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The Axe man


11 Apr 09
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by Dasa
There all valid points.

How did god know we would want to build a super bomb and drop it on Hiroshima.....but we have all the ingredients to do it, and they have always been there.
I replied, but my post was deemed innapropriate,and now I've broken my train of thought.
Maybe I'll pick it up in the morning.

Sorry moderators. I'm still not sure what was innapropriate


02 Jan 06
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by greenpawn34
And don't say Adam never had a belly button.
Adam never really had a belly button. 😛

First of all, I have to say that I am dissappointed. I mean, I saw the title to this thread and got all exited only to be confronted with this? 😠


06 May 08
01 Mar 11
1 edit


Just curious to what the answers will be.

Prompted by another thread where one side said a perfect God would
not have created a world with evil in it
and this was answered by 'God permits evil'.

I think Aesthetic reasons is wrong. God does not do Aesthetic.

There are plenty of people walking about whose facial features can prove this.
Unless God has tea breaks and sometimes sends people down to earth
who face he has not quite tidied up.

With all the creating he is doing on a daily basis you can see he has hands
full so cutting a few corners now and then seem to be the norm.

Nipples may have been left in because he forgot to take them out.

Nipples also suggest Women were created first....

...more unanswerable questions.

"....usually feel sorry for people whose minds take flight like this upon
reading the word of God."

Don't feel sorry for me Jaywill, just pointing out that God too has a sense
of humour. Else why allow all these unanswerable questions that cast
a smiggin of doubt.

Perhaps him putting nipples on a man is a test for us to solve.
(or ignore because the answers do not fit the theory.)

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by Dasa
Our sex is not determined by chance, but by our karma.....chance plays no role in anything.

Why do men grow hair on their face.....because you then have choice between beard or no beard.

Why have men got nipples.....well if you want to have a sex change you can, and you have half the job already done, imagine a chest without them.

Also nipples are an aesthetic look as well...........just like eye brows and can you imagine a face without them.
...just like eye brows and can you imagine a face without them.
Sucks to be me having alopecia then (no eyebrows)


02 Aug 06
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by karoly aczel
Tetrahydarcanbanol or THC (not sure of exact spelling) is the active ingredient in marijuana that gets you high.
Why would God put them (thc receptors) in our brains and spleens if smoking cannabis is wrong?

You know what I mean? Its not like alcohol which just "swishes "your brain cells to get you drunk.
We are born with these receptors within our ...[text shortened]...
You know what I'm on about now? Any ideas?

(BtW, I hope you are well , dear jaywill. 🙂 )
Tetrahydarcanbanol or THC (not sure of exact spelling) is the active ingredient in marijuana that gets you high.
Why would God put them (thc receptors) in our brains and spleens if smoking cannabis is wrong?

You know what I mean? Its not like alcohol which just "swishes "your brain cells to get you drunk.
We are born with these receptors within our bodies.

I think Proper Knob suggested that they were put there to test our faith, or some such.

You know what I'm on about now? Any ideas?

(BtW, I hope you are well , dear jaywill. )

Thankyou for your kind wishes. I hope you also are well.

I thought THC might have something to do with marajuana as I remember the initials from the, um ... , old days. Enough said.

I cannot answer your question in detail. Try an easier one on me.

But my general view is that there are probably a lot of things in the creation which had some useful purpose. But in the fall of man and the collapse of creation these things became mutated or changed to only reflect some semblance of the original intended purpose.

For instance, maybe a common cold was originally something positive which has been mutated.

You see I personally think that the Creator is way, way, way ahead of us in designing contingencies just in case something should go wrong.

Anyway, whatever exists, one way or another, came out from the creating God. God, I think, designed some things that the introduction of another will in the universe effected. And His design probably includes a brillian mechanism that causes some effected matters to mutate (for lack of a better word) or transmute in function.

The next time you have a common cold and are coughing consider that probably something has changed somewhat in your body due to the fall of Adam, due to the introduction into the creation of Satan's will as opposed to God's will.

I think God is way, way, way ahead of all other intelligences in forethought and contingency planning. I mean I think we are dealing with Someone for whom all eternity is just a present NOW moment. One million years ago and one million years from now are all the same to Him, perhaps. It is just a NOW, a continous present moment embracing all of eternity.



16 Aug 05
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by RevRSleeker
Genesis 1:27, 'So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.' The original Adam was created male and female. Genesis 2:20-24, 'But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep...then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man...Th ...[text shortened]... ne flesh.'
In Christian religious text, therefore, male and female are the one creation.
You could interpret this as 'Whisky' being a God, especially the deep sleep and a woman bit! 😀



St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by greenpawn34

Why have men got nipples?

Because in the womb our sex is one of the last things to be determined. Fact.

So if God created us why could he not make up his mind even what
sex were going to be until the last moment.

Surely this God who knows everything and sees everthing would know
what sex he was creating.

And if he does why give ...[text shortened]... ng around the Garden of Eden with a
fig leaf covering his private parts and no belly button?
cuz nipples are sexy😛


06 May 08
01 Mar 11
1 edit


"I don't think you'll read anywhere about males suckling children.
I don't think such a thing is in memory of any culture.

As posted by Jaywill.

So why did God create man with nipples?

What came first the Male or the Female?

The evidence, go to the bathroom, open your shirt and look in the mirror
at the evidence... is clearly indicating that the female of the species was created first.

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by Dasa
Our sex is not determined by chance, but by our karma.....chance plays no role in anything.

Why do men grow hair on their face.....because you then have choice between beard or no beard.

Why have men got nipples.....well if you want to have a sex change you can, and you have half the job already done, imagine a chest without them.

Also nipples are an aesthetic look as well...........just like eye brows and can you imagine a face without them.
Brilliant. God gave men nipples so it would be easier for them to have a sex change. LOL!


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Brilliant. God gave men nipples so it would be easier for them to have a sex change. LOL!
I think this confirms that Dasa isn't being serious and a master at satire.


02 Aug 06
01 Mar 11
1 edit

Originally posted by greenpawn34

"I don't think you'll read anywhere about males suckling children.
I don't think such a thing is in memory of any culture.

As posted by Jaywill.

So why did God create man with nipples?

What came first the Male or the Female?

The evidence, go to the bathroom, open your shirt and look in the mirror
at the evidence... is clearly indicating that the female of the species was created first.
So why did God create man with nipples?

What came first the Male or the Female?

The evidence, go to the bathroom, open your shirt and look in the mirror
at the evidence... is clearly indicating that the female of the species was created first.

He created the man first. And out from the man He created the woman.

But to keep the men folk from getting to proud about being so-called first made, He made sure that the aesthetic link between man and woman was undeniable. So the guys have NIPPLES. They are undisputably and unmistakeable related to the women side of the human race.

To keep abreast of these things, recall that Paul left us a very balancing word in the New Testament that male and female, female and male own their existence to one another.

Look at the whole passage carefully and you'll see the Apostle Paul making a point of mutual dependency and balance (1 Cor. 11:8-12):

"For man is not out of woman, but woman out of man; (v.8)

For also man was not created for the sake of the woman, but woman for the sake of the man. (v.9)

However neither is woman without man, nor man without woman, in the Lord. (v.11)

For just as the woman is out from the man, so also is the man through the woman, but all things are out from God." (v.12)

My opinion is that the presence of nipples on the man is an aesthetic seal to remind males that they and the opposite sex, women, are of one common purpose. A woman is a female human being. And a man is a male human being. The common link of mutual belonging is strongly implanted in the design of both sexes.

The man sees his nipples and knows that he is a male human or even a male version of a female.

Now coming down to a deeper level, refer back to verse 12 - " ... but all things are out from God".

Briefly, the extraction of the female out of the male as in Genesis chapter two, is just another reminder that all things are out from God.

The one became two. Then the two were brought back together again to be one. I say out from the one came two. Then God brought the two back together to be one.

In the end of the Bible you have something that was brought out of God brought back to God to become one with God. You have God and out from God - down from heaven comes a city "New Jerusalem". And the two are married. The two are brought together in an eternal oneness of marriage.

When you read about Eve being brought out from Adam you should think about the conclusion of the divine revelation. New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven from God to be the wife of God, the bride of God.

The creation of Eve from Adam and the creation of the New Jerusalem from God form two "book ends" of the whole revelation. His eternal purpose is symbolized in His creation of male and female.

In a real sense there is only one male - God. The saved ones in eternity are a collective Woman the Wife of the redeeming God.

By the way the Hebrew word picture in the divine title El Shaddai is a Big Breasted One. Even though the title El Shaddai refers to Jehovah God (ie. Genesis 17:1) the Hebrew word picture is of a woman with large breasts.

"And when Abram was ninety-nine years old, Jehovah appeared to Abram and said to him,

I am the All-sufficient God (El Shaddai); Walk before Me, and be perfect. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, .... etc."

The Big Breasted One who is all sufficient like a mother with all the nutrients and vitamins the child needs for a healthy growing life.

To paraphrase Genesis 17:1:

"I am the All sufficient God [with a big udder, or big breasts] walk before me and be perfect, because I have all that you need and all that can supply you."

This understanding would kind of show God as "He" with nipples as well. Am I right ?


26 May 08
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by jaywill

Why have men got nipples?

Aesthetic reasons perhaps. Reasons of a sense of beauty in the mind of our Creator. Nipples on men may be a link to remind men and women of the intrinsic relationship they have in common.

Nipples keep the male component of the race hu ...[text shortened]... ually feel sorry for people whose minds take flight like this upon reading the word of God.[/b]

Why have men got nipples?

Aesthetic reasons perhaps. Reasons of a sense of beauty in the mind of our Creator. ...”

then why did 'he' make the rest of me so damned ugly!


St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
01 Mar 11

Originally posted by greenpawn34

Why have men got nipples?

Because in the womb our sex is one of the last things to be determined. Fact.

So if God created us why could he not make up his mind even what
sex were going to be until the last moment.

Surely this God who knows everything and sees everthing would know
what sex he was creating.

And if he does why give ...[text shortened]... ng around the Garden of Eden with a
fig leaf covering his private parts and no belly button?
an excellent answer to your question:


02 Aug 06
01 Mar 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Andrew Hamilton

Why have men got nipples?

Aesthetic reasons perhaps. Reasons of a sense of beauty in the mind of our Creator. ...”

then why did 'he' make the rest of me so damned ugly!
When you get into a self pitying mood like that you should stop and think of all the things you have to be thankful to God for.

You could have been born retarded. I sense you have a good sound mind. You could stop and thank God for that.

You could have been born blind. Did you ever think to turn around and thank God that you have the use of your eyes ?

I assume you can use your hands. Not everyone born today may have that blessing. You could thank God for that.

Though you have had some difficult days, by and large you have also had many happy days doing what you like. Did you ever think to pause for a moment and thank God for the many happy days you have had ?

You have many things, even about your physical appearance, which you could stop and thank God for. You should try it sometime.

Even if you don't have much of a relationship with this God, it wouldn't hurt to be thankful for the many blessings you have received.

You know, our self pity is just a kind of pride and unthankfulness. When I was a college student in the city of New York I use to watch a lot of cripple kids from the some kind of physical dissability Foundation walk together down the street. Whenever I saw that crowd of boys and girls hubbling the best they could down the street, I would stop for a moment and thank God for the normal use of my limbs.

I encourage us all (including me) to develop a habit of saying thanks to God for things easily taken for granted. It is better then self pity.


26 May 08
01 Mar 11
1 edit

Originally posted by jaywill
When you get into a self pitying mood like that you should stop and think of all the things you have to be thankful to God for.

You could have been born retarded. I sense you have a good sound mind. You could stop and thank God for that.

You could have been born blind. Did you ever think to turn around and thank God that you have the use of your e abit of saying thanks to God for things easily taken for granted. It is better then self pity.
“...When you get into a self pitying mood ...”

Hay! It was a joke! And I wasn't even pretending to have “self pity”! -that wouldn't be part of the joke.
I have no self pitty.