The Boundaries of Reality

The Boundaries of Reality


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Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
11 Oct 07

Originally posted by no1marauder
Again, are you serious?

Fundies use words in ways that are quite remarkable. If God's kangaroo court sounds "fair" to you, you would have loved Berlin City Court in 1938. And the whole idea is bizarre; I know your SuperDuper God has eternity to dick around in but why would his Mightiness engage in such an exercise? If you're going to cast th ...[text shortened]... o maybe you're on to something. But why anybody would worship such a monster is beyond me.
If God's kangaroo court sounds "fair" to you, you would have loved Berlin City Court in 1938.
The pejorative term "kangaroo court" in reference to the judgment seat of Christ is about as blasphemous as one can get. God will deal with you regarding the same. If it is beyond your ability now to understand that the one true and fair judge is God, nothing said here will likely disabuse you of such a mindless position.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
11 Oct 07

Originally posted by Rajk999
But Christ did not say it. You should at least wonder why.
John 3:16--- I believe--- were words uttered by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ.


15 Oct 06
11 Oct 07
5 edits

Originally posted by epiphinehas
First things first. God has a proper order to salvation. Faith and justification come first. Good works and sanctification second.

"Believing in" Jesus does not mean following His teachings. The Greek word for "believe" is pisteuo, which means, "to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to the fruit. Faith is preeminent. Don't neglect it.
That all superficially sounds nice, but there are certain problems including the following:

Does one truly “trust” Jesus, if his teachings aren’t followed? Until they are, are you doing much more than crying 'Lord, Lord'?

At what point does one cross over from "empty profession" to something "genuine, sincere"? I have to believe that the line of demarcation is when follows the teachings of Jesus because one realizes that it's the only true way to live. What's your line of demarcation?

What glorifies God more? Following His ways or rejoicing/thanking/praising Him? Are rejoicing/thanking/praising Him anything more than superficial gestures?

And there's always the problematic Matthew 21-23. What could Jesus possibly mean. Surely, not anything so drastic as Jesus only knows those who follow Him?

Should one follow what Jesus teaches or follow a conceptualization of Jesus given by others?



04 Apr 04
12 Oct 07
1 edit

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
John 3:16--- I believe--- were words uttered by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ.
Also uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ every time he was asked how to get eternal life the answer was always .. no exceptions ... ' love thy neighbour, give to the poor, visit the sick, help the widows, give and help .. . Never once was it about faith. Never did he tell anyone that all they have to do is believe and they can never loose their salvation. I personally find that odd in the light of Paul's teachings that tend to give the impression that salvation (through grace) cant be lost once saved.

I personally prefer to be on the safe side and not make the probably false assumption that my salvation cant be lost. I prefer to work along to lines described by Christ with the hope that my work will be considered sufficient. Thinking that you cannot loose your salvation is one sure road to complacency and probably failure in the end.

Oh .. and CHrist said a million times that He does not want anyone believing in Him with their mouth, so dont take that John 3 16 verse at face value. Read everything Christ said ... its all about works and being a good samaritan.

Hmmm . . .

19 Jan 04
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
[b]If God's kangaroo court sounds "fair" to you, you would have loved Berlin City Court in 1938.
The pejorative term "kangaroo court" in reference to the judgment seat of Christ is about as blasphemous as one can get. God will deal with you regarding the same. If it is beyond your ability now to understand that the one true and fair judge is God, nothing said here will likely disabuse you of such a mindless position.[/b]
Which is more “blasphemous”—calling it a kangaroo court, or describing it such a way that the term applies?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by Rajk999
Also uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ every time he was asked how to get eternal life the answer was always .. no exceptions ... '[b] love thy neighbour, give to the poor, visit the sick, help the widows, give and help .. . Never once was it about faith. Never did he tell anyone that all they have to do is believe and they can never loose their salvation ...[text shortened]... at face value. Read everything Christ said ... its all about works and being a good samaritan.[/b]
You almost right.

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
The pejorative term "kangaroo court" in reference to the judgment seat of Christ is about as blasphemous as one can get. God will deal with you regarding the same.
Well, we're all going to be found wanting, right? So why get worked up over a blasphemy? It's just one more y on the pile.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by Rajk999
Also uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ every time he was asked how to get eternal life the answer was always .. no exceptions ... '[b] love thy neighbour, give to the poor, visit the sick, help the widows, give and help .. . Never once was it about faith. Never did he tell anyone that all they have to do is believe and they can never loose their salvation ...[text shortened]... at face value. Read everything Christ said ... its all about works and being a good samaritan.[/b]
Ad nauseum, but one more for your consideration:

The Bible must be read in consideration of proper interpretation, else said reader will be hopelessly lost (even if eternally saved) throughout their entire lifetime.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by vistesd
Which is more “blasphemous”—calling it a kangaroo court, or describing it such a way that the term applies?
Both. I've done neither.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by SwissGambit
Well, we're all going to be found wanting, right? So why get worked up over a blasphemy? It's just one more y on the pile.
All are found wanting... except for those whose names are written in the books of life. Anyone who at any point in their earthly existence received in faith what Christ did on their behalf will find their name in those books.

Nonetheless judged according to their works, the believer's judgment is for blessing--- not for their eternal destination.



04 Apr 04
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by KellyJay
You almost right.
You can NEVER, NEVER, NEVER be almost right by following the commandments of Christ .... you are totally and completely right.

However you can be almost right by following Paul, who is not the son of God, whose words have been misinterpreted and twisted to mean that you cannot loose your salvation once saved. That concept is totally alien to the teachings of Christ.



04 Apr 04
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Ad nauseum, but one more for your consideration:

The Bible must be read in consideration of proper interpretation, else said reader will be hopelessly lost (even if eternally saved) throughout their entire lifetime.
So tell me how am I not giving proper interpretation to the words of Christ .. the short version .. dont quote any verses just the gist of the improper interpretation which I am guilty of.

I suspect that Paul is a widely misinterpreted writer. Basically the statement that '' you cannot loose your salvation once saved" is ridiculous nonsense. Paul cannot tell anyone that they will get salvation ... thats the job of Christ not Paul. Commonsense and Matt 25 should tell you who will get salvation.

Hmmm . . .

19 Jan 04
12 Oct 07
4 edits

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Both. I've done neither.
Main Entry: kangaroo court
Function: noun
1 : a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted
2 : a court characterized by irresponsible, unauthorized, or irregular status or procedures
3 : judgment or punishment given outside of legal procedure

—Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary

A kangaroo court or kangaroo trial, sometimes likened to a drumhead court-martial or Drumhead trial, is a sham legal proceeding or court. Kangaroo courts are judicial proceedings that deny due process in the name of expediency. The outcome of such a trial is essentially made in advance, usually for the purpose of providing a conviction, either by going through the motions of manipulated procedure or by allowing no defense at all.

. . .

It may also be an elaborately scripted event intended to appear fair while having the outcome predetermined from the start.

— (My bold.)


Your description:

Adding to your other errors, your bill-of-lading style of interpretation has rendered the Judgment Seat of Christ a complete mess. All unbelievers will be judged according to their works, since their names are missing from the Book of Lives. All believers are judged for their works for the purpose of rewards.

Once the records have been revealed, the first group is cast into Hell for their lack of perfect righteousness--- regardless of their works. The second group has already been apprised of their eternal fate: for possession of perfect righteousness, imputed at the moment of salvation, each and every member of the second group inherits eternal life. The judgment they endure is strictly for increased rewards, directly resulting from their spiritual growth.

(My bold and italics)


In your description, the judgment has been predetermined. Both groups are judged for their works, but works don’t affect the ultimate outcome (pardon/punishment). Works (deeds, actions, behavior—how one has lived one’s life) have nothing to do with “perfect righteousness”. Which means that “righteousness” here means something totally different from “acting justly,” or any other behavior. In fact, “righteousness” is simply imputed by the court for right belief.

Both groups are judged for their works—but works don’t count... Justice has absolutely nothing to do with it. It is not a matter of acquittal versus conviction, but pardon versus punishment.

Belief is imputed as righteousness; no one is acquitted based on their life-works; there are no mitigating circumstances; one-size punishment fits all; the outcome is predetermined. Justice has absolutely nothing to do with it, by any conceivable definition—only God’s perfectly intolerant “holiness”, paradoxically coupled with his willingness to show mercy to those who have decided to believe in him.

Yes, I would say that the label fits your description of the process (with or without regard to the faith-versus-works arguments that go on here).


20 Mar 07
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
That all superficially sounds nice, but there are certain problems including the following:

Does one truly “trust” Jesus, if his teachings aren’t followed? Until they are, are you doing much more than crying 'Lord, Lord'?

At what point does one cross over from "empty profession" to something "genuine, sincere"? I have to believe that the line of dem ...[text shortened]... d one follow what Jesus teaches or follow a conceptualization of Jesus given by others?
The gospel of Christ "superficially sounds nice"? Tell me, what is superficial about the Good News?


15 Oct 06
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by epiphinehas
The gospel of Christ "superficially sounds nice"? Tell me, what is superficial about the Good News?
I was speaking of your post.

Actually the teachings of Jesus are quite deep and profound. It's unfortunate that Christianity seems to have turned off the path.