Saddam Hussein's elections vs. US elections

Saddam Hussein's elections vs. US elections


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07 Dec 05
11 Nov 20

Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

I suspect very few dictatorships who held rigged elections had their election rigging exposed. If people are going to claim recounts are not going to change the outcome of the US election how do they know? History?

Fine. Let's look at all elections in dictatorships as well as democracies. Are rigged elections typically exposed as such? If not, how can anyone possibly know how much election fraud is taking place?


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
11 Nov 20

@metal-brain said
Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

I suspect very few dictatorships who held rigged elections had their election rigging exposed. If people are going to claim recounts are not going to change the outcome of the US election how do they know? History?

Fine. Let's look at all elections in dictatorships as well as democraci ...[text shortened]... cally exposed as such? If not, how can anyone possibly know how much election fraud is taking place?
Yeah... let’s compare Iraq to a Western democracy...


07 Dec 05
11 Nov 20

@shavixmir said
Yeah... let’s compare Iraq to a Western democracy...
Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

If not, anyone who claims recounts cannot possibly change the outcome are stupid, right? History is irrelevant for predicting the extent of election fraud if dictatorships are rarely caught rigging their elections.

How do you know the USA is a democracy? Saddam Hussein tried to fool his people into believing Iraq was a democracy. Many dictatorships masquerade as a democracies. That is why they hold elections.

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
11 Nov 20

@metal-brain said
Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

If not, anyone who claims recounts cannot possibly change the outcome are stupid, right? History is irrelevant for predicting the extent of election fraud if dictatorships are rarely caught rigging their elections.

How do you know the USA is a democracy? Saddam Hussein tried to fool hi ...[text shortened]... aq was a democracy. Many dictatorships masquerade as a democracies. That is why they hold elections.
Our President changes every 8 years, or 4 in this case


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
11 Nov 20

@metal-brain said
Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

If not, anyone who claims recounts cannot possibly change the outcome are stupid, right? History is irrelevant for predicting the extent of election fraud if dictatorships are rarely caught rigging their elections.

How do you know the USA is a democracy? Saddam Hussein tried to fool hi ...[text shortened]... aq was a democracy. Many dictatorships masquerade as a democracies. That is why they hold elections.
Yahhhh... you do realise the subtle difference between a democracy and trying to appear democratic (for the outside world).

The mere fact that trump’s constant attempts at being a despot fail, is because of the mechanisms of democracy: checks and balances.

trump screams: BOTER FRAUD!!
But there are no cases to really build on.
Every case that’s been coughed up and spread by incel community gets shot down as fake or a misrepresentation by objective observers.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
11 Nov 20

@metal-brain said
Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

I suspect very few dictatorships who held rigged elections had their election rigging exposed. If people are going to claim recounts are not going to change the outcome of the US election how do they know? History?

Fine. Let's look at all elections in dictatorships as well as democraci ...[text shortened]... cally exposed as such? If not, how can anyone possibly know how much election fraud is taking place?
I think the election of Genghis Khan in the early 13th century was fierce contested by 98 soon-to-be-dead people.

Seriously MB, grow up.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
11 Nov 20

@metal-brain said
Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

If not, anyone who claims recounts cannot possibly change the outcome are stupid, right? History is irrelevant for predicting the extent of election fraud if dictatorships are rarely caught rigging their elections.

How do you know the USA is a democracy? Saddam Hussein tried to fool hi ...[text shortened]... aq was a democracy. Many dictatorships masquerade as a democracies. That is why they hold elections.
Trump lost, there was no conspiracy to defraud him of being a total **** for the next four years, everyone is just glad to see the back of his megalomaniac lunacy.

Get over it


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
11 Nov 20

@metal-brain said
Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

I suspect very few dictatorships who held rigged elections had their election rigging exposed. If people are going to claim recounts are not going to change the outcome of the US election how do they know? History?

Fine. Let's look at all elections in dictatorships as well as democraci ...[text shortened]... cally exposed as such? If not, how can anyone possibly know how much election fraud is taking place?
You’d have thought they would have sacked you guys after the election debacle.
Still chundering divisive nonsense I see, it’s getting very lame though.
Maybe Trump should have murdered and locked up his political rivals and avoid all that messy democracy stuff like Putin.


08 Mar 11
11 Nov 20

@metal-brain said
Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

I suspect very few dictatorships who held rigged elections had their election rigging exposed. If people are going to claim recounts are not going to change the outcome of the US election how do they know? History?

Fine. Let's look at all elections in dictatorships as well as democraci ...[text shortened]... cally exposed as such? If not, how can anyone possibly know how much election fraud is taking place?
By comparing Iraq to the US, are you saying Trump is a dictator who rigged the election? Because he's the one in power in now.

You're implying the US is a dictatorship, run by Trump, where the election was rigged....and Trump, the head of the country, lost because of the dictatorship HE runs?

You don't see how flawed that sounds?

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
12 Nov 20

very odd thread.

Trump the dictator stole the election? Which means TDS really is only in your heads


07 Dec 05
12 Nov 20

@athousandyoung said
Our President changes every 8 years, or 4 in this case
Yeah, from one plutocrat to another.

Putin briefly was not president once. Does that change prove Russia is a democracy?

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
12 Nov 20

@Metal-Brain - [i]Yeah, from one plutocrat to another.[/l]

I agree but don't blame the president. he's just a figure head. Maybe the problem can never truly be fixed, or even seen.

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
12 Nov 20
1 edit

@metal-brain said
Yeah, from one plutocrat to another.

Putin briefly was not president once. Does that change prove Russia is a democracy?
Medvedev was Putin's lackey, not an opposition figure. In Russia opposition figures end up poisoned to death or locked in prison.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
13 Nov 20

@metal-brain said
Was any evidence found of widespread election fraud in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

If not, anyone who claims recounts cannot possibly change the outcome are stupid, right? History is irrelevant for predicting the extent of election fraud if dictatorships are rarely caught rigging their elections.

How do you know the USA is a democracy? Saddam Hussein tried to fool hi ...[text shortened]... aq was a democracy. Many dictatorships masquerade as a democracies. That is why they hold elections.
Your being really really stupid now, I mean ‘crap on a Christmas tree’ how stupid can you get.
Electoral fraud is ‘exposed’, it is exposed by outside observers if they are allowed in by the dictator in place at the time of the election. The difference between a dictatorship and a democracy is the transparent nature and adherence to the results of an election.
Trump is a classic dictator embedded in a democracy who from his position of power is refusing to accept the will of the people and instead tries to steal the election by undermining democracy.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
13 Nov 20

@metal-brain said
Yeah, from one plutocrat to another.

Putin briefly was not president once. Does that change prove Russia is a democracy?
Oh you mean when he arranged for Medvedev to keep his seat warm while he took the mandatory time out from being president.
But don’t worry because as you know he’s got rid of presidential time limits so you won’t be seeing anymore blow up dolls occupying the Kremlin just the dictator that’s there now.