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The Apologist

22 Dec 04
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by no1marauder
You don't have the "Eyes of God" so you don't know what is wrong in His eyes. Jesus already told you that with God all things are possible and it is not for man, even a divine man, such as Jesus to judge his follow man. But you ignore his teachings but still have the nerve to call yourself a Christian!

20 For every one that doeth e ...[text shortened]... I have a sneaking suspicion that if Jesus was around today, you'd get tossed out of the temple.
And I have the sneaking suspicion that the Lord will use you as a powerful witness one day.

The Apologist

22 Dec 04
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Omnislash
Darfius, I want you to understand that what I am about to say is not meant to be unkind.

We do not need the likes of you and RB telling us what is right and wrong.

Every man is responsible for figuring that out himself. As you yourself have said, a mans relationship with God is personal. A man can neither make nor break another mans spiritual relat ...[text shortened]... , not pound it into others heads redundantly.

Best Regards,
You're misconstruing everything to make me appear in the wrong. I am sharing the Word of God, nothing more, nothing less. You can pose me as a hate-filled demon, but that is nothing more than you defending the world over God, which is between you and Him.

I am not "judging" anyone. I am not handing out sentences. I am sharing what the Word of God has to say.

Digital Blasphemy


16 Feb 03
15 Mar 05
2 edits

Originally posted by Darfius
You're misconstruing everything to make me appear in the wrong. I am sharing the Word of God, nothing more, nothing less. You can pose me as a hate-filled demon, but that is nothing more than you defending the world over God, which is be ...[text shortened]... ding out sentences. I am sharing what the Word of God has to say.
(sigh) Lad, I have done no such thing and you are doing no such thing. Tonight I shall pray for two things:

1.) That you glean the wisdom to understand what I have said.

2.) That I glean the patience to wait for your understanding.

Pax Vobiscum,

Deus Ex Machina

The Apologist

22 Dec 04
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Omnislash
(sigh) Lad, I have done no such thing and you are doing no such thing. Tonight I shall pray for two things:

1.) That you glean the wisdom to understand what I have said.

2.) That I glean the patience to wait for your understanding.

Pax Vobiscum,

Deus Ex Machina
And I shall pray that you put God where He should be in your life. 1st.


Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
15 Mar 05
1 edit

Originally posted by Darfius
And I say you're talking about something you have no concept of.
Translation: Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

What's the spirituality here?

The eyes of truth


26 Apr 04
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Nemesio
Translation: Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

What's the spirituality here?
Wow a short and to the point post. Nemesio, I thank you. I actually made it all the way through this one in one siting and agree with it.



Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Darfius
You people might have a point if that was ALL RB and I did was condemn. But we share what is wrong in the eyes of God and how to make it right.
It has nothing to do with whether you do it all the time or some of the time.
You oughtn't do it at all, as per Jesus's example.

So, if you value avoiding sin, like you claim, you would stop such sinful behavior.


The Apologist

22 Dec 04
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Nemesio
It has nothing to do with whether you do it all the time or some of the time.
You oughtn't do it at all, as per Jesus's example.

So, if you value avoiding sin, like you claim, you would stop such sinful behavior.

You're right. I will no longer condemn, I will simply share the Word of God and explain it.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Darfius
You're right. I will no longer condemn, I will simply share the Word of God and explain it.
As YOU understand it, not as Jesus taught it.


Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Darfius
I am not "judging" anyone. I am not handing out sentences. I am sharing what the Word of God has to say.
How about living the life that Jesus led? Feed the hungry, give drink to
the thirsty, comfort the afflicted, visit the sick and imprisoned.

How about living the Gospel with your life rather than just 'sharing' about
what you 'think' the Gospel says?

I mean, think about it, Darfius. How much time have you been waxing
your metaphysical pud typing out messages about your contricted and
perverse view of what Christianity is or ought to be? An awful lot of time,
to say the least. And, those views are not universal; many people, pcaspian,
omnislash, ivanhoe -- people who profess to be Christian -- have raised some
objections to your views. In some cases, people have pointed out some
direct heresy in your views (for example, when you maintain that so-called
righteous anger is permissible).

How about this: all of the time you would ordinarily spend typing out messages
to heathen like me, or Satan-Spawn like Stephen, or Child-of-the-Whore-of-
Babylon like Ivanhoe, spend that time making sandwiches for teh homeless in
your town. Spend that time working at a soup kitchen, or visiting the imprisoned,
comforting those in need.

No Christian would ever claim that you weren't 'Living the Gospel' if you did
this. None. All the debate about Mary or what St John did or didn't say or
mean is meaningless if you don't 'live the Gospel,' Darfius. And I have to
conclude that if you are spending as much time poking around, goading people
with your acerbic arrogance, that you aren't taking the time to 'live the Gospel.'

That doesn't mean you take a 'field trip' every few Sundays. That means you
roll up your sleeves and work tirelessly to transform this world through the helping
of others. Otherwise, you're all 'faith without works,' and, as such, not a
Christian, no matter how much you 'confess with your mouth.'



Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Nyxie
Wow a short and to the point post. Nemesio, I thank you. I actually made it all the way through this one in one siting and agree with it.

🙁 *sniff*

The eyes of truth


26 Apr 04
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Nemesio
🙁 *sniff*
Sorry just an acerbic wit in reply to your "short" post of the other night. Take no offense at it, because none was intended. I really liked it.


The Apologist

22 Dec 04
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Nemesio
How about living the life that Jesus led? Feed the hungry, give drink to
the thirsty, comfort the afflicted, visit the sick and imprisoned.

How about living the Gospel with your life rather than just 'sharing' about
what you 'think' the Gospel says?

I mean, think about it, Darfius. How much time have you been waxing
your metaphysical pud typ ...[text shortened]... and, as such, not a
Christian, no matter how much you 'confess with your mouth.'

So much for not condemning others, eh, Nemesio?

Do not claim to know what I do and don't do.


Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
15 Mar 05

Originally posted by Darfius
So much for not condemning others, eh, Nemesio?

Do not claim to know what I do and don't do.
I am not bound by your rules and regulations, Darfius.

And I can claim to know that you aren't feeding the poor
in a homeless shelter right now while you are pontificating
about how great a Christian you are and how all of the others
are going to burn in hell.




02 Dec 02
15 Mar 05
2 edits

Originally posted by Nemesio
How about living the life that Jesus led? Feed the hungry, give drink to
the thirsty, comfort the afflicted, visit the sick and imprisoned.

How about living the Gospel with your life rather than just 'sharing' about
what you 'think' the Gospel says?

Nemesio is correct Darfius, indeed that is the life you are meant to live as a Christian. Add 'lead a spiritual' life devoid of sin and 'do not lead others into damnation' and you have too can be a good Christian.

As you probably know, living a good Christian life for yourself, but letting your friends and loved one's condemn themselves through ignorant sinning indeed does not deserve a reward, for that is just being selfish.

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat
or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more
important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look
at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in
barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more
valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to
his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of
the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not
even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If
that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today,
and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you,
O you of little faith? So do not worry saying, 'What shall we eat?'
or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run
after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need
them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these
things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough
trouble of its own.
---Matthew 6:25-34