What will life be like in Paradise?
"The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." John 5:28,29.
"At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness," Isa 35: 5,6.
"God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain anymore. The former things have passed away." Rev 21:3,4.
Isiah 11: 6-8 speaks of the relationships of humans and animals.
"The earth itself will certainly give it's produce; God, our God, will bless us." Ps 67:6.
"There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth, on top of the mountains there will be an overflow." Ps 72:16.
"They will certainly build houses and have occupancy, and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not build and someone else have occupancy, they will not plant and someone else do the eating." Isa 65: 21,22.
"As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth." Prov 2:22.
"They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore." Isa 2:4.
'They will dwell in security, no one to make them tremble." Ezk 34:28.
"They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain, because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea." Isa 11:9.
This is the way the earth was designed to be from the beginning with Adam and Eve. Earth was made for man to live on forever. Gen 1:28. Ps 37:29 & 115:16. Ec 1:4. Isa 45:18. Matt 5:5.
Originally posted by galveston75I get confused with the christian notions of paradise and heaven. Which one is it?
What will life be like in Paradise?
"The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." John 5:28,29.
"At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechles ...[text shortened]... live on forever. Gen 1:28. Ps 37:29 & 115:16. Ec 1:4. Isa 45:18. Matt 5:5.
My understanding of heaven is that is it not comparable to anything in the 3 dimensional world.As for paradise on Earth I think its a pipe dream.
Originally posted by galveston75Noise😵
What will life be like in Paradise?
"The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." John 5:28,29.
"At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechles ...[text shortened]... live on forever. Gen 1:28. Ps 37:29 & 115:16. Ec 1:4. Isa 45:18. Matt 5:5.