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Standard memberRemoved

22 Jul 06
18 May 09

i, am playing two games with him also. he has put himself on vacation

with no time bank remaing. he has to go on my ignor list.


is no semi-colon

14 Dec 08
19 May 09

You're talking about a legend here, you know. One day. you'll look back and tell your grandkids that you had games against Atri on the day of The Great Skulling.

07 Mar 09
19 May 09
1 edit

This is crap - he is the major reason that I wish I had NOT subscribed to this site - he's why I only have 1 game going because I won't enter a tournament that he is in and he enters every tournament - he is NOT playing these games - just because he occasionally pops up and makes a move does not mean he is actively engaged in any of these games - my two games against him were a complete waste of my time - in one he blundered his queen to a simple fork and in another he drug out a lost position forever until I sent him an email begging him to resign. It is not funny or majestic - it is simply pathetic.


02 Jan 07
19 May 09

everyone has a right to play how they want. No matter how foolish or idiotic it may be.........

07 Mar 09
19 May 09

Sure - he can do that and I'll leave the site - there are others.
I'll just know better what kind of site to look for before I subscribe.


02 Jan 07
19 May 09

shouldnt let one player control what you do. Most of the time you wont end up playing him, unless you get in a banded tourney or an octect or a hardcore grand thing.


15 Aug 05
19 May 09


02 Jan 07
19 May 09

now thats a scary thought Smaug

Eddie's Dad

Raving Mad

13 Jun 08
19 May 09

Originally posted by TerrierJack
Sure - he can do that and I'll leave the site - there are others.
I'll just know better what kind of site to look for before I subscribe.
I'm afraid that if you can't tolerate the occassional odd character, then you're in for a very frustrating time of it. RHP is a wonderful site run by people who want you to enjoy yourself and the games as much as possible, but there are unique individuals here (and elsewhere I'm sure) who sometimes prove irksome. As in life.

If you find people pushing your buttons, you might want to ask whether those buttons are really serving your best interest and who installed them in the first place.

Learning to appreciate absurdity in yourself and others will put a smile on your face more often than not. You get to choose, so choose wisely. If some other chess site promises you'll never run into somebody online you'll find frustrating, they're probably lying about other things too. Read the fine print. Your mileage may vary.


07 Mar 09
19 May 09

I'm old enough that I do not expect life to be an endless road of pleasure. But surely we have traffic regulations to prevent people from crashing into us every time we travel down the street. I'll admit that regulations are never perfect protection. That doesn't mean that there are not things that could be done. For example, why is someone eligible to enter a tournament when they are flying the vacation flag. That is absurd. If the true purpose of the flag is to indicate that you are not available then how can you play in a tournament?

Eddie's Dad

Raving Mad

13 Jun 08
19 May 09

Originally posted by TerrierJack
I'm old enough that I do not expect life to be an endless road of pleasure. But surely we have traffic regulations to prevent people from crashing into us every time we travel down the street. I'll admit that regulations are never perfect protection. That doesn't mean that there are not things that could be done. For example, why is someone eligible ...[text shortened]... of the flag is to indicate that you are not available then how can you play in a tournament?
OK, asking for changes/improvements is a very reasonable course of action. Soliciting support is good. Suggest ideas and ask for feedback. Post the best of the best of your ideas in the suggestion forum and hopefully the powers that be act on them.

I just joined a tournament and guess who else joined. I could let that bug me, but what good does that serve?

You paid your money in get in here. It's a quite nice place and they really do listen to cogent suggestions. We all benefit from well phrased suggestions for improvement.

Happy to have you here,

Australian cat


20 Jan 09
21 May 09

Changing the vacation system is extremely difficult because it was created by popular vote (before my time, but I've read the threads). It could be a better approach to ask for a limit to the number of games any individual can play. Russ already complains about the server having to load long game lists (remember the kerfuffle when the "show all pages" thing disappeared?) and that could be more likely to get up than trying to go against the expressed wishes of the majority regarding the vacation system.


is no semi-colon

14 Dec 08
21 May 09

Originally posted by Kewpie
Changing the vacation system is extremely difficult because it was created by popular vote (before my time, but I've read the threads). It could be a better approach to ask for a limit to the number of games any individual can play. Russ already complains about the server having to load long game lists (remember the kerfuffle when the "show all pages" thing ...[text shortened]... than trying to go against the expressed wishes of the majority regarding the vacation system.
perhaps the vacation system could be modified, so you can't play moves while it is on. if you were on vacaton and decided to drop into an internet cafe or whatever to play some moves, you'd have to drop the flag temporarily and restore it at the end of your session. that way, if you wanted to play moves, you'd have to take the risk of getting skulled in your timed-out games.

07 Mar 09
22 May 09
1 edit

Originally posted by Blackamp
perhaps the vacation system could be modified, so you can't play moves while it is on. if you were on vacaton and decided to drop into an internet cafe or whatever to play some moves, you'd have to drop the flag temporarily and restore it at the end of your session. that way, if you wanted to play moves, you'd have to take the risk of getting skulled in your timed-out games.
I've suggested even less than that and met stiff opposition from people who only play a dozen games at a time. That guy atri ruins this site for me. And if you propose anything to change the existing rules - the rules that allow a moron like that, then you are threat to someone's precious ability to randomly enter tournaments and randomly make moves whenever they feel like it. I give up - he's not going to stop. I suspect that he is judiciously planning to stretch out the ups and downs for as long as he can by pulling the flag, getting skulled a 1000 or so times and doubling down on the tournament entries until he bottoms out just in time to start the process all over again next year. The bright spot is that won't see his next plateau.


is no semi-colon

14 Dec 08
22 May 09
1 edit

Originally posted by TerrierJack
I've suggested even less than that and met stiff opposition from people who only play a dozen games at a time. That guy atri ruins this site for me. And if you propose anything to change the existing rules - the rules that allow a moron like that, then you are threat to someone's precious ability to randomly enter tournaments and randomly make moves wh t the process all over again next year. The bright spot is that won't see his next plateau.
oh well, i've posted it in site ideas anyway - not that i have any great hope that it will get up.

i imagine that if enough people make it known to the site owners that it is a deal-breaking situation, they might do something about it.