Flood evidence?

Flood evidence?


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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
02 Jun 11

Originally posted by menace71
Well religious fools once thought the earth was flat!! Religious fools once thought the whole universe revolves around the earth!!

Yes those religious fools did think the earth was flat but that was from their own ignorance of the bible because the bible has always said the earth was round in shape.

Isia 40:22 & Job 26:10.

Another example of how the Bible knew this scientific fact long before man did.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
02 Jun 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
The common sense thing to do would surely be to read some books on evolution. I always find it curious that the most vocal naysayers against evolution on these boards haven't even read a book on the topic between.

Have you ever heard of thesitic evolution?
You have no idea what I've read and yes it is a foolish watered down version of the Bible and evolution mixed together.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
02 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
I think it is more probable that my ingnorance is due to my retarded
brain, which science has given me by millions or billions of years of
Lol....Good one.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
02 Jun 11

Originally posted by galveston75
You have no idea what I've read and yes it is a foolish watered down version of the Bible and evolution mixed together.
You are correct, i don't know what books you have read on evolution. But having debated (and i use that in the loosest sense of the word) with you on this topic for nearly two years now, you still display a gross missunderstanding of the basic concepts. Which leads me to the conclusion, you ain't read much.

Whether you think it's 'watered down' or not, Christians accept evolutionary theory, as do people of many other religions and also those who believe in their own personal God. Evolution does not equate with atheism, it's something you and your other creationist friends repeat ad nauseum even though you are constantly told it is not the case.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
02 Jun 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
You are correct, i don't know what books you have read on evolution. But having debated (and i use that in the loosest sense of the word) with you on this topic for nearly two years now, you still display a gross missunderstanding of the basic concepts. Which leads me to the conclusion, you ain't read much.

Whether you think it's 'watered down' or not ...[text shortened]... t friends repeat ad nauseum even though you are constantly told it is not the case.
Lets say I've read enough to know not to waste my time on pursuing it to another level.
What your not getting is the more I read and learn about this THEORY is the less it makes sense and the less and less evidence that I learn there isn't and what's needed to even slightly make it true, there aint.. Do you not get that?
And for the ones that call themselves Christians and that are starting to accept parts of the theory of evolution...are not Christians in anyway shape or form, period. I'd call them hypocrites to their face.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
03 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
It was not just the religious that thought these things. It was
most all of the people at that time. So to just point to the religious
for that belief is not fair. It was not the religious that put forward
the idea of spontaneous generation of life from the ground, which
was believed to be a fact by the scientifically minded at one time.
And there ar ...[text shortened]... m to be the ones blamed for all
false beliefs as a way of building up support against religion.
Well You may be right but case and point Galileo and the Catholic Church(Religious folks) of his day. (Sorry Catholics) He was told to recant or be found guilty of heresy and well we now see the result proven by scientific observation that the planets revolve around the sun. I don't understand why religious folk freak out in light of scientific evidence. I will also give you that science is not always correct.


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
03 Jun 11
2 edits

Originally posted by galveston75
Lets say I've read enough to know not to waste my time on pursuing it to another level.
What your not getting is the more I read and learn about this THEORY is the less it makes sense and the less and less evidence that I learn there isn't and what's needed to even slightly make it true, there aint.. Do you not get that?
And for the ones that call ...[text shortened]... are not Christians in anyway shape or form, period. I'd call them hypocrites to their face.
Ok G-75 I have a question for you? If evidence (proof) shows creation in a different model from what you always thought are you going to dismiss it? I don't buy evolution in it's most classic sense but people have spent their whole lives researching evolution and there has to be some merit to it. It does not have to equate with there is NO GOD or their hypocrites. Theistic evolution is a held model by some Christians. Google it and find out does not mean you have to accept it but you can at least understand your opponents in debate and where they are coming from.
I've changed what I believe in recent times about the age of the earth and universe. I don't believe in a young earth at all. Just the light time/travel problem alone makes me doubt a young earth.


The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
03 Jun 11

Originally posted by menace71
Well You may be right but case and point Galileo and the Catholic Church(Religious folks) of his day. (Sorry Catholics) He was told to recant or be found guilty of heresy and well we now see the result proven by scientific observation that the planets revolve around the sun. I don't understand why religious folk freak out in light of scientific evidence. I will also give you that science is not always correct.

The Roman Catholic Church had become too powerful and the
leadership wanted everyone to look up to them for what was
true. They would not tolerate the priest Martin Luther's
expression of disagreement either. They also freaked out when
any religious evidence was presented that questioned what
they had said. So it really wasn't the science, but the questioning
of their authority of knowing the truth, that they did not like. I
am sure they don't like the fact that some of us Christians have
presented the evidence that Jesus was crucified on wednesday
instead of friday or that He was born in the spring at the time of
the Passover instead of December 25. But they don't have enough
power to do any harm to us today.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
03 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by menace71
Ok G-75 I have a question for you? If evidence (proof) shows creation in a different model from what you always thought are you going to dismiss it? I don't buy evolution in it's most classic sense but people have spent their whole lives researching evolution and there has to be some merit to it. It does not have to equate with there is NO GOD or their hyp rth at all. Just the light time/travel problem alone makes me doubt a young earth.

Manny I don't dismiss anything and I'm willing to look at any anything such as what your suggesting. But this would only be in the light of seeing how it either supports or doesn't support what God says in the Bible.
But I would not look into these things with the intent of seeing what they say with the view of seeing if they are teaching something I'm missing out on or even to the extent of trying to see if somehow, just maybe the Bible could be wrong on a thing or two and that man today with science in it's truest form could have discovered something new that the Bible missed the mark on and is just an old an out of date book.
So yes I'm as curious as the next guy about life and all that surrounds us. But I'm not confused or searching or doubting at all in the complete Bible and all it says from our God on subjects such as creation.
And Yes I do have questions that I don't understand and that the Bible does not speak of with the answers I'd like. But this is where FAITH comes in and something we have to believe in and make as strong as we can in ever aspect in our daily life's. In time and as God see's fit, we humans will learn more and more about God himself and of the creation around us.
But use spiritual wisdom and FAITH and don't let man's theories sidetrack you from the truth's in the Bible. The Bible does not have one single untruth in it.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
04 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
I think it is more probable that my ingnorance is due to my retarded
brain, which science has given me by millions or billions of years of
Your ignorance is due to the fact you have read zilch on the subject we are discussing. It has nothing to do with your brain per se, but the lack of information you have put into it.

If you and i were to have a conversation about US military planes, something i know nothing about, my ignorance on that topic would have nothing to do with my 'retarded brain' but my lack of knowledge about that particular topic. This applies to you with regard to the 'theory of evolution' by natural selection.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
04 Jun 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Your ignorance is due to the fact you have read zilch on the subject we are discussing. It has nothing to do with your brain per se, but the lack of information you have put into it.

If you and i were to have a conversation about US military planes, something i know nothing about, my ignorance on that topic would have nothing to do with my 'retarded ...[text shortened]... ar topic. This applies to you with regard to the 'theory of evolution' by natural selection.
But the "retarded brain" would not help.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
05 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
But the "retarded brain" would not help.
Who's 'retarded brain'?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
05 Jun 11

Originally posted by galveston75
Lets say I've read enough to know not to waste my time on pursuing it to another level.
What your not getting is the more I read and learn about this THEORY is the less it makes sense and the less and less evidence that I learn there isn't and what's needed to even slightly make it true, there aint.. Do you not get that?
And for the ones that call ...[text shortened]... are not Christians in anyway shape or form, period. I'd call them hypocrites to their face.
Lets say I've read enough to know not to waste my time on pursuing it to another level.

Judging by the level of ignorance displayed by you on this topic in our debates during the last two years, i would say you haven't read much literature from evolutionary biology. Have you read one of Dawkins books on evolutionary biology?

Do you not get that?

Yep, i get your protestations, but they're founded on nothing. A mere fart in the wind, funny or slightly unpleasant depending on what mood i'm in.

are not Christians in anyway shape or form, period. I'd call them hypocrites to their face.

That's lovely. I'm sure they'd laugh back in your face. But it doesn't change the fact countless people worldwide accept evolution and believe in God, and not just Christians.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
05 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
But the "retarded brain" would not help.
I was speaking of my own, but in reality it applies to all of us
to some degree.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
05 Jun 11
2 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]Lets say I've read enough to know not to waste my time on pursuing it to another level.

Judging by the level of ignorance displayed by you on this topic in our debates during the last two years, i would say you haven't read much literature from evolutionary biology. Have you read one of Dawkins books on evolutionary biology?

Do you not g ountless people worldwide accept evolution and believe in God, and not just Christians.
No it's clear by your insulting attitude and arrogance you don't get it and never will until you find some level of humility. As long as that's who you are God will never let you understand.

Mark 7:20-22
Common English Bible (CEB)

20 “It’s what comes out of a person that contaminates someone in God’s sight,” he said. 21 “It’s from the inside, from the human heart, that evil thoughts come: sexual sins, thefts, murders, 22 adultery, greed, evil actions, deceit, unrestrained immorality, envy, insults, """"arrogance"""""" and foolishness.

James 4:6
New American Standard Bible (NASB)

6 But (A)He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE """"PROUD"""" BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.”