Euro 2012

Euro 2012


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26 Aug 07
16 Jun 12
1 edit

Originally posted by phil3000
Tufts of ginger hair on the pub floor where they were pulling their hair out and a dieing bag pipe moaning in the corner as it slowly deflates . " Och -eye -de -noodle "
you'll pay yet you Angles, Ukraine will defeat you! I have foreseen it. As for my couch,
lets just say it has teeth marks all along the back of it!

18 Jan 07
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by Sicilian Sausage
Note to world "Our national press doesn't really represent the voice and opinions of the citizens it purports to represent!"
Except for the S*n, of course, which manages to represent the voice of the people by means of listeninginto their mobile phone conversations.


18 Jan 07
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by phil3000
Tufts of ginger hair on the pub floor where they were pulling their hair out and a dieing bag pipe moaning in the corner as it slowly deflates . " Och -eye -de -noodle "
Deep frier nearly set to explode as in their dismay they forgot about all the chocolate bars they stuffed in there back when Sweden went 2-1 up...




16 Feb 04
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by phil3000
I think Welbeck was trying to bring the ball down and turn to shoot ,luckly for him and England it hit his heel and went in ,doesn't matter though they all count
😏😏😏😏😏. I would like to have seen Robbie de Blobby (Corrobie ) and his mates faces when Sweden took the lead and then lost 3-2 .πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
Yeah, a funny goal, but the best goal so far to me was Spain's equalizer against Italy.


30 Sep 08
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by kevcvs57
Not sniping from me, when I say the game was ugly it is just a consequence of both teams playing a similar game and crowding the ball.

I am really impressed with way Hodgson has approached both games and got results He needed and deserved. I think the next team to play open football against this England team is gonna have a bad day at the office.

Roon ...[text shortened]... g said all that being an England fan is excellent aversion therapy for overconfidence syndromeπŸ˜•
No win is ugly! Hodgson, not my choice for England coach, evidently knows his trade very well. Who woulda thunk Carrol would come in and provide the spark England needed? Quite frankly I was surprised he was called up to the England team in the first place. Plucky wins are always good and it seems there's no quit in a team short one of their best for spurious reasons! What exactly did Rooney do to merit a two game suspension? I heard it was for swearing! Really? Euroweenie FIFA rep's ears too sensitive? What kinda nonsense is that? Bear in mind I do not consider the UK part of Europe so Euroweenie applies only the France et al! At any rate there was no other way to play Sweden, but ugly. Swedes are tall and strong and move like tree stumps so perhaps this win is not as great as it seems, yet England should be better with Rooney back finally. I vote for a big piece of duct tape for his pie hole lest he slip and offend Euroweenie ears with some off color remark!

In your face

21 Aug 04
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by scacchipazzo
No win is ugly! Hodgson, not my choice for England coach, evidently knows his trade very well. Who woulda thunk Carrol would come in and provide the spark England needed? Quite frankly I was surprised he was called up to the England team in the first place. Plucky wins are always good and it seems there's no quit in a team short one of their best for sp ...[text shortened]... duct tape for his pie hole lest he slip and offend Euroweenie ears with some off color remark!
Erm it wasn't for swearing. Something a little more serious: -


30 Sep 08
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by Sicilian Sausage
Erm it wasn't for swearing. Something a little more serious: -
Sent off for a MOnetenegro dive? Really? He pulled the shirt of the Montenegrian. So what? It was reported in USA he was sent off for swearing at the ref. Two match suspensions is harsh and stupid. How come there's no video in English. I don't know what that was, but English it wasn't. Was it Hindi?


27 Dec 05
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by scacchipazzo
No win is ugly! Hodgson, not my choice for England coach, evidently knows his trade very well. Who woulda thunk Carrol would come in and provide the spark England needed? Quite frankly I was surprised he was called up to the England team in the first place. Plucky wins are always good and it seems there's no quit in a team short one of their best for sp ...[text shortened]... duct tape for his pie hole lest he slip and offend Euroweenie ears with some off color remark!
To be honest you can't put England in Spain,Germany ,France and Italy's league but at least England and Sweden didn't throw themselves on the floor as if they had been shot like the afore mentioned , all this cheating is spoiling the tournament for me ,its embarassing the way some teams have performed .



16 Feb 04
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by phil3000
To be honest you can't put England in Spain,Germany ,France and Italy's league but at least England and Sweden didn't throw themselves on the floor as if they had been shot like the afore mentioned , all this cheating is spoiling the tournament for me ,its embarassing the way some teams have performed .
True. Spain, Italy, or even Croatia will be too much for them in the quarters.
Portugal has been the worst of all cheaters. Again.
The Netherlands won't reach the next round, but I won't mind a red card for kicking a Portugese scrotum for diving.


30 Sep 08
16 Jun 12
1 edit

Originally posted by phil3000
To be honest you can't put England in Spain,Germany ,France and Italy's league but at least England and Sweden didn't throw themselves on the floor as if they had been shot like the afore mentioned , all this cheating is spoiling the tournament for me ,its embarassing the way some teams have performed .
You never know. Undoubtedly those other teams are somewhat better, but up to now none has wowed me except Italy in spite of the two draws. If they bench whiney Balotelli they might get places. England is playing plucky football, the kind that gets you places. A couple of teaks on "D" and silly headers like the one allowed to Mellenberg should be erased. Hart should come out and punch those away instead of idly watching them go in! I hate that FIFA gave an own goal against Glenn Johnson. Ball had already crossed enough he did not put it in, simply was unable to avoid the goal. I applaud England for not diving like the Portuguese. Even Germany has shown weak backside and allowed Netherlands too much space. I really do think it is anyone's tourney.

18 Jan 07
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by Sake
True. Spain, Italy, or even Croatia will be too much for them in the quarters.
Portugal has been the worst of all cheaters. Again.
The Netherlands won't reach the next round, but I won't mind a red card for kicking a Portugese scrotum for diving.
If we kicked all Portuguese divers in the scrotum, we'd face two problems:
- the ref would run out of space in his little black book;
- the Dutch players would run out of kneecaps.

But it would be a price worth paying.


Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
16 Jun 12
1 edit

Originally posted by scacchipazzo
No win is ugly! Hodgson, not my choice for England coach, evidently knows his trade very well. Who woulda thunk Carrol would come in and provide the spark England needed? Quite frankly I was surprised he was called up to the England team in the first place. Plucky wins are always good and it seems there's no quit in a team short one of their best for sp duct tape for his pie hole lest he slip and offend Euroweenie ears with some off color remark!
I seem to recall you labelling Rooney as a 'has-been' a couple of years ago. What's changed your mind? Is it the new hair-do?

18 Jan 07
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by Shallow Blue
I think that's going out on a limb - and after what they did to Italy, I think I'll join you on that limb.
Pass that saw, will you, Trev? πŸ˜•


In your face

21 Aug 04
16 Jun 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Trev33

Edit: God damn Greeks. First they screw up Europe's finances, then they screw up my bet. I'm never buying any feta or humous ever again πŸ˜›


6yd box

24 Jun 07
16 Jun 12

Originally posted by Trev33