What's the point of heaven?

What's the point of heaven?


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A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
you now have to look up the word time.

don't worry, i can wait.

on second thought, just start with the letter A, see what other words you have no idea what they mean.
"on second thought, just start with the letter A, see what other words you have no idea what they mean."

Have you been reading the posts in this thread? Are you trying to be sarcastic? Is the quote above just some sort of knee jerk reaction on your part? If you're trying to be a dick you're going to have to work harder at it.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 Dec 14
2 edits

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"What's the point of heaven?

Original post by Standard member

Agerg, 04 Dec '14 13:59"

And the alternative?
The POINT of heaven is to give weak minded people solace that when they die they don't die, they go to a better place.

The alternative? Live your life as if you only had a hundred years or so, love who you love, do you deeds, pass on your story to your grandkids.

Just like things would be if you only lived a hundred years max. Which is how it should be.

Just think of a universe in which, so far, we have made about one trillion humans and a lot of Neanderthals. So if they all go to heaven, then they are numbering one trillion. That is only the Earth for the last few thousand years.
So suppose there are other planets with life as intelligent as humans and THEY go to heaven.

Will you can multiply that trillion by a few billion times and now you have so many beings it begins to get ridiculous.

Actually, a heaven with just US trillion is ridiculous.

Plus, what would you be DOING in the alleged heaven? Spending eternity making baskets with the Lord's sayings on them?

I don't think ANYONE actually thinks through the implications of a real heaven.

It is just as well it is just a fantasy.

For instance, would all of a sudden, all trillion of us would understand all our languages or would there be a magical inclusion of a heaven wide language we all understand?

If not, there would be a few billion Chinese unable to understand the German section or the Seminole section or the Wasp English section unable to understand the Brazilian contingent.

I don't understand how people can be so duped by this snake oil religion.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
The POINT of heaven is to give weak minded people solace that when they die they don't die, they go to a better place.

The alternative? Live your life as if you only had a hundred years or so, love who you love, do you deeds, pass on your story to your grandkids.

Just like things would be if you only lived a hundred years max. Which is how it should b ...[text shortened]... azilian contingent.

I don't understand how people can be so duped by this snake oil religion.
sonhouse, in eternity past your question which would be asked on this date, December 7, 2014, Pearl Harbor Memorial Day, was anticipated by Omniscient God. The people who will be saved can not be numbered by any man: Revelation 7:9 "After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands..."

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by josephw
Thanks for the correction. It was a typo.

Don't get me wrong, I won't presume to give you a Bible lesson, but you're wrong about what was understood by the apostles and Paul concerning the imminent return of Jesus.

The second coming can only happen under certain conditions, and the apostles understood what those conditions were. They certainly could no ...[text shortened]... s Word. But it does bring reproach on Christ. "...yea, let God be true, but every man a liar;.."
"The "imminent" thing has to do with the being, "caught up to meet The Lord in the air", a concept that was introduced long after Pentecost." Yes, Joe. There is no biblical prophecy to be fulfilled before the Rapture of Believers in Christ occurs.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by josephw
Entirely possible. I doubt anyone here can post the perfect post.
I realize that which is why I suggested you rethink it and try again.

I make no claim of perfect understanding, but I think I gave a pretty good explanation of what I think eternity means.
Eternity is a place, and has nothing to do with time at all.

Eternity cannot be described by the same terms used to measure time.

Eternity in relationship to time extends beyond time in direction from time.

I have difficulty reconciling the above statements with some of the other statements you have made about eternity. I also suspect we have different understandings of what the word 'time' means. To me, 'before time' is incoherent.

Or didn't you give a definition of eternity?
I am content to leave it to the dictionary. I find creating new definitions for words just leads to miscommunication.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by twhitehead
I realize that which is why I suggested you rethink it and try again.

I make no claim of perfect understanding, but I think I gave a pretty good explanation of what I think eternity means.
Eternity is a place, and has nothing to do with time at all.

[quote]Eternity cannot be described by the same terms used to measure time. [/quote ...[text shortened]... eave it to the dictionary. I find creating new definitions for words just leads to miscommunication.
Originally posted by twhitehead
"To me, 'before time' is incoherent."

"Spirituality: Debate and general discussion of the supernatural, religion, and the life after."

Of course "'before time' is incoherent" if an eternal biblical construct is summarily reduced to a myopic human viewpoint.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
sonhouse, in eternity past your question which would be asked on this date, December 7, 2014, Pearl Harbor Memorial Day, was anticipated by Omniscient God. The people who will be saved can not be numbered by any man: Revelation 7:9 "After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peopl ...[text shortened]... re the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands..."
You and billions of other people long for a heaven where they can feel like they have some connection with a deity who will let them live past their Earthly years but it is still just a fantasy and always was just that, a fantasy brought on by the deep seeded need for continuity after death that effects the majority of mankind. You can believe it all you want, maybe it helps you stand the rigors of this life. Me, I content myself with beautiful kids and grandkids and people who think I am worthwhile and the great arts of mankind, that is PLENTY for me. I live in the now, not some fantasy future.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Of course "'before time' is incoherent" if an eternal biblical construct is summarily reduced to a myopic human viewpoint.
Yes, I said it was incoherent. If you have some way to make it coherent, feel free to explain. If the best you can do is pretend that it is coherent to you and not to anyone else, then sorry, I am not buying.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
You and billions of other people long for a heaven where they can feel like they have some connection with a deity who will let them live past their Earthly years but it is still just a fantasy and always was just that, a fantasy brought on by the deep seeded need for continuity after death that effects the majority of mankind. You can believe it all you wa ...[text shortened]... nd the great arts of mankind, that is PLENTY for me. I live in the now, not some fantasy future.
As always I respect the free exercise of your volition and your previous position of rejecting absolute truth from a mere man.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by twhitehead
Yes, I said it was incoherent. If you have some way to make it coherent, feel free to explain. If the best you can do is pretend that it is coherent to you and not to anyone else, then sorry, I am not buying.
"... then sorry, I am not buying." twhitehead, nor am I selling or arguing. My sole interest and ongoing motivation is in providing accurate biblical information concerning God's Plan of Reconciliation which is relevant to our personal destines.


04 Feb 05
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by josephw
[b]"on second thought, just start with the letter A, see what other words you have no idea what they mean."

Have you been reading the posts in this thread? Are you trying to be sarcastic? Is the quote above just some sort of knee jerk reaction on your part? If you're trying to be a dick you're going to have to work harder at it.[/b]
you have been told time and time again that eternity "measures" time. you keep asking those that disagree with you to provide proof. i have. (others too). sarcasm free.

and still you don't get it. so yes, we try sarcasm. maybe you will understand then. (you didn't).

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
07 Dec 14
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
Really is a good question. What's the point in living forever? To glorify God? Etc.

Would you want to live in this world forever? Let's say one could stay alive here in this world forever free of illness and aging. Would that be a good thing? Or would it be tedious and boring?

The afterlife is basically a mystery. We know some things about it from scri ...[text shortened]... forever with God, and not living forever with God, is cause for pause and serious consideration.
Would you want to live in this world forever? Let's say one could stay alive here in this world forever free of illness and aging. Would that be a good thing? Or would it be tedious and boring?
I imagine it would be just as tedious and boring to live in this world forever as it would be as tedious and boring to live in heaven forever. One can only be fascinated by strawberry spiral lollipops and chirping bluebirds on green drenched hills for so long.

The afterlife is basically a mystery. We know some things about it from scripture. Quite a lot actually, yet it is a misty thing. We ain't never been there, so we don't really know from first hand experience.
Correction, you assume some things about it from scripture, but I'm not going to get bogged down on that one ...

One thing is for certain though, no matter what you may think you know about the God of creation, when you see Him you will never tire of knowing Him.
I don't believe this to be true, but that is beside the point of this thread ...

The alternative is horrific. The contrast between living forever with God, and not living forever with God, is cause for pause and serious consideration.
I don't see any reason to imagine it is any more horrific than the prospect of being separated from Harry the Hobgoblin for all eternity (where like most others 'eternity' is meant in a temporal as opposed to spatial sense)
But this is all beside the main point which is, funnily enough, what is the point of it all? (and I'll let you off answering this one if you can tell me why I am asking you what the point is in the first place)

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
As always I respect the free exercise of your volition and your previous position of rejecting absolute truth from a mere man.
That sounds just like what Dasa says. Can you both have absolute truth?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
08 Dec 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
That sounds just like what Dasa says. Can you both have absolute truth?
You decide.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
08 Dec 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Of course "'before time' is incoherent" if an eternal biblical construct is summarily reduced to a myopic human viewpoint.
Do you have a non-human viewpoint?