Interesting old thread

Interesting old thread


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on the payroll

26 Nov 04
13 Feb 22
1 edit

Thread 66497

16 Feb 08
13 Feb 22
1 edit

@bigdogg said
Thread 66497
Thanks for finding this BigDogg, I miss posters of the calibre of vistesd. Were you specifically looking for this thread?

His point 2 is what I hold to and what post about a lot.

”(2) All humans will ultimately be saved (albeit, perhaps, with a healing spell in hell—ala such as St. Gregory of Nyssa).”


28 Oct 05
13 Feb 22

@divegeester said
”All humans will ultimately be saved (albeit, perhaps, with a healing spell in hell—ala such as St. Gregory of Nyssa).”
This sounds like a school of thought in Judaism, I think.

16 Feb 08
13 Feb 22


1) Unless all are saved then to my way of thinking the gospel is moot, God’s sovereignty is non existent and his character is deeply flawed in terms of morality and even insight.

2) the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ where hell triumphs and burning alive for eternity is morally sound, contains visions of a future timeline where “mercy triumphs over judgment” is just a lie, a failure. Revelation is a vision of what could be without the atonement and casts calvary into gigantic triumphant relief against a backdrop of unimaginable carnage and defeat for a loving God.

3) Christ died for all, all are spared this possible future timeline THAT is the good news! How should we react to this good news? By spreading a word that all can come to God through Christ without fear, without debt and in free will. Not doing so does NOT bring back that other future timeline, it simply means a person will live out their life without knowledge of this salvation and without being able to do “good works” through faith.

4) surely there is some consequence!? Yes the bible speaks of rewards in this life and in the next. Paul writes that we are to “work out our salvation” daily.

5) what about Hitler? Think of the worse person who has ever lived and who is deserving of the most horrible execution. Now look at the crucifixion, probably the worst death imaginable, there is the price being paid.

16 Feb 08
13 Feb 22
1 edit

@divegeester said

1) Unless all are saved then to my way of thinking the gospel is moot, God’s sovereignty is non existent and his character is deeply flawed in terms of morality and even insight.

2) the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ where hell triumphs and burning alive for eternity is morally sound, contains visions of a future timeline where “mercy triumphs over ...[text shortened]... on. Now look at the crucifixion, probably the worst death imaginable, there is the price being paid.
Even this departure from traditional thinking on judgment still does not explain why this “future timeline” needs to be in the mind of God in the first place, but at least it provides me with a morally coherent narrative which I can accept. Without it then for me the god of the bible is a monster. That is just the way I see it.

16 Feb 08
13 Feb 22

@fmf said
This sounds like a school of thought in Judaism, I think.
Interesting, I didn’t know that. In Judaism, do non Jews also all get saved by the messiah?


28 Oct 05
13 Feb 22

@divegeester said
Interesting, I didn’t know that. In Judaism, do non Jews also all get saved by the messiah?
Aren't the Jews still waiting for a messiah?

16 Feb 08
13 Feb 22

@fmf said
Aren't the Jews still waiting for a messiah?
Indeed. I’m just naive as to their doctrines on salvation, inclusions and exclusions etc.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
13 Feb 22


Matt 7:21 makes it clear that not everyone will get saved.
Interestingly you touch on Revelation but the real elephant in the room are the four references to “The Mark of The Beast” - take this mark and worship the beast then you are toast.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Feb 22

I believe God set up the universe to achieve one end, create one where true love was possible from those He created, and as such knew it would go wrong since that required choices had to be given, and not everyone was going to choose love. Some were going to choose themselves and everything that would go along with that. That also meant even those who would choose to love Him and each other would also be in sin guilty of corruption. To redeem those who willing chose Him over their own lives, as He gave His life for them. That keeps all of the guilty in their guilt and has the guilt of the redeemed paid for at a great cost to God Himself, as He laid down His life for us, taking on our sins upon Himself as we the guilty put our faith in His grace and mercy we find with Jesus Christ.

This cure is being born again, changing us from the inside out, replacing our hearts of stone for ones of flesh.



04 Apr 04
13 Feb 22

@kellyjay said
I believe God set up the universe to achieve one end, create one where true love was possible from those He created, and as such knew it would go wrong since that required choices had to be given, and not everyone was going to choose love. Some were going to choose themselves and everything that would go along with that. That also meant even those who would choose ...[text shortened]... being born again, changing us from the inside out, replacing our hearts of stone for ones of flesh.
What utter mumbo jumbo!! Here is a passage that is alien to your church doctrine.

Tell me what this is saying here :
For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. (1 Peter 3:18-20 KJV)

I think this is a clear passage that Jesus preached to the people who died in the flood in the time of Noah, so that they can repent and be saved by his death and eventually inherit the Kingdom of God.

This runs completely contrary that only Christians are saved and the rest of the world are damned

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
What utter mumbo jumbo!! Here is a passage that is alien to your church doctrine.

Tell me what this is saying here :
[i]For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; Which sometime were disobed ...[text shortened]...

This runs completely contrary that only Christians are saved and the rest of the world are damned
It means Jesus Christ saved those that put their trust in God, just as I said. They also were sinners but trusted in God and were redeemed.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
13 Feb 22


I read through a lot.
I agree that was pretty constructuve.

16 Feb 08
13 Feb 22

@sonship said

I read through a lot.
I agree that was pretty constructuve.
Any examples of how you think it is constructive?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
13 Feb 22
2 edits


I was going to paste in what (I think) vestid wrote which I enoyed.

Christ gave the example of the prodigal son as an example as to how he relates to the sinner. The prodigal son decides to go off on his own and wants nothing more to do with his father. All the son wants is all that his father has already given him, as if it were really his to begin with. However, the father obliges the sons will and gives him his inheritance and sends him on his way. Now at this time they are seperated. The father cannot help the son or communicate with the son because the son does not wish for the father to be there for him. The father must honer his sons will. However, the father never stops loving his son and, in fact, awaits his arrival with open arms as soon as the son wills to return. This is how I view God verses the sinner. As the God of life and love withdraws from you, via your own choice I might add, terrible things await you. This can be seen in the account of Job. Notice that God does not inflict pain and death upon Job, rather, he simply withdraws his hand slightly from his life and Satan has a field day with him. Granted, this is not the norm and in fact, his friends drilled him as to what wicked act he had committed in order to open himself up to such abuse.