Genuine Human Happiness

Genuine Human Happiness


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15 Oct 06
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
I've noticed you repeat yourself quite a lot. Is that in case they can't hear you very well at the back?
Still unable to reconile the fact that he didn't understand the authors, ATC continues to attempt to deflect from this fact by pretending that there is something wrong with those who point it out. Classic again again.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Still unable to reconile the fact that he didn't understand the authors, ATC continues to attempt to deflect from this fact by pretending that there is something wrong with those who point it out. Classic again again.
That's, what, the 9th time you've said that? And yet you've still not been able to tell me what it is you think I don't understand. And you're still speaking to this audience of yours rather than actually engaging in conversation. Remarkable.


15 Oct 06
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
That's, what, the 9th time you've said that? And yet you've still not been able to tell me what it is you think I don't understand. And you're still speaking to this audience of yours rather than actually engaging in conversation. Remarkable.
Still unable to reconile the fact that he didn't understand the authors, ATC continues to attempt to deflect from this fact by pretending that I didn't point out what exactly what clearly indicates that he didn't understand it. It's like dealing with a ten year old. Classic again again again.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Still unable to reconile the fact that he didn't understand the authors, ATC continues to attempt to deflect from this fact by pretending that I didn't point out what exactly what clearly indicates that he didn't understand it. It's like dealing with a ten year old. Classic again again again.
ATC giggles quietly as he reads another slightly unhinged attempt at insult by the self-confessed christian known only as ThinkOfOne. He's amused to see that TOO has now started repeating words as well as entire phrases, and wonders if it signifies a potential change in behaviour. (exit stage left)


15 Oct 06
22 Mar 13
3 edits

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
ATC giggles quietly as he reads another slightly unhinged attempt at insult by the self-confessed christian known only as ThinkOfOne. He's amused to see that TOO has now started repeating words as well as entire phrases, and wonders if it signifies a potential change in behaviour. (exit stage left)
Yet more evidence that ATC has reading comprehension problems. He asserts that I am a "self-confessed Christian' even though this is not true. He continues to lash out in other ways as well that are equally unfounded. ATC continues to make thing up rather than deal with the facts. It's like dealing with a ten year old. Classic again again again again.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Yet more evidence that ATC has reading comprehension problems. He asserts that I am a "self-confessed Christian' even though this is not true. He continues to lash out in other ways as well. It's like dealing with a ten year old. Classic again again again again.
ATC watches, unsurprised, as TOO denies his faith. He wonders briefly if this person has actually ever had any dealings with 10-year-old children. He considers pointing out that TOO has still given no indication that he actually understands the original subject of the post, but shelves the idea, not wanting to rile the poor fellow further. Then he relents and decides to do so anyway, despite being fully aware that it will only bring another response, flavoured with now expected self-importance, indicating (fallaciously) that TOO had already demonstrated his encyclopaedic knowledge of the subject, no doubt liberally peppered with rather impotent attempts at insult. He grins as he presses "post".


15 Oct 06
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
ATC watches, unsurprised, as TOO denies his faith. He wonders briefly if this person has actually ever had any dealings with 10-year-old children. He considers pointing out that TOO has still given no indication that he actually understands the original subject of the post, but shelves the idea, not wanting to rile the poor fellow further. Then he re ...[text shortened]... ubt liberally peppered with rather impotent attempts at insult. He grins as he presses "post".
ATC watches, unsurprised, as TOO denies his faith.

Fascinating. Yet another example of how ATC makes things up rather than deal with the facts. First he asserted that I am a "self-confessed Christian' even though this is not true. Now ATC is insisting that I am '[denying] my faith' by pointing out the fact that I am not a 'self-confessed Christian'.

Classic again again again again again.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
[b]ATC watches, unsurprised, as TOO denies his faith.

Fascinating. Yet another example of how ATC makes things up rather than deal with the facts. First he asserted that I am a "self-confessed Christian' even though this is not true. Now ATC is insisting that I am '[denying] my faith' by pointing out the fact that I am not a 'self-confessed Christian'.

Classic again again again again again.[/b]
Having now ascertained that TOO is probably not, in fact, a christian, ATC reluctantly falls back on a previous hypothesis to explain the irascible fellow's knee-jerk hostility. He decides against sharing this particular datum at this particular time.

Are you sure about this audience? If they're there, they're very quiet...


24 Apr 05
22 Mar 13

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
Yes, that's true - compulsive and addictive behaviours certainly seem able to escape the characterisation.

How about actions which are overtly altruistic but for which the motivations are nakedly selfish? Would you say that these are not self-centred?
How about actions which are overtly altruistic but for which the motivations are nakedly selfish? Would you say that these are not self-centred?

No, I would say they are self-centered. Again, on my view, whether or not we should call it selfish, or self-centered, or self-interested, or some such, just depends on the actual object of the motivation and whether or not it concerns the subject's own welfare. If, as your hypothetical supposes, the object of the motivation is at bottom selfish, then we should call it as such. It is irrelevant in this case that the action is merely ostensibly non-selfish, and so too irrelevant would be the actual outcome of the action (i.e., it is irrelevant whether or not the action actually succeeds in achieiving the object of the motivation). Of course, if the action is overtly or ostensibly non-selfish, then an observer may have difficulty properly recognizing it as selfish; but that's just a diagnostic concern here.

I guess I would also add that in this context, I am treating 'selfish' or 'self-centered', etc, as purely descriptive terms. They are in many contexts a pejorative, but not here. For example, as it concerns psychological egoism, it is purely a descriptive, empirical matter whether or not some motivation is termed selfish; it's just a matter of descriptive fact whether or not the object of the motivation has some particular property so as to warrant application of the term. So, their is no implication here that a 'selfish' motivation involves some sort of failing on the part of the agent. That's a different matter, and I am sure there are instances in which to have a selfish motivation is perfectly acceptable or even praiseworthy; and others in which it is not acceptable or blameworthy. Again, that's a different matter altogether.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
24 Mar 13

Originally posted by LemonJello
How about actions which are overtly altruistic but for which the motivations are nakedly selfish? Would you say that these are not self-centred?

No, I would say they are self-centered. Again, on my view, whether or not we should call it selfish, or self-centered, or self-interested, or some such, just depends on the actual object of the ...[text shortened]... ch it is not acceptable or blameworthy. Again, that's a different matter altogether.
Okay, that all sounds pretty logical. Then there's the case of habituated behaviour; suppose one were to condition one's self to behave in a generally altruistic manner, and let's suppose that this conditioning was initially undertaken for purely selfish reasons. In time, this behaviour could become second-nature, and the original motivations might well be forgotten. How selfish would you consider that?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
25 Mar 13

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
I never claimed that Jesus has a "monopoly on access to G-d". That is a truth. That is a concrete truth. You can beg to differ, but it won't change this fact. Even if you disagree, it won't change this fact.
You're a Christian,right? If so , don't dance around the issue. We all know what Christians think, regardless of their differing interpretation of some bits of the bible. If not,sorry.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
25 Mar 13

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
I now understand where all his hostility was coming from. I'm still struggling to find what it is you like about him though!
Entertainment value, his presence and some of his classic rivalries on here that really deserved the best buttered popcorn and mixed cola to read with, stuff like that..

I did want to call him an outright "jerk" a few times, but thought better of it. His posts altogether represent (to me) an ultimately positive/creative projection - even if that only outnumbers the negative by a slight majority 🙂

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
25 Mar 13
1 edit

oh dear, I didn't read ToO's repeated "playing the victim" comments before my last post.
He's weird in a bad way isn't he?

Hey ToO, you're really losing you're audience by repeatedly insulting them dude. Usually you have to know someone pretty well before you can claim to know what their motivations are. and if you suspect ATC's motivation was fear-based then I would say that's like every person in the world. Keeps us safe. Stops us from being lead down a blind alley at night by someone like you , who won't answer any questions but insist that you keep on going down the ally with him.


15 Oct 06
25 Mar 13
1 edit

Originally posted by karoly aczel
You're a Christian,right? If so , don't dance around the issue. We all know what Christians think, regardless of their differing interpretation of some bits of the bible. If not,sorry.
No dancing going on around here. You've made assumptions that aren't true.


15 Oct 06
25 Mar 13
4 edits

Originally posted by karoly aczel
oh dear, I didn't read ToO's repeated "playing the victim" comments before my last post.
He's weird in a bad way isn't he?

Hey ToO, you're really losing you're audience by repeatedly insulting them dude. Usually you have to know someone pretty well before you can claim to know what their motivations are. and if you suspect ATC's motivation was fear won't answer any questions but insist that you keep on going down the ally with him.
oh dear, I didn't read ToO's repeated "playing the victim" comments before my last post.
He's weird in a bad way isn't he?

Hey ToO, you're really losing you're audience by repeatedly insulting them dude.

Actually one doesn't really need to know someone all that well to know that they are 'playing the victim'. Not sure why you think they do. Also, if ATC hadn't kept 'playing the victim', there would have been no reason to keep pointing it out.

You guys really confuse me with all this talk about 'insults'. What exactly constitutes an 'insult' in your mind? For example, is it an 'insult' to say that someone is 'weird in a bad way'? It'd be easy to point out similar things said to me by ATC. You boys are really too much.

Stops us from being lead down a blind alley at night by someone like you , who won't answer any questions but insist that you keep on going down the ally with him.

Actually, I'm probably in a relatively small minority in that, by and large, I actually answer questions that are relevant to the topic at hand.