JESUS vs. muhammad

JESUS vs. muhammad


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Cape Town

14 Apr 05
05 Feb 09

One of course wonders how a Muslim goes about finding out who does or does not star in a porn movie.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by twhitehead
One of course wonders how a Muslim goes about finding out who does or does not star in a porn movie.
Maybe the producers of the movie were Israelis, aware of the actor's religion, and they found the chipest and easiest way -just a phone call to mama!- to keep their money in their pockets and at the same time ridiculing them Muslims😀



04 Apr 04
05 Feb 09
1 edit

Originally posted by twhitehead
One of course wonders how a Muslim goes about finding out who does or does not star in a porn movie.
As required by Islamic tradition the woman wore her hijab (the veil that covered her face) while making the movie, as she was not allowed to remove that in public. The poor woman removed everything else thinking it was ok .. ... 😀



04 Apr 04
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by black beetle
... What is your opinion, ahosyney? Is this all a propaganda against Islam? Is it a real incident? Do you agree with this reaction of those specific Muslims?
More than 2 million Christians in Sudan have been killed by the nation's militant Islamic regime in recent years. Thats Islam ... convert or die.

Killing of apostates. convert and stay .. or else.

But its a religion of peace.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
More than 2 million Christians in Sudan have been killed by the nation's militant Islamic regime in recent years. Thats Islam ... convert or die.

Killing of apostates. convert and stay .. or else.

But its a religion of peace.
No religion😵



04 Apr 04
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by black beetle
No religion😵
Do throw out the good with the bad.
Some religions are good and peaceful.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
Do throw out the good with the bad.
Some religions are good and peaceful.
Raj my friend,

I understand what you say and I do not try to convert you. I know each one follows her/ his personal way -we have to. Yours is the one of the religion, mine not -and it's OK. I need not "religion", but how could I oppose you regarding an issue that has to do solely with your free will? Therefore, "no religion" is just a notion of mine -and "Nothing Holy" my trademark😵

But religionism, particularly whenever is emanated from young, seemingly educated people like ahosyney, is a dangerous byproduct.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
More than 2 million Christians in Sudan have been killed by the nation's militant Islamic regime in recent years. Thats Islam ... convert or die.

Killing of apostates. convert and stay .. or else.

But its a religion of peace.
Better than a religion of lies. Where did you hear that 2 million Christians were killed in Sudan? I bet it was Christians that told you that lie. Can you back it up with any references?



04 Apr 04
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by black beetle
Raj my friend,

I understand what you say and I do not try to convert you. I know each one follows her/ his personal way -we have to. Yours is the one of the religion, mine not -and it's OK. I need not "religion", but how could I oppose you regarding an issue that has to do solely with your free will? Therefore, "no religion" is just a notion of mine ...[text shortened]... s emanated from young, seemingly educated people like ahosyney, is a dangerous byproduct.
So we both believe in the same thing, religious freedom.
Many countries dont have that.
Islamic countries have religious persecution.



04 Apr 04
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by twhitehead
Better than a religion of lies. Where did you hear that 2 million Christians were killed in Sudan? I bet it was Christians that told you that lie. Can you back it up with any references?
July 2, 2004 – On June 29, President Bush issued a statement on the human rights violations occurring in the Sudan. This African nation is currently being terrorized by Arab Muslim militants who are killing black Muslims as well as burning entire villages to the ground. The genocidal war is taking place in the Darfur region of Sudan and this time black Muslims are being killed by Islamists.

Christians have been the target of Islamists in Sudan for more than 20 years. The Sudan’s cleric-backed National Islamic Front has waged war against Christians since 1989. Since 1983, an estimated two million people have died from war and famine. Five million have become refugees.

The Bush Administration has authorized the sending of $116 million in assistance and has pledged almost $300 million in aid.

President Bush noted: "The Bush Administration calls on all parties to the conflict in Darfur to adhere to the ceasefire, to respect the rights of civilians, to allow the free movement of humanitarian workers and relief supplies, and to work in good faith toward a negotiated settlement."

Secretary of State Colin Powell was in the Sudan recently and urged Sudanese government leaders to work to stop the violence and bloodshed.

On June 29, 2004, the Sudan Campaign held a protest outside of the Sudanese embassy in Washington, DC, to protest the Islamist regimes’s genocide against millions of black Christians and other religious groups.



04 Apr 04
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by twhitehead
Better than a religion of lies. Where did you hear that 2 million Christians were killed in Sudan? I bet it was Christians that told you that lie. Can you back it up with any references?
UN Report :

After more than two million dead, four million uprooted, and 21 years of warfare, southern Sudan is at last on the threshold of peace. It is, of course, a volatile, fragile peace. Violence, disease and displacement are still daily realities in this desperately impoverished region, where one in four children die before the age of 5, nearly half of all children are malnourished, and only 5 out of 100 girls attend primary school.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
So we both believe in the same thing, religious freedom.
Many countries dont have that.
Islamic countries have religious persecution.
We may agree that the individual must be free to enjoy his life according his free will once he is a decent citizen who respects the secular law of his country. The so called "law of god" cannot be above the secular law, although it can be kept in the heart and in the house of the individual who needs this doctrine😵


03 Sep 06
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
UN Report :

After more than two million dead, four million uprooted, and 21 years of warfare, southern Sudan is at last on the threshold of peace. It is, of course, a volatile, fragile peace. Violence, disease and displacement are still daily realities in this desperately impoverished region, where one in four children die before the age of 5, nearly half ...[text shortened]... 96E6CDA5-2C49-45B8-A65F-26EDA27C2546%7D/04.14.05-Billions%20of%20Promises.Sudan-Kofi%20Annan.doc
What about the seven Places in Quran where the term Al Ard Al Mokadasa was mentioned?

Where are they?

After more than two million dead, four million uprooted, and 21 years of warfare,

So you assumed that the two million are Christians, while both sources say that both Christians and Muslims were among those who died.

What a liar!


03 Sep 06
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by black beetle
You don't see which questions you didn't answer! No problem, I come again.

My first question was:
-- "What do you think of the Nigerian women and girls that still end up stoned to death by Muslims?"
Your answer at that thread shows clearly that you are a religionist who enjoys seeing people dying for nothing. Your religionism is just your excuse to ...[text shortened]... playing it cool preaching your "holy scriptures" but expect not to be taken seriously.
My first question was:
-- "What do you think of the Nigerian women and girls that still end up stoned to death by Muslims?"
Your answer at that thread shows clearly that you are a religionist who enjoys seeing people dying for nothing. Your religionism is just your excuse to promote these monstrosities and walk away.

I did answer that question but you called it preaching, so what I can do. When I explain what Islam say about stoning I was not preaching I was explaining what Islam say to show out that the Nigerian who stone a girl is wrong. And his actions doesn't represent Islam. If you don't like my answer what can I do?

When I explain that stoning require a conditions that make only applicable for porn or those who enjoy sex in public, I'm was not preaching, I was answering your question , I was explianing that those who kill their wives, daughters just if they suspect then are wrong. But you are not able to understand that.

Do you want me to day that these people are wrong because Islam is wrong? Is this the answer you will like.
I also asked you:
-- "Do you agree with the reaction of the Muslims against Denmark everywhere after the incident of Feb. 2006 regarding the drawing cartoons published by Jyllands-Posten?"
You never replied although I offered you the pieces of information you asked me and although I pushed you several times regarding this issue.

I did answer this question, and I said that Muslims has the right to express their anger, and you replied by a paragraph without a source and claiming it is the truth. I don't question that now, and if you want me to get back to your answer to discuss it I have no problem. But you said I didn't answer you, which is not correct.

My third question was:
-- "What do you think about the circumstances under which Van Gogh was murdered in Amsterdamn?"
You never replied although I offered you the pieces of information you asked me and alhough I pushed you several times regarding this issue too.

I told in that thread I don't know how Van Gogh was killed and who did kill him, and I told you give some information. And here is the information you provide me:

And, finally, you do not know why Van Gogh was murdered. Well I 'm not surprised.

So according to these information I'm not able to answer you.
Therefore I assume that your beliefs are a straight attack to the humanity.

Your assumption is based on you assumption that I didn't answer your questions with the way you like, so for me it is a false assumption, and I don't care about it.

I oppose this attitude of yours and I oppose your preaching,
You are free, go on,
But I'm also free to say what I want to say whether you like it or not.

for I oppose religionism regardless its origin.
That is the key point here, you don't want to be under any religion, so to prove you are right then you have to prove religion is wrong. It is your way to defend you believes, and I have no objection. All what I ask is respect which you are not able to show any level of it.

Feel free to keep up playing it cool preaching your "holy scriptures" but expect not to be taken seriously.

How can you force you thought on every one. You can say "I will not take them seriously", but you can't and shouldn't try to assume that others will agree with you. That is a type of brainwashing.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Feb 09

Originally posted by ahosyney
I don't know much about Rumi,

For Sufis, I will talk about Sufi Muslims,

In general Sufis are Muslims who adopted a specific way of life. But some of them adopted some believes that don't agree with Islamic believe, I don't know much about these difference but the majority of them are related to the attributes of GOD and some worship practices that w ...[text shortened]... ufi was not part of my interest to read about so I can't help in that part more than that 🙂
The sufi opens his hands to the universe
and gives away each instant, free.
Unlike someone who begs on the street for money to survive,
a dervish begs to give you his life

Now you know about Rumi😵