Biden is not pro union

Biden is not pro union



07 Dec 05

Why are people calling Joe Biden the most pro union president in history? If he was pro union he would not have made it illegal for rail workers to strike.

Apparently if people hear a lie often enough they will believe it no matter how absurd it is.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19

The Auto Workers union in Michigan already said they are not backing Joe.

Michigan is one of those big swing states, a purple state


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
1 edit

@metal-brain said
Why are people calling Joe Biden the most pro union president in history? If he was pro union he would not have made it illegal for rail workers to strike.

Apparently if people hear a lie often enough they will believe it no matter how absurd it is.
You see this in many countries. When union backed parties become elected officials, they are forced to adopt measures which aren’t pro-union.

This is because unions have the best interests for their members / work force they represent and governments have to weigh up the interests of a great many other things, besides the work force.

I do think banning a strike is a rather extreme measure.


19 Aug 12

No President can be pro-Union, strikes are devastating for the economy. I don't think Trump can claim to be pro-Union either. Did Trump raise minimum wage?

Trump stabbed labor over and over. Now he says he supports striking auto workers?

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
1 edit

@shavixmir said
This is because unions have the best interests for their members / work force they represent and governments have to weigh up the interests of a great many other things, besides the work force.
Wadda shag doody you are shag doody, the number one priority of a union is the union, and that means union dues. So they make up some BS stories about how bad it'd be without the union and charge money for those stories. Then left wing pollies are in turn stringing the unions along with their own stories, telling the unions how bad it'd be without left wing pollies. The unions are parasites on the prosperity created by others. Proof? Let them go to Indonesia and get everyone there $42 an hour plus time and a half and double time, and meal monies and allowances and 4 weeks vacation and RDOs.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Funny how Trump's answer to Biden being in the picket line at a union strike, which was to do a 'rally' at a non union shop. Yep, a real supporter of unions.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@sonhouse said
Funny how Trump's answer to Biden being in the picket line at a union strike, which was to do a 'rally' at a non union shop. Yep, a real supporter of unions.
Funny how the 'Exit light and nine volt battery testers union' can't get the rate past goobermint minimum.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

The big picture...with his shallow self-absorbed mind, he is only 'Pro Biden'. Have you ever seen him in a chat with somebody about things that are going on, things to follow up on, current events. to look into standing on his 2 feet bantering back-and-forth with ideas and thoughts? It is not in him. He does not think about or give one whit about unions or about anybody's lives.... he does not love America. The man definitely does not love America.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Boy, you really hit us hard there, It will take DAYS for us to recover.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
Boy, you really hit us hard there, It will take DAYS for us to recover.
"I know what I am talking about " (Source: Sonhouse)


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

@wajoma said
Wadda shag doody you are shag doody, the number one priority of a union is the union, and that means union dues. So they make up some BS stories about how bad it'd be without the union and charge money for those stories. Then left wing pollies are in turn stringing the unions along with their own stories, telling the unions how bad it'd be without left wing pollies. The union ...[text shortened]... plus time and a half and double time, and meal monies and allowances and 4 weeks vacation and RDOs.
Retard. Back in your cage, gimp.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@shavixmir said
Retard. Back in your cage, gimp.
Shav, all of the reasons that you hear about how bad unions are for a country,,,,are true. I am just the messenger.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

Yeah, when you look at American business before unions, they were treated SO well. Like the one in century 19, if you want heat in our office where you work, YOU bring in coal for the stove, we don't provide that. Or ZERO in the area of medical help if a worker gets injured on the job or using 10 year old kids in mining operations and if anyone tried to protest, they got killed by company goons.
Yep, non union times there were the GREATEST.
And OF COURSE you being a 'business man' would think unions are the worse organization in the history of the entire universe.
I can tell you one union story from my own jobs, I had a job at Agere in PA, one of my jobs was to measure radiation levels for one particular scientific instrument stored on a shelf.
So I took them at their word to report high radiation levels measured by a scintillator which is just a fancy geiger counter, and lo and behold, I found a very high reading right in an area where people were working.
So I reported it. Told to disregard. I could not do that, so I turned the findings in to the government agency in charge of such things.
A HUGE deal followed where I was going to be fired for daring to do my job.
The union came in and saved my ass from being fired, saying there was nothing to be fired about and Agere backed off and I kept my job.
So I guess for you, I should have had my ass shoved out the door, since we can't have folks doing the very job being told to do by the company.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
Yeah, when you look at American business before unions, they were treated SO well. Like the one in century 19, if you want heat in our office where you work, YOU bring in coal for the stove, we don't provide that. Or ZERO in the area of medical help if a worker gets injured on the job or using 10 year old kids in mining operations and if anyone tried to protest ...[text shortened]... s shoved out the door, since we can't have folks doing the very job being told to do by the company.
I don't think they are the 'worst'. And I note that your first para is about the past. Y'all do that a lot.

So here we, are, with Unions. Sure, they have a place. My problem, if I am sitting in a board room and naming employees to fire, and also employees to promote, what if the Union comes in the door to save the job of the guy who does not produce. I run the company, have to get rid of that employee, and Union won't let me. Their meddling in my business decisions costs me money, Sonhouse. This increases my costs over the long term. So, I have to raise the prices on my cereal that your cousin has to buy for her kids.

HOw bout you respond to just this, union in my board room. SHouse, do you think that all businesses should be unionized?

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
1 edit

@sonhouse said
one of my jobs was to measure radiation levels for one particular scientific instrument stored on a shelf.
Sunstroker, you know they were joking you right, the 'special scientific instrument' was a piece that fell off the vacuum cleaner.

There are only so many exit lights to check let's give stroker some task to shut him up, then they rigged a gadget to make some beeps and squawks and strokers eyes nearly bulged right out of his head.

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