JW's drop attempts to block sex abuse inquiry

JW's drop attempts to block sex abuse inquiry


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28 Oct 05
02 Mar 17

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
This policy was laid before the royal commission. I suggest you google and read their report. Its documented in the brothers testimony.
Do you acknowledge and accept the findings of the Royal Commission?


26 Feb 09
02 Mar 17

Originally posted by galveston75
A spokesman for the Jehovah’s Witnesses said last year: “We are in no position to, and neither would we wish to, force any victim of abuse to confront their attacker.”

A spokesman for the Jehovah’s Witnesses told the Guardian last year: “Congregation elders do not discourage [reports to the authorities] or shield abusers from the authorities or from ...[text shortened]... now.
No matter what I hope the victims eventually find peace and can move onto a happier life.
I may not agree with the philosophy of the J W's, but in no way do i wish harm on their church through these scandals. We are the created Children of God after all.

May God Bless you and keep you in His Love.

Every church and organization has the problems of abuse of power. We would be foolish to think otherwise.


28 Oct 05
02 Mar 17

Originally posted by Pudgenik
Every church and organization has the problems of abuse of power. We would be foolish to think otherwise.
We would be even more foolish to think the problems of abuse of power in churches can be addressed with bromide platitudes about God bless this and God bless that.


28 Oct 05
02 Mar 17

Originally posted by Pudgenik
I may not agree with the philosophy of the J W's, but in no way do i wish harm on their church through these scandals. We are the created Children of God after all.
Gosh, what a strange perspective you have. Surely the harm we should be concerned about "through these scandals" ought to be the harm done to children who were sexually abused rather than the "harm" done to the JW church which kept the abuse secret and did not adequately protect those children? If the "harm" done to the JW church results in reform, surely it is to be welcomed?


26 Feb 09
05 Mar 17

Originally posted by FMF
Gosh, what a strange perspective you have. Surely the harm we should be concerned about "through these scandals" ought to be the harm done to children who were sexually abused rather than the "harm" done to the JW church which kept the abuse secret and did not adequately protect those children? If the "harm" done to the JW church results in reform, surely it is to be welcomed?
Certainly! Children, pastors, and all others who are victims of these and other scandals should be a concern. Yes pastors to, who are accused by the media and who are also innocent.

In todays easy access media, where everything is posted somewhere, how easy it is to jump to conclusions. And yes there is sexual scandals every day. What of the schools who tell their children not to tell parents what is taught in sex ed.

My niece brought home a book to her mom that she wasn't supposed to. Her parents, strong Christians; and the book had cartoon pictures of every type of sex act you can think of.

So where do we start - to persecute - the "criminals" .

Maybe we should start with the media. Seriously... sex sex sex, and blatantly to.
It is no wonder humanity is so focused. And so many sexual crimes all over the world.


28 Oct 05
05 Mar 17

Originally posted by Pudgenik
Maybe we should start with the media. Seriously... sex sex sex, and blatantly to. It is no wonder humanity is so focused. And so many sexual crimes all over the world.
Do you think, if you and I let's say were to start sexually abusing children, and the organizations we were part of actively tried to keep our crimes secret, that, in our analysis of our own behaviour, and in our defence of ourselves and of our organizations, we would be justified in arguing "we should start with the media"? Is that your take on all of this?

16 Feb 08
05 Mar 17

Originally posted by Pudgenik
Children, pastors, and all others who are victims of these and other scandals should be a concern. Yes pastors to, who are accused by the media and who are also innocent...

In todays easy access media, where everything is posted somewhere, how easy it is to jump to conclusions...

So where do we start - to persecute - the "criminals"...
What examples do you have in mind now of pastors who have been accused of child sex abuse and are innocent?

In this specific incidence in this thread of Jehovah's Witness leaders failing to report 1000s of allegations of child sex abuse and the organisation's two year legal battle to prevent any investigation into it, what conclusions do you think have be "jumped to"?

Who are the criminals in this case and do you think they are being "persecuted"?

16 Feb 08
05 Mar 17

Originally posted by Pudgenik
...in no way do i wish harm on their church through these scandals. We are the created Children of God after all.
Have you read the Australian Royal Commision's report into the decades long history of 1000s of cases of allegations of child sex abuse by the JW leadership not being reported to the authorities?

In this scenario, what would you class as "harm"?

If we are all created "the Children of God" (your capitalisation), should we therefore not demand justice for one another?


26 Feb 09
05 Mar 17

Originally posted by divegeester
Have you read the Australian Royal Commision's report into the decades long history of 1000s of cases of allegations of child sex abuse by the JW leadership not being reported to the authorities?

In this scenario, what would you class as "harm"?

If we are all created "the Children of God" (your capitalisation), should we therefore not demand justice for one another?
I'm not defending the guilty. And thank God i am not God.

In the Catholic church, there were many allegations of sexual abuse. Many were real, and the church also tried to keep it internal. Mainly among the Bishops of the church, I don't know when John Paul ll learned of it, but far as i know he was the first Pope to deal with it. If i recall, if it is proven, the priest, bishop or whomever is responcible will be given to the authorities of that country.

Now i say proven, because once the sexual allegations became known for a few - who really did it. There were others who made allegations that were also false. Some were priests that stood against the homo-sexual movement, others against abortions. etc.

For the J. W.'s as a whole, i'm sure there were many members that knew nothing.
But as in the Catholic church, many who were involved were removed as religious. And many were prosecuted. I would think it should be the same with them.


26 Feb 09
05 Mar 17

Originally posted by divegeester
Have you read the Australian Royal Commision's report into the decades long history of 1000s of cases of allegations of child sex abuse by the JW leadership not being reported to the authorities?

In this scenario, what would you class as "harm"?

If we are all created "the Children of God" (your capitalisation), should we therefore not demand justice for one another?
And what would be your justice?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
06 Mar 17

Originally posted by divegeester
Have you read the Australian Royal Commision's report into the decades long history of 1000s of cases of allegations of child sex abuse by the JW leadership not being reported to the authorities?

In this scenario, what would you class as "harm"?

If we are all created "the Children of God" (your capitalisation), should we therefore not demand justice for one another?
I have to add to this even though I feel I shouldn't be reading your post because of the darkness you bring here.
My mother died a week ago today and feel a loss I can't explain so I'm in a very down mood right now and your basically making me sick reading this stuff you post..
You pick and choose your material that fits your hatred for the JW's but that's you. Perhaps if you would actually post a more accurate measurement of the JW's it would be an honest act on your part? No that's not you.
Anyway for the others here, there is more out their that sheds a better light on this subject. Here for example is this:


At the end of this information this is stated:

"In a press release dated November 21, 2007, Jehovah's Witnesses' Office of Public Information stated:[62]"

"In the United States, over 80,000 elders currently serve in over 12,300 congregations … During the last 100 years, only eleven elders have been sued for child abuse in thirteen lawsuits filed in the United States; In seven of these lawsuits against the elders, accusations against the Watchtower Society itself were dismissed by the courts."

So it is said..... The Australian Royal Commision's report into the decades long history of 1000s of cases of allegations of child sex abuse by the JW leadership not being reported to the authorities."

Only 13 cases reported in the USA but thousands have been reported in Australia? Really? Doesn't that seem to sound a little unbelievable? And you seriously put stock in that?

Do what you feel you have to do. But we all know your motive and Jehovah is watching every move you make........


28 Oct 05
06 Mar 17

Originally posted by galveston75 to divegeester
My mother died a week ago today and feel a loss I can't explain so I'm in a very down mood right now and your basically making me sick reading this stuff you post.
I am really sorry to hear about your mother. You have my condolences. But, I have to ask, what does it have to do with people discussing the Australian Royal Commission's report on the covering up of child sex abuse?


28 Oct 05
06 Mar 17

Originally posted by galveston75
Perhaps if you would actually post a more accurate measurement of the JW's it would be an honest act on your part?
Are you saying you think the Australian Royal Commission's findings are not accurate?


28 Oct 05
06 Mar 17

Originally posted by galveston75
Only 13 cases reported in the USA but thousands have been reported in Australia? Really? Doesn't that seem to sound a little unbelievable?
The Royal Commission found that NO cases of child sex abuse were reported to the authorities by the JW organization in sixty years in Australia. That is zero. You say "thousands" were reported? The commission found the number to be nought. None. Zero.

16 Feb 08
06 Mar 17

Originally posted by Pudgenik
I'm not defending the guilty. And thank God i am not God.

In the Catholic church, there were many allegations of sexual abuse. Many were real, and the church also tried to keep it internal. Mainly among the Bishops of the church, I don't know when John Paul ll learned of it, but far as i know he was the first Pope to deal with it. If i recall, if it is ...[text shortened]... e removed as religious. And many were prosecuted. I would think it should be the same with them.
I am not saying you are defending the guilty, I'm asking you if you have read the link in the OP and if you have read up on the material in the other thread I also linked to - clearly you haven't.

This is not about the Catholic Church this is about the Jehovah's Witness church. What ah have happened in the Catholic Church has no bearing on the finding of the Royal Australian Commision's report.

If you have something to say on the actual report's findings, instead of all these meaningless platitudes and waffle about how you are "sure" that many people in the Jehovah's Witness church didn't know about the child sex abuse, then you really ought to say.