How The Game is Played

How The Game is Played


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Lake Como

27 Jul 10
20 May 21

@kevcvs57 said
Your claiming that Biden or someone else is proposing that the government tracks down everyone with one million dollars to their name and takes $900,000 away. I think you might be over taxing the straw man strategy again. Don’t you?
I get y’all Confused, but I think thousand young said a few clicks back that 90% would be a good tax rate for rich people,, that that was the rate in 1955. (he actually thinks 2021 is the same scenario as 1955 ha ha Ha ) So hey, I’m just responding to a 90% figure put out by another Marxist.
Dont shoot the messenger. The point is the school of thought for liberals is tax the hell out of the rich. I am writing posts here to show how foolish that is, and many economists will tell you it would not help our economy one bit, to do this to the job creators. I for one am a job creator myself you might be would be.
Anyway y’all carry on to tax the hell out of successful people, quashing entrepreneurship, and I on the other hand will do my best to be a successful entrepreneur

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
20 May 21

@averagejoe1 said
So we are on the same page, if a man makes $1 million, you, with Marxism and 90% philosophy, would take $900 thousand away from him, leaving him with $100 thousand. You will then use the 900 thousand wherever. Remember, you as a Marxist, and I as a capitalist, are having fun with the logic. Whittle it down now to an analogy, 2 neighbors. I make $400 today, and get home t ...[text shortened]... Can you?
I hope you don’t go out Suzianne on me, saying that $100,000 is plenty to live on.
You aren't very good with math are you?


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
20 May 21

@averagejoe1 said
I get y’all Confused, but I think thousand young said a few clicks back that 90% would be a good tax rate for rich people,, that that was the rate in 1955. (he actually thinks 2021 is the same scenario as 1955 ha ha Ha ) So hey, I’m just responding to a 90% figure put out by another Marxist.
Dont shoot the messenger. The point is the school of thought for liberals is ...[text shortened]... , quashing entrepreneurship, and I on the other hand will do my best to be a successful entrepreneur
Well your right there Joe you definitely get confused.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
20 May 21

@kevcvs57 said
Well your right there Joe you definitely get confused.
Bring it boys, don’t let me win something again with common sense.


20 Oct 06
20 May 21
1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
I get y’all Confused, but I think thousand young said a few clicks back that 90% would be a good tax rate for rich people,, that that was the rate in 1955. (he actually thinks 2021 is the same scenario as 1955 ha ha Ha ) So hey, I’m just responding to a 90% figure put out by another Marxist.
Dont shoot the messenger. The point is the school of thought for liberals is ...[text shortened]... , quashing entrepreneurship, and I on the other hand will do my best to be a successful entrepreneur
Honest question Joe but only because you use the same word in many of your posts and you seem to use it wrong.

Do you know what marxism is?

Btw I think marxism is fundamentally flawed, but the term should still be used accurately. Changes to tax bracketing laws is not even close to marxism. However the no bid military contracts which are handed to lockheed every year are marxist. US military spending in general is modeled based on keynesian stimulus programs and structural marxism. Although, joe, I don't hear you complain about that very often.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
20 May 21

@wildgrass said
Honest question Joe but only because you use the same word in many of your posts and you seem to use it wrong.

Do you know what marxism is?

Btw I think marxism is fundamentally flawed, but the term should still be used accurately. Changes to tax bracketing laws is not even close to marxism. However the no bid military contracts which are handed to lockheed every year ...[text shortened]... lus programs and structural marxism. Although, joe, I don't hear you complain about that very often.
No, I don’t since the issue is taking money from people who have it...............”FROM EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY...

.......and GIVING it to someone who does not have it...................... ...........TO EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS.

Am I close to the definition, Wildgrass? If that is what Biden’s administration of Socialists want to do, which in fact IS what they want to do, and what you want to see happen, then I think their movement qualifies as the specter of Marx. Are YOU aware that Marx said that, and that the administration (Biden himself is non compos mantis) has set out to fulfill Marx’s dream?


Lake Como

27 Jul 10
20 May 21
1 edit

@athousandyoung said
You aren't very good with math are you?
Looks like I just dropped you in the middle of a Dodge City street. 😉


20 Oct 06
21 May 21
2 edits

@averagejoe1 said
No, I don’t since the issue is taking money from people who have it...............”FROM EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY...

.......and GIVING it to someone who does not have it...................... ...........TO EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS.

Am I close to the definition, Wildgrass? If that is what Biden’s administration of Socialists want to do, which in fact IS wh ...[text shortened]... administration (Biden himself is non compos mantis) has set out to fulfill Marx’s dream?

No. You write about Marx way more than Marxists do. I don't understand what you're on about.

I am, as you know, a disaffected Republican. Republican doctrine of late has supported Marxism as it pertains to the latter half of your Marxist quote (i.e. giving money to businesses who they deem worthy) but refusing to accomplish the former bit (i.e. paying for stuff you spend money on). Republicans passed an enormous spending bill whole cloth without one mention of how to raise the funds. The only difference is Biden wants to pay for it.

Let's pay off the credit card. Cut spending. Sheeeesh. It's not Marxism to pay for stuff you already bought.

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
21 May 21

@averagejoe1 said
Looks like I just dropped you in the middle of a Dodge City street. 😉
Good thing I've been in a street before. You might get lost if you ever ended up in one.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
21 May 21

@wildgrass said
No. You write about Marx way more than Marxists do. I don't understand what you're on about.

I am, as you know, a disaffected Republican. Republican doctrine of late has supported Marxism as it pertains to the latter half of your Marxist quote (i.e. giving money to businesses who they deem worthy) but refusing to accomplish the former bit (i.e. paying for stuff you spend ...[text shortened]... y off the credit card. Cut spending. Sheeeesh. It's not Marxism to pay for stuff you already bought.
“Elephant in the Room” moment. Biden and the government do not/will not pay for it, because the government, as you know being a Republican, has no money. .The money that they use is someone else’s money, our tav money.
Your novel approach, substituting corporations in place of individual citizens (and aliens who are here illegally) belies your claim to be a Republican. A liberal thinks like this, changing the issue, the goalposts. I think I will stay the course,.....Marx was thinking about people, not corps. You and Bernie and AOC want to rake money from some people and give it to others.
The Socialists and Marxists on this Forum have NEVER justified this simple premise on ANY post.


20 Oct 06
21 May 21

@averagejoe1 said
“Elephant in the Room” moment. Biden and the government do not/will not pay for it, because the government, as you know being a Republican, has no money. .The money that they use is someone else’s money, our tav money.
Your novel approach, substituting corporations in place of individual citizens (and aliens who are here illegally) belies your claim to be a Repu ...[text shortened]...
The Socialists and Marxists on this Forum have NEVER justified this simple premise on ANY post.
Substituting? You're way off course here. Please write more clearly if you want to discuss. What's the premise? If you think that Marxism is a philosophy restricted to individuals then your premise is extremely misguided. Perhaps this is what allowed multi-billion dollar companies to thrive with military contracting under conservative rule for decades without producing useful products.

We're ok with Marxism for corps but not for people?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
22 May 21
2 edits

@wildgrass said
Substituting? You're way off course here. Please write more clearly if you want to discuss. What's the premise? If you think that Marxism is a philosophy restricted to individuals then your premise is extremely misguided. Perhaps this is what allowed multi-billion dollar companies to thrive with military contracting under conservative rule for decades without producing useful products.

We're ok with Marxism for corps but not for people?
More clearly? You are keying on corps taking legal tax breaks. I have done it myself, more than once. If you will google the purpose(s) and history of such goings-on, you will see that they benefit the country. Libs hate corps, as you type on your Corp-made computer, and find IRS regulations the easiest thing to vent about. To that, I say “whatever”.
Could it be that you, Wildgrass, have used a tax break?? Wildgrass? Ask your accountant, you will be surprised. Please report back, be honest.

My posts, however, are about citizens who have no right to take money from other citizens. Ask a man from Mars if that is logical,

Note how simple and clear my ‘citizen’ premise is, while your “Corp” premise will need a lot of digging by our fellow posters to realize that it is more acceptable than the government making me give money to another person, whatever their reason.

I’m thinking you, like corps, have used tax breaks, I know you hate it.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
22 May 21

@AverageJoe1. Do you know that you can deduct cost of hiring a babysitter? If I have no children, then I don’t get that tax advantage. So, something for me to complain about, as you seem to be complaining about corps.


20 Oct 06
22 May 21
1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
More clearly? You are keying on corps taking legal tax breaks. I have done it myself, more than once. If you will google the purpose(s) and history of such goings-on, you will see that they benefit the country. Libs hate corps, as you type on your Corp-made computer, and find IRS regulations the easiest thing to vent about. To that, I say “whatever”.
Could it be ...[text shortened]... atever their reason.

I’m thinking you, like corps, have used tax breaks, I know you hate it.
You started writing about Marxism as it pertains to taxation. I was "keying on corps" because they are the primary beneficiaries of Marxism. I was following your lead. These corps are not "taking legal tax breaks", they are taking direct payments from the Federal Reserve. Hundreds and hundreds of billions (actually trillions now post-COVID) of dollars in direct payments. This allows the government to take control of production, demanding that corps produce specific things they want. Farmers, for example, don't grow the crop that's profitable they grow the crop that gets them the largest government handout. That is exactly what we should be worried about as it pertains to Karl Marx's ideas. It's bad. The strange thing that has shifted recently is that these policies do not seem to be driven by liberal politicians. Conservatives are the ones doling money to farmers hand-over-fist and bragging about all the "job creation" in the Pentagon budget. It's bad.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
22 May 21

@wildgrass said
You started writing about Marxism as it pertains to taxation. I was "keying on corps" because they are the primary beneficiaries of Marxism. I was following your lead. These corps are not "taking legal tax breaks", they are taking direct payments from the Federal Reserve. Hundreds and hundreds of billions (actually trillions now post-COVID) of dollars in direct payments. Th ...[text shortened]... o farmers hand-over-fist and bragging about all the "job creation" in the Pentagon budget. It's bad.
No, my crux for many months is NOT about corps, which I like, though we have an imperfect (legal) tax system, by people we elected. To rap on about the system in detail smacks of Sonhouse ravings, so I will pass. I respect your views, like you can respect mine about govt spending, great examples of which are listed in the Biden Covid bill, where only 9% of the trillions goes to Covid. So you rave about corps, but allow me to be MORE incensed about $200M to the Kennedy Center, $500K to study blackberries, and the list goes on, 91% waste, don’t you think? And I haven’t even mentioned my having to pay handouts to my less fortunate or lazy neighbor, or is Prego daughter.
And also, my reference to Marx has never been about corps. It has been about people ‘with’ giving to people ‘without’. His slogan. I like corps, and I am serious in the biz world, and know the reasons for tax shelters. I began in the early 80’s buying feed cattle, a tax shelter. Never saw the cows!!! Worked for me, and the populace who had hamburgers.
So rail on about corps, ,,, me, Id love to get a response from a man from Mars as to his opinion on Marx’s great idea. “They make you do WHAT?!?!?!????”