… “not upset me”?
My advice is "Try not to let it upset you so much."

You know, since it obviously has.