Simple Truth of Christ

Simple Truth of Christ


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21 Jan 06
29 Jan 12

The Christian faith is really simple when it comes down to it. Jesus said that if we want to get to know him and follow his ways then he would come to us and "make his home with us"

How does he do this? Via the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God dwells with men and can be known by men if we seek Him. The Christian witness to those who don't know God is simply this.....he is here with us! Every Christian worth their salt will be able to testify to the presence of the Spirit with them.

It's that simple folks! God is here. He's not remote - he's right by our side waiting to be found. All we have to do is ask God to reveal this truth to us and he will find a way of showing us. However , if you do want to try this, one proviso first. Make sure you test your heart to see if you REALLY want to find out. God will not respond to flippant or double minded prayers. We must seek Him genuinely with all our hearts.

Basically if you really want to know - you'll know , if you don't then you won't.

It's quite clear , Jesus said "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free" - that truth is that God's Holy Spirit is alive and well and moving amongst men. Once you wake up to this truth you will wonder why you ever missed it. You will look back at times when things were tough and you said to yourself" I don't know where I got the strength from.." and then you will realise that you weren't on your own. You will know where you got the strength from. He was there by your side.

One warning though - if you do get in touch with his Spirit then you will never be the same again - guaranteed. So count the cost folks

16 Feb 08
29 Jan 12

Originally posted by knightmeister
The Christian faith is really simple when it comes down to it. Jesus said that if we want to get to know him and follow his ways then he would come to us and "make his home with us"

How does he do this? Via the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God dwells with men and can be known by men if we seek Him. The Christian witness to those who don't know G ...[text shortened]... rit then you will never be the same again - guaranteed. So count the cost folks
Chistians have often been accused of being God's "sock puppets".

How would you respond to such an accusation?



21 Jan 06
29 Jan 12

Originally posted by divegeester
Chistians have often been accused of being God's "sock puppets".

How would you respond to such an accusation?
I've not heard that one to be honest. But if it means that we are being used by God then that's great isn't it? The whole point of being a Christian is that you accept that you don't actually belong to yourself (in the way you thought you did). It's the pride of man that says " I know best" - whereas the Christian knows that " God knows best". Does that make us sock puppets? Maybe you could clarify the metaphor for me...?

Now - how do you respond to my first point? Do you not realize that you are not alone and that you stand in God's presence?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
29 Jan 12

Originally posted by knightmeister
The Christian faith is really simple when it comes down to it. Jesus said that if we want to get to know him and follow his ways then he would come to us and "make his home with us"

How does he do this? Via the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God dwells with men and can be known by men if we seek Him. The Christian witness to those who don't know G ...[text shortened]... rit then you will never be the same again - guaranteed. So count the cost folks
My name is Suzianne and I endorse this post.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
29 Jan 12

Originally posted by knightmeister
One warning though - if you do get in touch with his Spirit then you will never be the same again - guaranteed. So count the cost folks
Why do you see it as a cost?



21 Jan 06
29 Jan 12

Originally posted by twhitehead
Why do you see it as a cost?
Well , for example , following Christ and the prompting of the Spirit cost Simon Peter his life.

The Christian path is not an easy path. We need to ask ourselves if we are prepared to do what God might ask of us. Most are not called to martyrdom obviously but it might cost you a friendship for example.

Probably the biggest cost would be kissing goodbye to all that " it's my life and I can do what I like with it " thinking.

However, what we sacrifice is always less than what we receive - but it might not feel like it at the time. As CS LEWIS points out " repentance is no fun at all "


02 Aug 06
29 Jan 12
2 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
Chistians have often been accused of being God's "sock puppets".

How would you respond to such an accusation?
Chistians have often been accused of being God's "sock puppets".

How would you respond to such an accusation?

I, for one, have NEVER heard that quip. I would not mind hearing it because it might indicate some level of understanding of what the New Testament says.

We Christians are vessels into which the treasure of Christ has come.

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us." (2 Cor. 4:7)

If they meant that the disciple is a sock and there is a foot in the sock, that might be a welcomed change.

If that is the essence of the mock of "sock puppets" I would point them to the MAIN so-called sock puppet of all time - Jesus Christ.

The idea is that as He lived by the Father we also would live by Him in similar manner -

"As the living Father sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me he also shall live because of Me." (John 6:57)

Now if they are not impressed with the quality of this One Who lived because of the Father, what can we do ?

But Christ's teaching was that He would be the prototype and His followers would be the duplication in a real sense. He did not want to abide alone. He wanted to produce others like Himself in millions of believers.

"Truly, truly,I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies it bears much fruit." (John 12:24)

The bottom line here is that Christ is the Godman and the Christians are called to be Godmen. He is the Head of this new humanity and the Chistians are the Body of him.

Christ is the Prototype.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
29 Jan 12

Originally posted by knightmeister
Well , for example , following Christ and the prompting of the Spirit cost Simon Peter his life.

The Christian path is not an easy path. We need to ask ourselves if we are prepared to do what God might ask of us. Most are not called to martyrdom obviously but it might cost you a friendship for example.

Probably the biggest cost would be kissing ...[text shortened]... might not feel like it at the time. As CS LEWIS points out " repentance is no fun at all "
I've been meaning to make this point awhile, but this is the thread it ended up in:

Often I've heard christians (and JWs) say that they "do not have an easy path."
I reckon I know some other subsets of society that have a much worse path. After all cant you christians at least get some consolation from your christian brothers?
How do people like me compare?(ie got my own spirituality, dont subscribe to group mentality with spirituality)


02 Aug 06
29 Jan 12
4 edits

Originally posted by twhitehead
Why do you see it as a cost?
He that loses his soul-life shall FIND it. He who saves his soul-life shall lose it.

It is a matter of losing now in order to gain and find in the end OR saving now only to lose latter in the end.

The soul life, the psuche here is the fallen Adamic self, the SpiritLESS soul. It is not facilities OF the soul like the mind, emotion, and will. It is the independent soul life "self" which took on a Godless existence apart and alone in sin.

There is no losing which is not balanced by FINDING. I expect to find my true God saturated self in Christ though I give up my God rebelling self centered fallen life, to pursue Christ.


02 Aug 06
29 Jan 12

Living by Jesus Christ is something like having power steering in your automobile. Just a little cooperation and His empowerment moves mightily within us.

His yoke is easy and His burden is light. And we will find rest for our souls.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
29 Jan 12

Originally posted by jaywill
Living by Jesus Christ is something like having [b]power steering in your automobile. Just a little cooperation and His empowerment moves mightily within us.

His yoke is easy and His burden is light. And we will find rest for our souls.[/b]
So being a christians easy now is it?
Make up your minds.
What does Suzianne think?

What do you think jaywill? Is the christian path hard or easy?

16 Feb 08
29 Jan 12

Originally posted by karoly aczel
So being a christians easy now is it?
Make up your minds.
What does Suzianne think?

What do you think jaywill? Is the christian path hard or easy?
I ask you again, why are you so anti-Christian?


24 Apr 05
29 Jan 12
1 edit

Originally posted by knightmeister
The Christian faith is really simple when it comes down to it. Jesus said that if we want to get to know him and follow his ways then he would come to us and "make his home with us"

How does he do this? Via the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God dwells with men and can be known by men if we seek Him. The Christian witness to those who don't know G rit then you will never be the same again - guaranteed. So count the cost folks
Wow, knightmeister is back. Nice to see you again.

I see, however, that you still suck at witnessing.

How many times does this need to be pointed out to you? For someone who has no good reasons under their attention in favor of the proposition that God exists, it is simply a question-begging process for them to ask God to reveal His existence to them. We had an entire thread devoted to this before, remember? You would do better to actually try to give this person some evidential reasons for the proposition that God exists in the first place.


02 Aug 06
29 Jan 12
1 edit

Originally posted by karoly aczel
So being a christians easy now is it?
Make up your minds.
What does Suzianne think?

What do you think jaywill? Is the christian path hard or easy?
So being a christians easy now is it?
Make up your minds.
What does Suzianne think?

What do you think jaywill? Is the christian path hard or easy?

It is not easy to LEARN to let Jesus be everything we need.

As we do encrease our learning in that matter, His yoke is easy, His burden is light. And we will find rest for our souls:

"Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls..

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matt. 11:28-30)


Learning to lay down in green pastures is not easy.
Sometimes it seems that He has to break our legs to get us to lie down in green pastures.

"The Lord is My Shepherd. I shall NOT want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside STILL waters. He restores my soul"

(See and read aloud with faith PSALM 23)


Windsor, Ontario

10 Jun 11
30 Jan 12

Originally posted by karoly aczel
So being a christians easy now is it?
Make up your minds.
What does Suzianne think?

What do you think jaywill? Is the christian path hard or easy?
the real christian way is so hard, that few people, if any are on it.

you won't find many willing to give all they own to charity and living in poverty spreading the message of christ. living and dying for him.