Scientists have the ability to be wrong:

Scientists have the ability to be wrong:


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28 Oct 05
27 Mar 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Techniques of conversion are described in the Koran, have been used in the past and are presently being employed by ISIS.
And haven't you already agreed that ISIS is an aberration?


28 Oct 05
27 Mar 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
You would need to live in a sound proof bubble with no access to books, radio, television, internet, news papers, etc. in order for you to not know about any of this [i.e. ISIS]...
Yes, I have access to the news. So it is your contention that ISIS is in some way typical of Islam down through history and representative of the spread of Islam around the world and its rationale in the world currently?

Earlier on this thread you said "...ISIS goes a step further and insists that even Muslims (who are not a part of their particular group) convert or die. So even from the Korans perspective ISIS is too extreme... Muslims converting Muslims to Islam? I don't think so, they operate more like a street gang than they do members of traditional Islam.". You said this, not me.

And yet now you appear to be requiring me to look at ISIS and superimpose their behaviour onto "traditional Islam" and so go along with the ahistorical 'convert or die' meme. All because of stuff you've seen on your TV? Surely it is you who is in a bubble, and not me.


28 Oct 05
27 Mar 15
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
Are you a complete shut in with no access to the outside world, or a victim of self imposed circumstances?
Not at all. Is this a genuine attempt at a debating point by you? I know all about ISIS. The issue is what you are extrapolating from it.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 Mar 15

Originally posted by FMF
Not at all. Is this a genuine attempt at a debating point by you? I know all about ISIS. The issue is what you are extrapolating from it.
But you would have to agree these kind of extremists are a threat to world peace, Boko Haram, Taliban, ISIS, the last thing they want is democracy, the right of people to kick them the hell out of office if they don't perform well. With those groups in charge, extreme Islam BECOMES the government Sharia law forever and no voting them out. Dissidents are simply killed.

My personal preference would be to move to some magical planet where we have freedom FROM religion, ALL religions. I want to opt out of all this utter nonsense.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
27 Mar 15

Originally posted by sonhouse
But you would have to agree these kind of extremists are a threat to world peace, Boko Haram, Taliban, ISIS, the last thing they want is democracy, the right of people to kick them the hell out of office if they don't perform well. With those groups in charge, extreme Islam BECOMES the government Sharia law forever and no voting them out. Dissidents are si ...[text shortened]... here we have freedom FROM religion, ALL religions. I want to opt out of all this utter nonsense.
You would not survive long on a planet of atheists who believe in the theory of evolution and the survival of the fittess.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 Mar 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
You would not survive long on a planet of atheists who believe in the theory of evolution and the survival of the fittess.
I already have. I would have no problem in a situation like that. I AM a survivor, more than you, since I already beat you by several years.


28 Oct 05
28 Mar 15

Originally posted by sonhouse
But you would have to agree these kind of extremists are a threat to world peace, Boko Haram, Taliban, ISIS, the last thing they want is democracy, the right of people to kick them the hell out of office if they don't perform well. With those groups in charge, extreme Islam BECOMES the government Sharia law forever and no voting them out. Dissidents are simply killed.
Like I said, I follow the news and see some on the TV. What proportion of Muslims are members of Boko Haram, Taliban, and ISIS and how many are governed by them?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
28 Mar 15

Originally posted by sonhouse
I already have. I would have no problem in a situation like that. I AM a survivor, more than you, since I already beat you by several years.
Yeah, you beat me.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
28 Mar 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Like I said, I follow the news and see some on the TV. What proportion of Muslims are members of Boko Haram, Taliban, and ISIS and how many are governed by them?
The sheer numbers are not the issue. A man with an atom bomb can cause world wide problems. A group like ISIS is well armed and maybe numbers only a hundred thousand at most yet they are stirring up trouble that hasn't been seen in decades in the middle east. Of course I admit up front the US should NEVER have taken over Iraq, I said that from day one of that truly stupid war, but it is done and we have to live with the consequences and one of those is the rise of the extremists.

And it looks like the US does not have the political will to just send in a half million men to wipe those asssholes off the face of the map.

So it is up to countries almost as bad like Saudi sending jets in to bomb them which may or may not work.

Like I said, it is not the absolute numbers or percentages, they attract the easily duped by the thousands.

As long as a muslim community lives by the law of the land and doesn't try to establish Shiria law I have no problem with them.

I have a problem with ALL religions. Like I said, I want freedom FROM religion, I don't want ANY of those asssholes to get into my life.

My preference would be to start a colony on Antarctica or Siberia where nobody would bother us, free to be agnostic or atheist if we choose and not be forced by some extremist group to convert or die.

Or even living in a place like Salt Lake City where if you are not Mormon, you can forget pretty much having a professional life. They don't like non Mormons in Salt Lake City.

Or the thrice damned Scientologists, a man made scam if ever there was one and a vindictive one at that.


The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
28 Mar 15
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
The sheer numbers are not the issue. A man with an atom bomb can cause world wide problems. A group like ISIS is well armed and maybe numbers only a hundred thousand at most yet they are stirring up trouble that hasn't been seen in decades in the middle east. Of course I admit up front the US should NEVER have taken over Iraq, I said that from day one of th ...[text shortened]... one and a vindictive one at that.

Maybe another worldwide flood would do it. 😏


08 Jun 07
28 Mar 15
1 edit


28 Oct 05
29 Mar 15

Originally posted by sonhouse
The sheer numbers are not the issue. A man with an atom bomb can cause world wide problems. A group like ISIS is well armed and maybe numbers only a hundred thousand at most yet they are stirring up trouble that hasn't been seen in decades in the middle east.
Nobody is arguing that the likes of Boko Haram, Taliban, and ISIS are not bad.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
29 Mar 15

The post that was quoted here has been removed
That was a horrible time. Why didn't YOUR country send troops in either?


08 Jun 07
29 Mar 15

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
30 Mar 15
4 edits

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Many, especially the left-wing liberals, in the USA are tired of sacrificing and being criticized for trying to defend the rest of the world with no show of appreciation or support. I also am beginning to believe it is about time for the lazy Europeans to get off their cushions and fend for themselves and give the USA time to recuperate from such abuse. The USA doesn't get paid enough to be the world's policemen, in fact, it appears to me we are required to pay others in hope of keeping the peace. You must not forget to take into account that the USA now has a Muslim President that believes Islam is a wonderful and peaceful religion.