Taking Quality Questions on Revelation

Taking Quality Questions on Revelation


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16 Feb 08
15 May 18
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It’s not a book I take a lot of note of these days. I’ve read it several times over the years and am still none the wiser for doing so. Most of it, if not all of it, is strange visions expressed as symbolism and I don’t subscribe to the tranditional interpretations as you know.

The most interesting thing about the book for me at the moment is what FMF has revealed about it,

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03 Jan 13
15 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
It’s not a book I take a lot of note of these days. I’ve read it several times over the years and am still none the wiser for doing so. Most of it, if not all of it, is strange visions expressed as symbolism and I don’t subscribe to the tranditional interpretations as you know.

The most interesting thing about the book for me at the moment is what FMF has revealed about it,
I read something that FMF wrote which made me realize that some people may mix up latter religious literature with the Bible.

So you say "the book of Revelation" and they may THINK - "Dante's Inferno".

There are some tough places in Revelation. But it is not the Divine Comedy or some other religious prose in latter centuries.

This is a problem. And even skirting such imagery as I have unwisely may have done in the past, is stumbling to some.

Anyway. I want to write out verse two.

"Who testified the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, even all that he saw."

no paste .... I am writing it out again .

Who testified the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, even all that he saw. (v.2)


28 Oct 05
15 May 18

Originally posted by @sonship
I read something that FMF wrote which made me realize that some people may mix up latter religious literature with the Bible.

So you say "the book of Revelation" and they may THINK - "Dante's Inferno".
Stop trying to put words in my mouth, sonship. I am not "mixed up" about anything. And I haven't talked about Dante's Inferno. Stop making stuff up. Who wrote Revelation? What were the circumstances of its content coming into being? How can it be corroborated? How many hands did it pass through? Why is it in the Bible?

01 Oct 04
15 May 18

Originally posted by @fmf
Stop trying to put words in my mouth, sonship. I am not "mixed up" about anything. And I haven't talked about Dante's Inferno. Stop making stuff up. Who wrote Revelation? What were the circumstances of its content coming into being? How can it be corroborated? How many hands did it pass through? Why is it in the Bible?
You were a Christian for decades and you're seriously telling me you don't know the answers to those questions?

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03 Jan 13
15 May 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @fmf
Stop trying to put words in my mouth, sonship. I am not "mixed up" about anything. And I haven't talked about Dante's Inferno. Stop making stuff up. Who wrote Revelation? What were the circumstances of its content coming into being? How can it be corroborated? How many hands did it pass through? Why is it in the Bible?

John wrote Revelation. And I think he wrote it before he even wrote the Gospel of John.

Could scholars argue about the authorship of that book?
Yep, probably forever.


28 Oct 05
15 May 18

Originally posted by @sonship

John wrote [b]Revelation.
And I think he wrote it before he even wrote the Gospel of John.

Could scholars argue about the authorship of that book?
Yep, probably forever.[/b]
What makes you claim it was "John"? What makes you claim it was "Jesus" in the supposed vision?

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03 Jan 13
15 May 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @fmf
What makes you claim it was "John"? What makes you claim it was "Jesus" in the supposed vision?
The similarities between the Gospel of John and Revelation encouragement to believe what is said - that it was written by John.

Could intellectuals argue about proof of authorship?? Yep, probably perpetually. Is that what you want to do , keep the argument going about authorship debated perpetually, leaving NO final assurance one way or the other? Keep it controversial, questionable, up in the air, ambiguous, undecided, a perpetual debate?

This is a life changing book to me even if I am less than 100% sure who wrote it. The point is that God is speaking in it. That's my faith.

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03 Jan 13
15 May 18

Originally posted by @dj2becker
You were a Christian for decades and you're seriously telling me you don't know the answers to those questions?
Maybe once he loved the Son of God and believed the Bible.

Then one day he realized that the authorship of some books was so controversial that he could not be 1000% positive the anyone wrote any particular book.

This may have caused his heart to become cold and colder towards the Lord Jesus Whom he previously believed in and loved.

Me? I'm going to keep on loving this Wonderful and believable Person, the Son of God.


28 Oct 05
15 May 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship
Is that what you want to do , keep the argument going about authorship debated perpetually, leaving NO final assurance one way or the other? Keep it controversial, questionable, up in the air, ambiguous, undecided, a perpetual debate?
What debate? You're the one pontifcating based on it as if it were credible and basing your torturer god ideology on it. What makes you claim it was "Jesus" in the supposed vision? And why should anyone believe your assertions about it?


28 Oct 05
15 May 18

Originally posted by @sonship
Then one day he realized that the authorship of some books was so controversial that he could not be 1000% positive the anyone wrote any particular book.
What's 1000% got to do with anything? I eventually came to realize that I had 0% belief in it. 1000% of what? What are you on about?

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03 Jan 13
15 May 18

Originally posted by @fmf
What's 1000% got to do with anything? I eventually came to realize that I had 0% belief in it. 1000% of what? What are you on about?
Doesn't matter too much. You're happy now. So I don't think more time needs to be spent on how you became an unbeliever.

Paul had co-workers who turned aside from the faith.
I expect it could happen in modern times as well.

Don't worry what I was on about.
Details of your splendid present position as an unbeliever are your own affair, kept as your own peculiar treasured secret.

Don't bother insisting again and again - "Don't you understand? I could no longer believe !"

I got it.
I got it.

What are you? Waiting for all Christians to join you ?


28 Oct 05
15 May 18

Originally posted by @sonship
Doesn't matter too much. You're happy now. So I don't think more time needs to be spent on how you became an unbeliever.
But the "knowledge" that I will be tortured for eternity makes it easier for you to forgive me for saying non-Christian things on this forum, right? It makes your Christian life easier, isn't that so? Propagating this misanthropy is your gig here, isn't it.

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03 Jan 13
15 May 18

The vision of Jesus at first:

"I was in spirit on the Lord's Day and heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet.

Saying, What you see write in a scroll and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamos and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.

And I turned to see the voice that spoke to me, and when I turned, I saw seven golden lampstands. "

First John saw seven golden lampstands as seven churches for seven cities. This is no small thing.

Then John saw Jesus.

"And in the midst of the lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle.

Praise God! He is a High Priest in the midst of the local churches on the earth. His heart is of divine nature - gold. He is tending to the churches as caring for the shining flames of lampstands in the tabernacle of old.

This is His present day ministry.


28 Oct 05
15 May 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship
Details of your splendid present position as an unbeliever are your own affair, kept as your own peculiar treasured secret.
By the same reckoning, why don't you keep your present position as a profoundly superstitious man as your own affair and as your own peculiar treasured secret? Why should people on this forum with different beliefs from you keep them secret?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
15 May 18

And His head and hair were as white as white wool, as snow; ...

White indicates ancientness.
Christ is as ancient as God is - eternal.

White here is ancient but not OLD.
Christ is ancient by means of His divine life.
White wool is white because of the life of the sheep not because of being old.

White as snow means His ancientness is heavenly.
It is also not decrepit or aging but fresh, living, renewing.
His white hair is white like snow - so refreshing.

Christ is of eternal life. What a High Priest and what divine ministry.

He is like "the Son of Man". Hails back to Daniel - the divinely sent "Son of Man".

" and His eyes were like a flame of fire."

Nothing can escape His notice in your heart. NOTHING.
His gaze also transfuses us with holiness.
His gaze into our being imparts His own burning holy fire into our beings.

We need to turn our hearts toward the Lord Jesus to gaze upon His glorious face and let Him gaze into us. He will dispense Himself into us by His gazing at us.

This will burn up all the sinful, worldly, low, dirty, unclean and even good by godless things in us. What a Son of Man. What a Man - a God - man.