Obamacare premiums soar as much as 78%

Obamacare premiums soar as much as 78%



02 Jan 06
31 Oct 14


No surprise here.

We told you so.

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
31 Oct 14

Originally posted by whodey

No surprise here.

We told you so.
I keep getting emails from the DNC asking for donations and I regularly reply that I am saving my money to pay the fine because I can't afford Obamacare. They have never replied except to ask for more money.
Hopefully the Repubs will get control of both houses and neuter that law.


02 Jan 06
31 Oct 14

This was all predicted before Obama even took office.


04 Feb 05
31 Oct 14

Originally posted by whodey

No surprise here.

We told you so.
before government subsidies.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
31 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey

No surprise here.

We told you so.
Maybe you shouldn't rely on unpublished studies made for the Reverend Moon's newspaper:

Insurance companies raised their rates for premiums by about 3 percent this year for people covered by employer health insurance, which includes most Americans, according to a new report. The average family premium is $16,834, and the average employee pays $4,823 of that. “Premiums increased more slowly over the past five years than the preceding five years (26 percent vs. 34 percent) and well below the annual double-digit increases recorded in the late 1990s and early 2000s,” the Kaiser Family Foundation, which conducted the survey, said in a statement.


What did you tell us again?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
31 Oct 14

Originally posted by caissad4
I keep getting emails from the DNC asking for donations and I regularly reply that I am saving my money to pay the fine because I can't afford Obamacare. They have never replied except to ask for more money.
Hopefully the Repubs will get control of both houses and neuter that law.
If you really can't afford it, you're almost certainly exempt from the penalty:



The Catbird's Seat

21 Oct 06
31 Oct 14

Originally posted by no1marauder
If you really can't afford it, you're almost certainly exempt from the penalty:

She really ought not worry. It really isn't a penalty, but according to Roberts a tax. Just pay the tax and don't worry about health care.

Like most tax legislation there are not any real cuts, just shifts. Somebody has to pay.


02 Jan 06
31 Oct 14

Originally posted by no1marauder
If you really can't afford it, you're almost certainly exempt from the penalty:

And if you want to keep your previous health care plan, you can!! 😵


The Catbird's Seat

21 Oct 06
31 Oct 14

Originally posted by whodey
And if you want to keep your previous health care plan, you can!! 😵
Just wait for the employer mandate to kick in. Many marginal employers will pay the fine and offload health care premiums.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
31 Oct 14

Originally posted by normbenign
Just wait for the employer mandate to kick in. Many marginal employers will pay the fine and offload health care premiums.
It would probably be a very good thing for the economy if we got away from the perverse system where employers provide health insurance.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
31 Oct 14

Originally posted by normbenign
She really ought not worry. It really isn't a penalty, but according to Roberts a tax. Just pay the tax and don't worry about health care.

Like most tax legislation there are not any real cuts, just shifts. Somebody has to pay.
It's seems rather clear that, at most, only a very small percentage of those without health insurance will pay the penalty.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
31 Oct 14

Originally posted by caissad4
I keep getting emails from the DNC asking for donations and I regularly reply that I am saving my money to pay the fine because I can't afford Obamacare. They have never replied except to ask for more money.
Hopefully the Repubs will get control of both houses and neuter that law.
Before you are so anxious to "neuter the law" and go back to the old system, you should consider this article: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/one-map-shows-exactly-obamacare-223500256.html

Today, more Americans have health insurance than ever before.

Since the Affordable Care Act went into effect, an additional 10 million people who would have previously had to pay full price for any health treatment can now afford an annual checkup, eye glasses, or birth control pills.

View gallery
.map insured americans 2014
Courtesy @MetricMaps
Four million of them are young people between 19 and 25.

In states that embraced the ACA's planned expansion of Medicaid, the government health care program for the poor, the number of uninsured fell by nearly 40%.

A wide swath of Western states, including California, Nevada, and Washington saw the number of their residents with insurance climb sharply. Texas (which opted out of participating in the Medicaid expansion along with several other states, mostly in the South), is now the only state where more than 22% of the population lacks coverage.

It's unfortunate that the State you reside in because of partisan decisions made by your Governor and legislature has benefited the least of any State in the country because of the ACA.

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
01 Nov 14

Originally posted by no1marauder
If you really can't afford it, you're almost certainly exempt from the penalty:

Sorry, not exempt. 😠😠

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
01 Nov 14

Originally posted by caissad4
Sorry, not exempt. 😠😠
I really can't see how that is possibly true. Even if you don't fit into one of the numerous categories of exemptions, your premium cost must be less than 8% of your income. That is considerably below the average paid by the average family in the US and a reasonable price for such an important item as health care insurance. Your "can't afford it" would be rhetoric in that case.

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
02 Nov 14

Originally posted by no1marauder
I really can't see how that is possibly true. Even if you don't fit into one of the numerous categories of exemptions, your premium cost must be less than 8% of your income. That is considerably below the average paid by the average family in the US and a reasonable price for such an important item as health care insurance. Your "can't afford it" would be rhetoric in that case.
Really. Try making $9 hr and being a smoker. My rates would be affordable if I could quit smoking and replace it with heroin and excessive drinking. And then it would be a policy with a $5000 deductible. Of course I wouldn't get that rate til I had quit smoking for 2 years. Smoking is a serious addiction so don't wheel out the anti-smoking dismissive rhetoric.

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