Katyn Massacre Redux

Katyn Massacre Redux


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Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07
1 edit

Nothing is ever 100% on these things, but I'd call the odds that it was a failed Palestinian rocket that hit the hospital something like 99%.


(clearly nonpartisan source here)

If you want an admittedly partisan source, but with lots of backup, here:


Even Al Jezeera, which was blaming Israel all night in its headlines, has changed its headline to avoid directly reporting that Israel did it. They clearly know what's up to make that sort of shift right before our eyes.

All the people, countries and organizations that lambasted Israel yesterday for the hospital attack now have to turn around and equally lambaste Palestinian militants or they're stark raving hypocrites.

Hamas apparently knew right away that it was friendly fire, but the Islamic world (including Al Jezeera, until about an hour ago) is still keeping the wool over its eyes to intentionally stoke Israel (and by extention, Jew) hatred.

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07

Speaking of war criminals, Rashida Tlaib Tweeted yesterday:

Israel just bombed the Baptist Hospital killing 500 Palestinians (doctors, children, patients) just like that.

this is what happens when you refuse to facilitate a ceasefire & help de-escalate.

Your war and destruction only approach has opened my eyes and many Palestinian Americans and Muslims Americans like me. We will remember where you stood.


You want to say she was angry at the moment and excuse her jumping the gun in that way? Fine.

But the Tweet is STILL UP, over 19 hours later.


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
4 edits

@sh76 said
Nothing is ever 100% on these things, but I'd call the odds that it was a failed Palestinian rocket that hit the hospital something like 99%.


(clearly nonpartisan source here)

If you want an admittedly partisan source, but with lots of backup, here:

https://www.timesofisrael.com/haters-wont-be-swayed-but-ham ...[text shortened]... s still keeping the wool over its eyes to intentionally stoke Israel (and by extention, Jew) hatred.
Nothing is ever 100% on these things, but I'd call the odds that it was a failed Palestinian rocket that hit the hospital something like 99%.

I'm sure this is true, but now America has 2 navy carrier groups in the area + a proposed 100 billion aid package to Israel in the works. I wonder sometimes why the United States must always take on the role of the world's policeman when we're struggling to solve our own problems here at home. 🙁

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@sh76 said
Speaking of war criminals, Rashida Tlaib Tweeted yesterday:

[quote]Israel just bombed the Baptist Hospital killing 500 Palestinians (doctors, children, patients) just like that.

this is what happens when you refuse to facilitate a ceasefire & help de-escalate.

Your war and destruction only approach has opened my eyes and many Palestinian Americans and Muslim ...[text shortened]... and excuse her jumping the gun in that way? Fine.

But the Tweet is STILL UP, over 19 hours later.
"...facilitate a ceasefire & help de-escalate."

De-escalation is 180 degrees opposite to what she wants and what her tweet does. The death cult celebrates martyrdom, too bad if you're reluctant.

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07

@mchill said
Nothing is ever 100% on these things, but I'd call the odds that it was a failed Palestinian rocket that hit the hospital something like 99%.

I'm sure this is true, but now America has 2 navy carrier groups in the area + a proposed 100 billion aid package to Israel in the works. I wonder sometimes why the United States must always take on the role of the world's policeman when we're struggling to solve our own problems here at home. 🙁
We're never going to solve all of our problems. Everything could always stand to be improved at home. That's really a separate question than how to conduct foreign policy. Active foreign policy is not a contradiction to good domestic policy.

The US, including President Biden, has been very supportive of Israel, and I'm very thankful for that. But calling out Hamas and other Jew-haters around the world for yesterday's blood libel is completely warranted and necessary.

05 Nov 06

@mchill said
Nothing is ever 100% on these things, but I'd call the odds that it was a failed Palestinian rocket that hit the hospital something like 99%.

I'm sure this is true, but now America has 2 navy carrier groups in the area + a proposed 100 billion aid package to Israel in the works. I wonder sometimes why the United States must always take on the role of the world's policeman when we're struggling to solve our own problems here at home. 🙁
why? because you idiots keep supporting war monger democrats.

we had money in our pockets, could afford gas, groceries and a decent house. Were energy independent, now are begging adversaries for oil. Oil consumption hasnt diminished, just getting it from others that hate us. All because dems support men wearing dresses.

05 Nov 06

@sh76 said
Nothing is ever 100% on these things, but I'd call the odds that it was a failed Palestinian rocket that hit the hospital something like 99%.


(clearly nonpartisan source here)

If you want an admittedly partisan source, but with lots of backup, here:

https://www.timesofisrael.com/haters-wont-be-swayed-but-ham ...[text shortened]... s still keeping the wool over its eyes to intentionally stoke Israel (and by extention, Jew) hatred.
not a doubt in my mind it was hamas that did the bombing, I do doubt it was accidental.

Hamas is filthy vermin, those that support them are no better.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11

@sh76 said
We're never going to solve all of our problems. Everything could always stand to be improved at home. That's really a separate question than how to conduct foreign policy. Active foreign policy is not a contradiction to good domestic policy.

The US, including President Biden, has been very supportive of Israel, and I'm very thankful for that. But calling out Hamas and other Jew-haters around the world for yesterday's blood libel is completely warranted and necessary.
Whatever the reality of what happened huge chunks of the globe are going to hold Israel responsible for the death and destruction in Gaza, in particular it’s nearest neighbours, the fog of war will eventually clear to reveal a shed load of dead gazan babies in numbers that dwarf the horrors that took place in Israel, a win for Iran me thinks and a long term defeat for Israel, Gaza and the geopolitical plans of the US.

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07
1 edit

@kevcvs57 said
Whatever the reality of what happened huge chunks of the globe are going to hold Israel responsible for the death and destruction in Gaza, in particular it’s nearest neighbours, the fog of war will eventually clear to reveal a shed load of dead gazan babies in numbers that dwarf the horrors that took place in Israel, a win for Iran me thinks and a long term defeat for Israel, Gaza and the geopolitical plans of the US.
The same "huge chunks of the globe" hold Israel and more specifically Jews, responsible for killer bees, tsunamis and Game of Thrones Season 8.

Of course it's true that for Hamas, violence is always an excellent means to their end. Not sure what can be done about that, though.



04 Apr 04

@mchill said

I'm sure this is true, but now America has 2 navy carrier groups in the area + a proposed 100 billion aid package to Israel in the works. I wonder sometimes why the United States must always take on the role of the world's policeman when we're struggling to solve our own problems here at home. 🙁
Your home problems are caused by your own stupidity. Throwing $100 B at it wont fix it anyhow. Helping an ally is what the US is doing.. its a good thing.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Jumping off the deep end again. If Trump was POTUS right now you would undoubtedly say, not his fault, it's the world economy or attacks on whatever and Covid, NEVER your god king Trump.
I imagine you believe whole heartedly Trump's statement if he was POTUS Hamas would never have attacked Israel.

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07

American officials say they have multiple strands of intelligence — including infrared satellite data — indicating that the deadly blast at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday was caused by Palestinian fighters.

The intelligence includes satellite and other infrared data showing a launch of a rocket or missile from Palestinian fighter positions within Gaza. American intelligence agencies have also analyzed open-source video of the launch showing that it did not come from the direction of Israeli military positions, the officials said. Israeli officials have also provided the United States with intercepts of Hamas officials saying the strike came from forces aligned with Palestinian militant groups.

“While we continue to collect information, our current assessment, based on analysis of overhead imagery, intercepts and open-source information, is that Israel is not responsible for the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday,” said Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council.

Other U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive information, cautioned that the analysis was preliminary and that they were continuing to collect and analyze evidence. Multiple officials said the evidence gathered so far refutes claims that Israeli forces were responsible for the blast and was strong enough for President Biden to make comments supporting Israel’s account of events.

“Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you,” Mr. Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel during a joint appearance.

A senior Defense Department official said based on the launch data collected by infrared sensors that the United States is “fairly confident” the launch did not come from Israeli forces.

On Tuesday, Israeli officials provided American intelligence agencies intercepted communications between Hamas members that indicated the rocket was fired by their side. Israeli officials have said the rocket was fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a group aligned with Hamas.

U.S. officials spent the night analyzing those intercepts along with the open-source data, videos captured by journalists and other that show a rocket flying in the vicinity of the hospital.

The United States regularly uses infrared satellite collection to analyze launches. The warning system was one of the first pieces of intelligence that showed that a Malaysia Airlines plane was shot down by Russian forces over Ukraine in 2014.


05 Nov 06

@sonhouse said
Jumping off the deep end again. If Trump was POTUS right now you would undoubtedly say, not his fault, it's the world economy or attacks on whatever and Covid, NEVER your god king Trump.
I imagine you believe whole heartedly Trump's statement if he was POTUS Hamas would never have attacked Israel.
If Trump were still president the Abraham accords would have progressed further with peace in the region.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

I wouldn't put it past Hamas to do the dirty work like that but most likely a misfired rocket intended for Israel.

05 Nov 06
1 edit

@sonhouse said
I wouldn't put it past Hamas to do the dirty work like that but most likely a misfired rocket intended for Israel.
misfired that just happens to hit a hospital that would cause world outrage...and blame it on Israel...gullible

the part that bothers me is how the media took this and run with it...all these rioters cannot be calmed now...much like democrats work