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Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
Ah, well, now I disagree with you. I'm advocating doing heavily addictive and damaging drugs with abandon because (and to a degree I'm speculating here) I think they must be quite nice (rather moreish, I'm told). Why else would people fritter their lives away on them? I certainly don't find the idea of my eventual demise to be a depressing prospect.
But it's not an idea of your 'eventual' demise. We all have that right now. It's knowing the exact date of your death. I'm thinking a sense of real helplessness would set in eventually.

Without knowing exactly when we are going to die, we can cling to the hope--at least subconciously--that it's a long way down the road. That is somewhat comforting. Knowing that death is imminent and soon leaves one eventually helpless and frantic, feeling like there is more to do to set things straight.

There are exceptions of course, I'm speaking in general terms.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by sumydid
But it's not an idea of your 'eventual' demise. We all have that right now. It's knowing the exact date of your death. I'm thinking a sense of real helplessness would set in eventually.
As an aside: what's the last album you'd listen to?

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by sumydid
But it's not an idea of your 'eventual' demise. We all have that right now. It's knowing the exact date of your death. I'm thinking a sense of real helplessness would set in eventually.

Without knowing exactly when we are going to die, we can cling to the hope--at least subconciously--that it's a long way down the road. That is somewhat comfort ...[text shortened]... to set things straight.

There are exceptions of course, I'm speaking in general terms.
I expect I'd have the odd weepy moment on account of loved ones I'd be leaving behind, but no, largely I've long since come to terms with my mortality and I'm fine with it.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
Please do not send me any more PMs. Thanks.
One last post to clarify: I did not send any pm since you requested it, which was months ago.
Now you got everyone thinking I left by sending you a pm.

I did no such thing. Please tell the forum the truth so that I may leave with grace and not the unlistening marauder you have made me out to be.

So. Did I send you a pm?


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by karoly aczel
One last post to clarify: I did not send any pm since you requested it, which was months ago.
Now you got everyone thinking I left by sending you a pm.

I did no such thing. Please tell the forum the truth so that I may leave with grace and not the unlistening marauder you have made me out to be.

So. Did I send you a pm?
I am not accusing you of being an "unlistening marauder". I am just saying please don't send me any PMs. I really don't think I have "got everyone thinking" about you, karoly. In fact I have no reason to think that everyone is thinking about you at all, and neither do you, frankly. Whether you leave with good grace or or without it, is really a matter for you. 🙂


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Is there anybody else here who would not give up their job (except perhaps in the last month or so)?



04 Apr 04
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
I am not accusing you of being an "unlistening marauder". I am just saying please don't send me any PMs. I really don't think I have "got everyone thinking" about you, karoly. In fact I have no reason to think that everyone is thinking about you at all, and neither do you, frankly. Whether you leave with good grace or or without it, is really a matter for you. 🙂
I for one got the impression that Karoly was pm-ing you unnecessarily. If that was not the case then you should in all fairness clear-up that misconception.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by Rajk999
I for one got the impression that Karoly was pm-ing you unnecessarily. If that was not the case then you should in all fairness clear-up that misconception.
I was and am asking karoly not to PM me in the future seeing as I featured prominently in his self-pitying resignation speech.



04 Apr 04
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
I was and am asking karoly not to PM me in the future seeing as I featured prominently in his self-pitying resignation speech.
Ok .. so the poor guy can go with dignity and peace now.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
I am not accusing you of being an "unlistening marauder". I am just saying please don't send me any PMs. I really don't think I have "got everyone thinking" about you, karoly. In fact I have no reason to think that everyone is thinking about you at all, and neither do you, frankly. Whether you leave with good grace or or without it, is really a matter for you. 🙂
You just gave the forum the impression that I was sending you a pm, which I had not done for months.

Can you please tell the forum if I sent you a pm recently (last few days, as you had made out), or whether I stopped sending you pms (how many was it 2, or perhaps 3), as soon as you requested it.
(BTW (for anyone that cares) my pms were sent to try to stop the bickering that FMF and I had gotten into a couple of times on here, for no apparent good reason)

(I only reply now to see if you can be truthful and ammend the impression that you had made of me, or whether you will keep snaking your way with your words and giving false impressions about posters which are unwarranted and frankly uncalled for)

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
I was and am asking karoly not to PM me in the future seeing as I featured prominently in his self-pitying resignation speech.
I wrote my previous post before I had read this one.

Nevertheless, I made it abundantly clear to you that I would not PM you ever again, so I stand by my post above, and I think you should apologize or at least clarify to the forum that I had NOT sent you any pm's as soon as you requested it.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
Ok .. so the poor guy can go with dignity and peace now.
Thank you Rajk.

I did enjoy engaging with you guys, and I know I am drawing this out a bit, but I am a man who stands by his words.

If FMF doesn't want to apologize for giving a false impression of me , so be it.

I will still read your guys posts, but I feel that my posting has lost whatever little relevance,(if any), it had, and perhaps I may even post now and then, but (just to repeat myself) , I will not be posting not nearly as prominantly as I had before, and I will limit my spirituality forum activity to reading the posts.

I hope FMF can understand the spirit of my last few posts on here addressed to him and if not apologize, at least tell the forum that I did stop PM-ing him as soon as he asked me too. (which was some months ago)

(This may seem very trivial to many of you here, but to me I feel it's important to leave on a sound note. I would like to be remembered as a truthful poster, for thats what I am like in real life, and not some sort of "pm badger" as FMF has (either consciously or unconsciously ) portrayed me as.)


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11


With regards to these last three posts of yours. And your apparent fixation on my lack of spirituality. And its role in your decision to stop posting. And your preoccupation with what "everyone" thinks; whether or not you are "a truthful poster" and ending on a "sound note". And the "dignity" thing that Rajk999 mentioned.

It sounds like you really should take a rest from this place.


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by Rajk999
Ok .. so the poor guy can go with dignity and peace now.
If he chooses to.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
10 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF

With regards to these last three posts of yours. And your apparent fixation on my lack of spirituality. And its role in your decision to stop posting. And your preoccupation with what "everyone" thinks; whether or not you are "a truthful poster" and ending on a "sound note". And the "dignity" thing that Rajk999 mentioned.

It sounds like you really should take a rest from this place.
Yes. Consider these last few posts as clearing up any misconceptions that the average reader may have had, as you did say not to send you a pm.

This is my last post, (for at least a few weeks). It's a shame you couldn't answer a direct question (and it's not the first time), about me sending you a pm, when I did no such thing.

If you dont want to clear it up then fine. Enjoy yourself.
I will be reading but have vowed not to post for a while.

I see personal attacks from you and deliberate misconstruing of my, and others post.

The fact that you couldn't admit that I had NOT sent you a pm for a few months is just another reason I've have enough.

I hope the spirituality forum comes back to some of it's former glory, but while you cant even admit the most simple mistakes that you have made ,(perhaps not mistakes, but you certainly didn't attempt to clarify your posts after me asking you to do so several times.)

Bye, friend