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29 Sep 03
11 Apr 09

The Word then leaps forth from the materializing elements, which made them unintelligent. Nous then made the governors spin, and from their matter sprang forth creatures without speech. Earth then was separated from Water and the animals (other than Man) were brought forth from the Earth.

The Supreme Nous then created Man, androgynous, in his own image and handed over his creation. Man carefully observed the creation of his brother, the lesser Nous, and received his and his Father's authority over it all. Man then rose up above the spheres' paths to better view the creation, and then showed the form of the ALL to Nature. Nature fell in love with it, and Man, seeing a similar form to his own reflecting in the water fell in love with Nature and wished to dwell in it. Immediately Man became one with Nature and became a slave to its limitations such as gender and sleep. Man thus became speechless (for it lost the Word) and became double, being mortal in body but immortal in spirit, having authority of all but subject to destiny.

The tale does not specifically contradict the theory of evolution, other than for Man, but most Hermeticists fully accept evolutionary theory as a solid grounding for the creation of everything from base matter to Man.


It seems to me that Hermetism has a far more grounded view of
creation than Christianity.

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29 Sep 03
11 Apr 09
1 edit

Hermes himself talks about going on a blinder and seeing distant
universes with spaceships etc.

How did they know about this kind of thing way back then?

Gotta admit it's a little more intriguing than some lovesick whorejunkie
crawling out of a cave after being linched eh?


02 Jan 06
11 Apr 09
4 edits

Originally posted by Thequ1ck
Hermes himself talks about going on a blinder and seeing distant
universes with spaceships etc.

How did they know about this kind of thing way back then?

Gotta admit it's a little more intriguing than some lovesick whorejunkie
crawling out of a cave after being linched eh?
Actually, the "ancients" were far more advanced than what we give them credit. At least, this is the pircture we are getting from archaelogy. I think we ASSUME we are far more advanced than the ancients because of those darn charts we have all seen in our science books showing a creature walking on all four that could pass for a monkey who then begins to walk more upright and begins to shed hair until the darn thing looks like us!!! In addition, we point to all the technology in our lives today and then proclaim how much more intelligent we are in comparison. If the truth be known, however, the "average Joe" is NOT any more advanced and is arguably less intelligent in many respects. The result of our technology is simply a result of knowledge built upon knowledge over the years. For example, had Einstien been born back in the Stone age, what would the chances of him comiing up with the theory of relativity? Every now and again you have freaks of nature like Einstien upon whom we can build upon for greater advances in our knowledge unless, of course, it is not recorded and lost forever.

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29 Sep 03
11 Apr 09

Originally posted by whodey
Actually, the "ancients" were far more advanced than what we give them credit. At least, this is the pircture we are getting from archaelogy. I think we ASSUME we are far more advanced than the ancients because of those darn charts we have all seen in our science books showing a creature walking on all four that could pass for a monkey who then begins to wa ...[text shortened]... or greater advances in our knowledge unless, of course, it is not recorded and lost forever.
That's coming in too thick and fast for me to make sense of.



30 May 07
11 Apr 09

Originally posted by Thequ1ck
The Word then leaps forth from the materializing elements, which made them unintelligent. Nous then made the governors spin, and from their matter sprang forth creatures without speech. Earth then was separated from Water and the animals (other than Man) were brought forth from the Earth.

The Supreme Nous then created Man, androgynous, in his own image a ...[text shortened]...

It seems to me that Hermetism has a far more grounded view of
creation than Christianity.
this is all bulls**t.

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29 Sep 03
11 Apr 09

Originally posted by generalissimo
this is all bulls**t.
Care to spend 2 mins out of years of Christian threads in this forum to tell me why?



30 May 07
11 Apr 09

Originally posted by Thequ1ck
Care to spend 2 mins out of years of Christian threads in this forum to tell me why?
come on, are we going to have crazy religions discussed?

you might as well include mormonism and scientology.


06 May 05
11 Apr 09

Originally posted by generalissimo
come on, are we going to have crazy religions discussed?

you might as well include mormonism and scientology.
What's wrong with mormonism and scientology?

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
11 Apr 09

Originally posted by Thequ1ck
That's coming in too thick and fast for me to make sense of.
Dumbed down for you...

Humans are no smarter than they ever were, but we've been accumulating technology for a long time which makes us seem smarter.

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
11 Apr 09

Originally posted by PsychoPawn
What's wrong with mormonism and scientology?
Scientologists aggressively try to control their neighborhoods, deciding which businesses are allowed to survive and which must go, etc.

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
11 Apr 09

Originally posted by Thequ1ck
The Word then leaps forth from the materializing elements, which made them unintelligent. Nous then made the governors spin, and from their matter sprang forth creatures without speech. Earth then was separated from Water and the animals (other than Man) were brought forth from the Earth.

The Supreme Nous then created Man, androgynous, in his own image a ...[text shortened]...

It seems to me that Hermetism has a far more grounded view of
creation than Christianity.
That which is below is as that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below, to perform the miracles of the one thing.


06 May 05
12 Apr 09

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Scientologists aggressively try to control their neighborhoods, deciding which businesses are allowed to survive and which must go, etc.
I agree that there is something wrong with scientology, but when it comes to their beliefs it's a legit religion.

anybody seen my


01 Sep 06
12 Apr 09

Originally posted by PsychoPawn
I agree that there is something wrong with scientology, but when it comes to their beliefs it's a legit religion.
I would classify it as more of a philosophy

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29 Sep 03
12 Apr 09

Originally posted by generalissimo
come on, are we going to have crazy religions discussed?

you might as well include mormonism and scientology.
You're going to compare Hermetism with Scientology.

*shakes generalissimo and points to the desert* How many freakin'
pyramids have the scientologists built?

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29 Sep 03
12 Apr 09
2 edits

Hermetism predates Christianity and spreads throughout Greek and
Roman traditions.

It would be far more fit to compare Christianity to Scientology.
The b*stard fledglings of greed.

How d'you like them apples?