How do you explain design without a designer?

How do you explain design without a designer?


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01 Oct 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Do you believe it's a scientific statement to say that you had an ancestor living somewhere in the world at the time of Jesus? I mean, you can't see this ancestor.
Go figure. Have you ever tought of it that if your parnets never had kids neither would you? You may never have seen your parents, or ancestors, but the fact that you are here sure proves you must have had an ancestor... So you don't think it's scientific to say that when looking at the complexities of design in the world today there must have been an inteligent designer? I mean we don't see the designer. But we sure see the design...

01 Oct 04
28 Feb 05

While we are on the subject of complexity, nothing surpasses the overall complexity of the human being. Not only is each person constructed of trillions of molecules and cells, but the human brain alone is filled with billions of cells forming trillions of trillions of connections.
The design of the human brain is truly awesome and beyond our understanding. Every cubic inch [2.54 centimeters] of the human brain contains at least 100 million nerve cells interconnected by 10 thousand miles of fibers.
It has been said that man's 3 pound brain is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the entire universe! Far more complicated than any computer, the human brain is capable of storing and creatively manipulating seemingly infinite amounts of information. Its capabilities and potential stagger the imagination. The more we use it, the better it becomes.
The brain capabilities of even the smallest insects are mind-boggling. The tiny speck of a brain found in a little ant, butterfly or bee enable them not only to see, smell, taste and move, but even to fly with great precision. Butterflies routinely navigate enormous distances. Bees and ants carry on complex social organizations, building projects, and communications. These miniature brains put our computers and avionics to shame, in comparison.
The marvels of the bodies of both animals and man are evidently endless. Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith makes this thought-provoking and humbling statement:

"Imagine being given the task of constructing any living animal from scratch, using carbon, calcium, water, etc. It boggles the mind. Now imagine miniaturizing the program to grow it and run it. All the chemical information needed to construct an elephant is contained in a tiny speck (the fertilized egg cell)."

"When one considers that the entire chemical information to construct a man, elephant, frog, or an orchid was compressed into two minuscule reproductive cells [sperm and egg nuclei], one can only be astounded.
In addition to this, all the information is available on the genes to repair the body (not only to construct it) when it is injured. If one were to request an engineer to accomplish this feat of information miniaturization, one would be considered fit for the psychiatric clinic."

It is certainly true that a machine carefully made by a craftsman reflects the existence of its creator. It would be foolish to suggest that time and chance could make a computer or a microwave oven, or that the individual parts could form themselves into these complex mechanisms due to the physical properties of matter. Yet, life is far, far more complex than any man-made machine.
The more scientists study life, the more they become deeply impressed. Nature is full of intricate design and beauty. In contrast to man-made objects, which look increasingly crude in finish and detail the closer they are viewed (i.e., through powerful microscopes), the closer life is examined the more complex and wondrous it appears. Biologists are continuing to make exciting discoveries of ever greater levels of design and complexity.

Planet Earth is filled with a myriad of lifeforms, each with enormous levels of complexity. Materialists believe life in all its amazing forms consists merely of atoms and molecules. They believe these atoms and molecules formed themselves into millions of intricate animals and plants. This view was born out of an earlier, more naive period in science when the extreme complexity of living systems was not understood.

Even if nature could have originally built the proteins and enzymes used by living things, the job would not have been done. It takes more than this to produce life. There is an enormous difference between producing building blocks and producing a fully operating and serviced 100-story skyscraper from those building blocks. Buildings require builders; programs require programmers.

Today, most scientists are convinced that life could never have come into being without some form of highly intelligent designer.

Godless Commie


06 Jan 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by dj2becker
Today, most scientists are convinced that life could never have come into being without some form of highly intelligent designer.

I don't think so.
Can you back this statement up?

01 Oct 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by Redmike
I don't think so.
Can you back this statement up?
Maybe if you read everything I posted and not just the last line, you would not ask the question. But in case you are still wondering you can take a look at this site:

Godless Commie


06 Jan 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by dj2becker
Maybe if you read everything I posted and not just the last line, you would not ask the question. But in case you are still wondering you can take a look at this site:
I've read most of what you posted. While I could issue with most of it, I choose to take issue with the obviously incorrect final statement

I looked at the site.Even allowing for it being junk, there's nowhere does it say anything to back up your claim that "Today, most scientists are convinced that life could never have come into being without some form of highly intelligent designer."

Can you back this up or not?

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by Redmike
I've read most of what you posted. While I could issue with most of it, I choose to take issue with the obviously incorrect final statement

I looked at the site.Even allowing for it being junk, there's nowhere does it say anything to back up your claim that "Today, most scientists are convinced that life could never have come into being without some form of highly intelligent designer."

Can you back this up or not?

I agree. Back up that claim, please.

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by dj2becker
Go figure. Have you ever tought of it that if your parnets never had kids neither would you? You may never have seen your parents, or ancestors, but the fact that you are here sure proves you must have had an ancestor... So you don't think it's scientific to say that when looking at the complexities of design in the world today there must have been an inteligent designer? I mean we don't see the designer. But we sure see the design...
You did not answer my question directly.

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by dj2becker
Simple-celled creatures contain mechanisms which are enormously more complex than any man-made machine.

One need only look carefully at any living creature to gain some concept of their enormous complexity. If you have a pet, consider the complexities that must be involved – enabling that "package of matter" to move about, play, remember, show signs ...[text shortened]... is a masterpiece of miniaturized complexity which makes a spaceship seem rather low-tech."
You didn't answer that question at all.


Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
You didn't answer that question at all.
I predict that dj2becker will copy-paste his response from another

Let's see if my prophetic claim comes true!


Bruno's Ghost

In a hot place

11 Sep 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by Darfius
He's a GOD. Do we know what that concept is? If He created the freaking universe, that includes space AND time, does it not? Even Einstein admitted past, present, and future are illusions to help us comprehend stuff. Do you really think God needs help comprehending something?
He's a Bull god named EL

Bruno's Ghost

In a hot place

11 Sep 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by dj2becker
You don't need to see the design process in order to figure out that something was designed. If you look at mount rushmore, you can see the faces of the presidents carved on the stones. You did not see when they designed and carved the faces on the stone but you can (hopefully) figure out that it was designed and not the product of millions of years of erosion.
You saying it's a design , doesn't make it a design.
Could you stop begging the question and get on to showing some proof?

01 Oct 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I agree. Back up that claim, please.
Sorry got the site wrong, it's:

01 Oct 04
28 Feb 05

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
You did not answer my question directly.
By the way, "Go figure" means "yes". If that doesn't answer your question, then maybe you should rephrase your question to remove the ambiguity.

The Apologist

22 Dec 04
28 Feb 05
1 edit

Do you people make all your decisions based on the consensus of scientists? Did you decide what to eat based on the consensus of scientists?

Look around you. Paul said no one would have an excuse on that great and terrible day of the Lord because His handiwork is all around us. And you're sitting here asking if it's OK to believe that if other scientists do.

Scientists can't even make a living cell from scratch and you think nature did it. If it was so easy for nature, where's the other life? It's getting pretty lonely on this third rock from the sun in the milky way. Speaking of which, I wish people would stop saying how many stars there are out there. Considering only galaxies like the Milky Way can contain life, and then only a planet the right distance from its star and then only a planet that has an atmosphere and then only a planet that has a magnetic shield, and then only a planet with liquid water. That kind of lowers the odds, eh?

Oh, and then only a planet with all those prerequesites that spontaneously generates life.

Bruno's Ghost

In a hot place

11 Sep 04
28 Feb 05
2 edits

Originally posted by Darfius
Do you people make all your decisions based on the consensus of scientists? Did you decide what to eat based on the consensus of scientists?

Look around you. Paul said no one would have an excuse on that great and terrible day of the ...[text shortened]... et with all those prerequesites that spontaneously generates life.
By His handiwork are you refering to all the hatred that believers have for other believers whose crime is to believe in the same god, only a bit differently?

Before you go any further into your fallacy... NO inteligent designer would have designed a system with anywhere near the wasted energy.
no intelligent designer would have designed us.
no inteligent designer would need sophistry to explain it's existence

The Semetic tribes had a creator god , his name was El, ,isn't it ironic that the Bull god hating israelites would choose to be called IsraELites and their arkangels were all associated with the same god, EL.

don't beleive me look it up.