Was God a hypocrite or what?

Was God a hypocrite or what?


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
30 Jul 08

Originally posted by josephw
Snap out of it shav. You're the one being a hypocrite. If you're going to judge God you had better be right.

If I had time I'd show you where you're wrong. But it wouldn't do any good anyway. You've made up your mind. So why post the crap? If you have a serious question I'll help you understand. Otherwise you're wasting our time.
It's funny how the religious human population goes around killing at will, kill you if you are not THEIR religion, kill you if you LEAVE their religion, kill you if you are not THEIR part of THEIR religion and then have the unmitigated gall to say some god told them its alright. Lately that would be the Muslims but all you have to do is go back a couple hundred years to the inquisition of spain and you get the same sick behavior.
Then the religious say, that's all in the past, but you judge the godliness of a religion not by its best people but by its worse, the killers, the torturers, the dark underbelly of these religions. Mormons had no compunction about killing non-mormans to get their land and increase the power base of the morman church. Scientologists have no problem taking every cent you ever made to 'advance' in their "faith'.
Muslims have no compunctions about killing women for 'honor killings' when the men involved get a slap on the wrist. Yessir, quite a godly set, these religious ones. Make a god proud.


02 Aug 06
30 Jul 08

Originally posted by shavixmir
Thank you.
However, I am really just masturbating.

Same difference.

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
30 Jul 08

Originally posted by yo its me
Look, she's going into a crazy rage. Must be PMS.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
30 Jul 08

Originally posted by sonhouse
It's funny how the religious human population goes around killing at will, kill you if you are not THEIR religion, kill you if you LEAVE their religion, kill you if you are not THEIR part of THEIR religion and then have the unmitigated gall to say some god told them its alright. Lately that would be the Muslims but all you have to do is go back a couple hun ...[text shortened]... a slap on the wrist. Yessir, quite a godly set, these religious ones. Make a god proud.
You got it! That's what happens when people get religion. They'll do anything, and claim that God sanctions it. Then folks like you come along and get it all mixed up and thinking that God must be a monster.

And if I say you can't see the forest from the trees you'll take it as an insult.



25 Jul 07
30 Jul 08

Backing up to the original post, I think you neglected to take into account the whole concept of original sin and our basic sin nature.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
31 Jul 08

Originally posted by josephw
You got it! That's what happens when people get religion. They'll do anything, and claim that God sanctions it. Then folks like you come along and get it all mixed up and thinking that God must be a monster.

And if I say you can't see the forest from the trees you'll take it as an insult.
Not saying god is a monster, although that is certainly possible, kind of like a brutish 10 year old kid with his magnifying glass hitting ants, but more like two possiblities, one, no god, people just made one up, or there is a god and it does not give a crap about the universe it made, just goes on to making other universes. That second idea, wouldn't even require a god, a new theory of the formation of the universe is there are maybe an infinite number already and ours formed when a black in another universe became a white hole which is a black hole viewed from the inside, or in other words, the genesis of our universe not needing a god.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
31 Jul 08

Originally posted by josephw
You got it! That's what happens when people get religion. They'll do anything, and claim that God sanctions it. Then folks like you come along and get it all mixed up and thinking that God must be a monster.

And if I say you can't see the forest from the trees you'll take it as an insult.
This post isn't about hypocritical Christians (I've touched on that in my sermon for the competition), Muslims, Jews or whatever.

It's about God.
He clearly states one thing and goes off and does something completely different.

A big, fat, omnipotent (although that obviously is debatable), hypocrite.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
31 Jul 08

Originally posted by PinkFloyd
Backing up to the original post, I think you neglected to take into account the whole concept of original sin and our basic sin nature.
what's that got to do with God's behaviour in comparison to his words?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jul 08

Originally posted by shavixmir
But, doesn't Him not following the law he lays down not make him a hypocrite then?

He's obviously not compelled to follow anything, but that doesn't un-make his hypocrisy.
Well that depends on what the law states doesn't it. If the law says that Human Beings must do 1, 2, 3 then it clearly does not apply to God. Even in every day society we have laws that discriminate based on job function. For example, a police man can legally do some things that a civilian cannot, a soldier is not charged with murder when he kills in the line of duty etc. The US law says "thou shalt not kill", yet the US attacked Iraq (and go on mass killing sprees there) and a large proportion of the US population approved the move. Are US citizens all hypocrites?

Further, as far as I know, the ten commandments were given to the Jews in particular, not to all mankind. Think of it this way, a headmaster makes a new school rule that all students must wear uniform at all times. Is the head master a hypocrite for not wearing a uniform?

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
31 Jul 08

Originally posted by shavixmir
Is it true or isn't it?

Your God is a hypocrite!
No, no, their god is a creation of man.



25 Jul 07
31 Jul 08

Originally posted by shavixmir
what's that got to do with God's behaviour in comparison to his words?
In reference to your "thou shalt not kill" rhetoric. Being as we are all born into sin, the argument that anyone is "innocent" in God's eyes is rendered, well, castrated.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jul 08

Originally posted by caissad4
No, no, their god is a creation of man.
Who created a personality / conciousness is totally irrelevant to a discussion of its hipocriticality. If we were discussing Gandalf, you would, I hope, not step in and say "No, no, no, Gandalf was not a hypocrite he was a creation of J. R. R. Tolkien!"

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jul 08

Originally posted by PinkFloyd
In reference to your "thou shalt not kill" rhetoric. Being as we are all born into sin, the argument that anyone is "innocent" in God's eyes is rendered, well, castrated.
And where does it say "thou shalt not kill except when the victim is innocent"?
And since we are all born into sin, does this not mean that we too can kill anyone we like because we know that they are guaranteed to be guilty.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
31 Jul 08

"god" is an invention; Moses' god is cruel, unjust, surly and revengeful.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jul 08

Originally posted by black beetle
"god" is an invention; Moses' god is cruel, unjust, surly and revengeful.
But is he a hypocrite?