Revelations 20:12

Revelations 20:12


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30 Mar 06
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by kirksey957
Do you mean to tell me that there is no truth outside of the Bible? That is quite a statement. I think we are capable of voicing truth and taking in truths from many areas and many different faiths.

If one of my kids says, "hey, dad you're not spending enough time with me" is this not a "truth"?

If I experience a profound sense of wonder at ...[text shortened]... experience a profound sense of inner peace, who is to say that God is not speaking to me?
i cannot deny your experiences. that's what i'm talking about. how can i argue with a "feeling." but, i can say that these experiences are expressed in the bible, especially in the psalms. family, creation, pain, suffering, shelter, food, well-being, peace. these are all spiritual, biblical peace. the fullness of peace is found in jesus christ who is only known as he is in the pages of the bible. the family of god is the most precious family in the world. closer than a brother according to the bible. food will leave you hungry again, but jesus is the bread of life according to the bible. pain is natural part of life after the fall, but there is spiritual relief found in jesus according to the bible. if we have shelter, wonderful, but jesus had no place to lay his head, and he had everything he needed according to the bible.

so yes, the bible is the author of truth. it is the source. it speaks of all other truths found in the world. i'm certain one would mention scientific fact, but i am convinced that what the bible speaks of science is truth, and what it doesn't mention, does not mean that it is isn't true. science has many facts not talked about in scripture, but these are not necessary to faith. so, once again, the bible is inerrant.


With White Women

31 Jul 01
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by Big Mac
i cannot deny your experiences. that's what i'm talking about. how can i argue with a "feeling." but, i can say that these experiences are expressed in the bible, especially in the psalms. family, creation, pain, suffering, shelter, food, well-being, peace. these are all spiritual, biblical peace. the fullness of peace is found in jesus christ who is only kn ...[text shortened]... n scripture, but these are not necessary to faith. so, once again, the bible is inerrant.
"God gave me style
God gave me grace
God put a smile on my face."

Do you think these words reflect a man of God?



30 Mar 06
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by kirksey957
"God gave me style
God gave me grace
God put a smile on my face."

Do you think these words reflect a man of God?
they're just words.
what is the context? what is the motivation?

god has given all of us a measure of grace, according to the bible.
god has given me reason to smile, according to the bible.

as for the style. i don't understand what you mean.


With White Women

31 Jul 01
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by Big Mac
they're just words.
what is the context? what is the motivation?

god has given all of us a measure of grace, according to the bible.
god has given me reason to smile, according to the bible.

as for the style. i don't understand what you mean.
I can't speak for him, but he appears to have a relationship with Jesus.



30 Mar 06
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by kirksey957
I can't speak for him, but he appears to have a relationship with Jesus.
are you deliberately being vague and mysterious, or should i know what you're talking about?

who said these words?


With White Women

31 Jul 01
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by Big Mac
are you deliberately being vague and mysterious, or should i know what you're talking about?

who said these words?
I have often found the word of God to be vague and mysterious.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by kirksey957
"God gave me style
God gave me grace
God put a smile on my face."

Do you think these words reflect a man of God?
Isn't that the guy from Coldplay?


02 Jan 06
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by Rajk999
Matt 25 for example
Matthew 25? You kids seem to loooove Matthew 25. What specific work does it say in Matthew 25 you must do in order to be saved? It does not list a specific work does it? What it is saying, is that we must live by faith and we must have love in our hearts to be saved. Their is not a specific work in general. For example, the illustration about the talents, one servant hid his talent in fear. He was not living his life according the the principles of faith. The other illustration about the shepard that divides the sheep from the goats is demonstrating that those that walk in love will naturally reach out to those who need our help. The greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. When Christ was questioned about who his neighbor was, he gave the illustration of the good Samaratin, correct? He found a man on the road bleeding and dying and he rescued him from his situation. Does this mean I must find such a man in the same situration to preform the same work in order to demonstrate to God I have love? No, it does not. The same can be said for the illustrations in Matthew 25. If you really think that works save you, why did Jesus then say to the man on the cross next to him who was dying with him and who reached out in faith to him, that he would be with him in paradise? What works did he do to inherity eternal life? There are two possibilities. Either Jesus did not understand his own theology or you do not understand the theology of faith and love he was attempting to convey.


With White Women

31 Jul 01
01 Jul 06
1 edit

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Isn't that the guy from Coldplay?
Here's my point. Big Mac wants to know what the motivation is. He wants to know what the context is. Why must he know these things? What if I were to question Scripture in the same way? Inerrancy's message is that there is no need to worry about the context because it's all true.

Fundamentalists believe everything should come from their frame of reference. Why is this so? OK, so I post a few lyrics and there is immediate suspicion. Where is this from? Who said it and what was their motivation?

Here is a profound truth: Not everyone will find their salvation through the Bible or by Jesus. Now some will say, but doesn't Jesus say "no one comes to the Father but by me"? Somehow this has gotten to be construed as "honk if you love Jesus or go to hell." It has to do with being a follower of "the way" of Jesus. There are atheists, Buddhists, pentecostals, Mormons, Aborigenes, recovering alcoholics, priests, etc who practice "the way." Jesus once told a parable about those that come to the banquet.

By the way, it wasn't Coldplay.


25 Sep 04
01 Jul 06

Matthew 25:30-46
This is difficult to go into in detail in a limited space, as it requires running a lot of references to other Scriptures. The 25th chapter of Matthew is made up of parables describing judgment. The Bible speaks of several judgments: The Church (2 Cor 5:10), Israel (Ezek 20:33-38) and the lost after Jesus’ 1000 yr. reign (Rev. 20:11-15), among others.

This particular judgment is further described in Rev 19. It refers to the time Jesus returns to set up His 1000 year kingdom at the end of the Tribulation. “Nations” refers to the Gentiles living at that time. Three groups are mentioned: 1) Sheep (saved Gentiles), 2) Goats (unsaved Gentiles) and 3) Jesus’ “brothers” -Israel-a separate issue).

Notice in this judgment no books are opened as mentioned in Rev 20. This judgment deals with those living at Jesus' return. The test is how individual Gentiles dealt with Jesus’ brothers. The works mentioned are proof (not grounds for, as has previously been pointed out) salvation. See Matt 7:15ff. The “sheep” are people saved after the Rapture of the Church and during the Tribulation who have managed to survive. They are invited to enter into Jesus' kingdom and reign with Him, and all previously saved people throughout history and the saved Jews.

Good works do not produce good character. Good character produces good works. This explains the good works of non-Christians…they are people of good character. There are many very fine non-Christians who are people of good character, but it’s not about works because God does not want any of us to have bragging rights about how good we were, and that we deserve to be saved.


With White Women

31 Jul 01
01 Jul 06
1 edit

Originally posted by masscat
Matthew 25:30-46
This is difficult to go into in detail in a limited space, as it requires running a lot of references to other Scriptures. The 25th chapter of Matthew is made up of parables describing judgment. The Bible speaks of several judgments: The Church (2 Cor 5:10), Israel (Ezek 20:33-38) and the lost after Jesus’ 1000 yr. reign (Rev. 20:11-15), ant any of us to have bragging rights about how good we were, and that we deserve to be saved.
Where does the European union fit in to this? Or how about the "Great Bear" descending from Russsia. And China, how do they play in to this?

Let's not forget the AntiChrist. I have heard that it was Hitler, Henry Kissinger, Osoma Bin Laden, and Hillary Clinton.


25 Sep 04
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by kirksey957
Where does the European union fit in to this? Or how about the "Great Bear" descending from Russsia. And China, how do they play in to this?

Let's not forget the AntiChrist. I have heard that it was Hitler, Henry Kissinger, Osoma Bin Laden, and Hillary Clinton.
Good question! Can’t answer that here…it took Hal Lindsey nearly 200 pages to discuss it in The Late Great Planet Earth. I can tell you from personal experience something about the European union. The company I used to work for was part of a French owned conglomerate. I used to get pricing from Europe in Francs, Pounds and DM’s. In recent years they switched to Euros. One of the French VP’s asked our president how long he thought the US would be a world economic force, to which our pres. replied, “Probably a 1000 years.” The French VP laughed and said, “I don’t think so. Our goal is to destroy you economically.” I recently saw a program on TV where a janitor at an auto plant in Detroit was making $60,000/yr. I knew one guy who retired from one of the auto plants. For 25 years his job was when a car came off the assembly line, he drove it about 50 feet to the outside so the yard crew could pick it up and park it. He then walked back to get another car. For this he made over $100,000/yr. And we wonder why US plants want to move to Mexico! China is an awakening giant that is already wanting more oil. And I see them wanting to compete with our steel industry (my area) evry day. I see the US losing it's influence in just about every area, and things shifting back to Europe and the Middle East. Mr. Bush got us into a real quagmire over there that may turn out to be like Viet Nam was in my day.

I don’t think any of those folks are the Antichrist. My understanding is the first 3-1/2 years of his reign is worldwide peace & prosperity, which we don’t seem to have had. Then he goes into the temple in Jerusalem (which does not exist at the moment) and declares himself God. Bill may think Hillary is a witch, but she isn’t Antichrist!


25 Sep 04
01 Jul 06

P.S. to kirksey957:
That photo on your homepage looks a lot like Bishop T.D. Jakes


With White Women

31 Jul 01
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by masscat
Good question! Can’t answer that here…it took Hal Lindsey nearly 200 pages to discuss it in The Late Great Planet Earth. I can tell you from personal experience something about the European union. The company I used to work for was part of a French owned conglomerate. I used to get pricing from Europe in Francs, Pounds and DM’s. In recent years they swi ...[text shortened]... moment) and declares himself God. Bill may think Hillary is a witch, but she isn’t Antichrist!
Hal Lindsey is a charleton. He blows the way the front page of the paper blows. An absolute joke. He is not taken seriously by a single educated theologian in the world. He is to religion what the potato chip is to a healthy diet.

Zellulärer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
01 Jul 06

Originally posted by kirksey957
Hal Lindsey is to religion what the potato chip is to a healthy diet.
Right down to the MSG rush!