Evolution ?

Evolution ?


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03 Apr 03
04 May 12

Evolution in its classic sense teaches man evolved over millions of years. However so let's say this is true then all of a sudden in the last 5 to 7000 years we've suddenly starting building and farming and having written language and keeping track of time? Something does not add up. Why would it take millions of years to get to this point in our evolution? Also just the last 100 years alone we've exploded exponentially? Not buying it. Maybe the aliens did come to primitive man but anyway humans went from cave dwellers to going to the moon in the 5-7K years. Just asking the questions is all.
It's as if man got a kick start if evolution is true.




04 Apr 04
04 May 12

Originally posted by menace71
Evolution in its classic sense teaches man evolved over millions of years. However so let's say this is true then all of a sudden in the last 5 to 7000 years we've suddenly starting building and farming and having written language and keeping track of time? Something does not add up. Why would it take millions of years to get to this point in our evolution? ...[text shortened]... asking the questions is all.
It's as if man got a kick start if evolution is true.

I am a Christian and I believe that certain aspects of evolution is true simply because it has been proven to be true. Creation [not the interpretation of creationists] and evolution are not mutually exclusive in my opinion, if creation is interpreted to broaden the timeline from 24hr periods.

In an case, the world has also developed disproportionately in the last 50 years as compared with the last 5000 years. Is there an explanation for that?


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
04 May 12
1 edit

Advances depended on key events. The world was a lot less densely populated thousands of years ago and communication between groups of people were very slow.

One key invention was the wheel (which was a little under 6000 years ago), which allowed faster communication and a significant advance in spreading of ideas.

The renaissance period was another significant jump. Then you had the industrial revolution, aircraft, telecommunication, internet as well as increasing population, which all helped to accelerate technology and development.

Nowadays, when someone invents something, people on the other side of the world can find out about it within minutes. This gives other people ideas very quickly, and technology moves extremely fast today because of this.

EDIT: In other words, advances in technology is exponential, not linear.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
04 May 12
3 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
I am a Christian and I believe that certain aspects of evolution is true simply because it has been proven to be true. Creation [not the interpretation of creationists] and evolution are not mutually exclusive in my opinion, if creation is interpreted to broaden the timeline from 24hr periods.

In an case, the world has also developed disproportionately in the last 50 years as compared with the last 5000 years. Is there an explanation for that?
Evolutionists claim adaption as part of the evolutionary process and some call this micro-evolution and in that sense it has been proven. However, what they call macro-evolution has not been proven and that is what the theory of evolution really is. So I stick to my statement that there is no such thing as biological evolution. It simply does not happen in the real world. Adaption takes place, but adaptation is not really evolution because adaptation was known about before the evolution idea was even imagined. Biological evolution is simply "science fiction" and not "science fact" like adaptation.

31 May 06
04 May 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
Evolutionists claim adaption as part of the evolutionary process and some call this micro-evolution and in that sense it has been proven. However, what they call macro-evolution has not been proven and that is what the theory of evolution really is. So I stick to my statement that there is no such thing as biological evolution. It simply does not happen i ...[text shortened]... ed. Biological evolution is simply "science fiction" and not "science fact" like adaptation.
Cling to your straw man like a small child clinging to a blanket on a stormy night.

For you are too afraid and cowardly to do anything else.



04 Apr 04
04 May 12
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
Evolutionists claim adaption as part of the evolutionary process and some call this micro-evolution and in that sense it has been proven. However, what they call macro-evolution has not been proven and that is what the theory of evolution really is. So I stick to my statement that there is no such thing as biological evolution. It simply does not happen i ...[text shortened]... ed. Biological evolution is simply "science fiction" and not "science fact" like adaptation.
I have a little question that I hope you think about before answering. When God said "let there be light", is it your interpretation that ... BOOM ! .. the sun appeared?

I ask because my interpretation is that it the creation of our sun by God would match the scientific explanation for the creation of suns in general all over the universe. Not sure what that is but suns are being created all over the universe all the time. The building blocks of suns and planets and life is constant process.

The only difference between science and the Christian really should be that we believe that God was in charge when all the creation took place. God used the natural scientific and biological principles to create Earth.

When the flood happened, do you believe that God could have caused the waters to appear and drown mankind in an instant? Yes he could, but instead he used the natural phenomenon like rains, and water from .. who knows where to come out of the earth and flood everything.

Creation is a natural biological and scientific phenomenon, the fine details of which nobody can fully understand just yet .. just my opinion.

Im not debating !🙂 .. I dont like getting involved in these type of discussions.


Windsor, Ontario

10 Jun 11
04 May 12

Originally posted by menace71
Evolution in its classic sense teaches man evolved over millions of years. However so let's say this is true then all of a sudden in the last 5 to 7000 years we've suddenly starting building and farming and having written language and keeping track of time? Something does not add up. Why would it take millions of years to get to this point in our evolution? ...[text shortened]... asking the questions is all.
It's as if man got a kick start if evolution is true.

there are a lot of interesting speculations, but no real evidence. aliens giving technology to humans is one theory. another is that humans themselves developed technologically advanced civilization prior to the earliest ones recorded, but all (or rather most) of the traces of those disappeared in some calamity that knocked humanity back to the stone age.

Acts 13:48


21 May 03
04 May 12

Originally posted by VoidSpirit
there are a lot of interesting speculations, but no real evidence. aliens giving technology to humans is one theory. another is that humans themselves developed technologically advanced civilization prior to the earliest ones recorded, but all (or rather most) of the traces of those disappeared in some calamity that knocked humanity back to the stone age.
A warning to atheist, when the raputre happens the new agers will say that aliens took the none believers, even thought the rapture is for all true Christians.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 May 12

Light / Creations Appear Gradually
Moses wrote his account in Hebrew, and he wrote it from the perspective of a person standing on the surface of the earth. These two facts, combined with the knowledge that the universe existed before the beginning of the creative periods, or “days,” help to defuse much of the controversy surrounding the creation account. How so?
A careful consideration of the Genesis account reveals that events starting during one “day” continued into one or more of the following days. For example, before the first creative “day” started, light from the already existing sun was somehow prevented from reaching the earth’s surface, possibly by thick clouds. (Job 38:9) During the first “day,” this barrier began to clear, allowing diffused light to penetrate the atmosphere.
On the second “day,” the atmosphere evidently continued to clear, creating a space between the thick clouds above and the ocean below. On the fourth “day,” the atmosphere had gradually cleared to such an extent that the sun and the moon were made to appear “in the expanse of the heavens.” (Genesis 1:14-16) In other words, from the perspective of a person on earth, the sun and moon began to be discernible. These events happened gradually.

Job 38:9
Good News Translation (GNT)

9 It was I who covered the sea with clouds
and wrapped it in darkness.

From a humans perspective the earth was dark while being covered with this thick cloud mass. The sun and the universe already existed before this time and the light was gradually let onto the surface of the earth to support life as it was being created.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 May 12

Originally posted by menace71
Evolution in its classic sense teaches man evolved over millions of years. However so let's say this is true then all of a sudden in the last 5 to 7000 years we've suddenly starting building and farming and having written language and keeping track of time? Something does not add up. Why would it take millions of years to get to this point in our evolution? ...[text shortened]... asking the questions is all.
It's as if man got a kick start if evolution is true.

Some good points Manny. It just doesn't fit that if man has been around in some form for millions of years, why did it take so long to get things going. Some of those things aren't good and could lead man to ruin but you get my point.
One thing though is the Bible has not mentioned any life on any other planets. Doesn't mean there isn't but the Bible gives no hints and no clues at all that there is.
But if there is life out there it would no doubt be very much like us and would have the same restrictions of space flight and survival that we do.
But the Bible does mention life from space coming down to earth and that would be the angels that came down and materialized to flesh. They were much more then human though and obviously had much influance on humans and not is good ways.


02 Aug 06
04 May 12
1 edit

Originally posted by RBHILL
A warning to atheist, when the raputre happens the new agers will say that aliens took the none believers, even thought the rapture is for all true Christians.
All Christians will not be raptured at the same time.

The biggest shock should be to Christians who find themselves not having been taken up. And those left will be a majority.

And no, I have no guarantee that I will be taken up. I hope to be.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 May 12

Originally posted by jaywill
All Christians will not be raptured at the same time.

The biggest shock should be to Christians who find themselves not having been taken up. And those left will be a majority.

And no, I have no guarantee that I will be taken up. I hope to be.
Again where is the word "rapture" at in the Bible and where does it say "all good Christians will go to heaven"?


24 Feb 07
04 May 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
Evolutionists claim adaption as part of the evolutionary process and some call this micro-evolution and in that sense it has been proven. However, what they call macro-evolution has not been proven and that is what the theory of evolution really is. So I stick to my statement that there is no such thing as biological evolution. It simply does not happen i ...[text shortened]... ed. Biological evolution is simply "science fiction" and not "science fact" like adaptation.
Exactly and that's why it's called the Theory of Evolution.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
04 May 12

Originally posted by menace71
Evolution in its classic sense teaches man evolved over millions of years. However so let's say this is true then all of a sudden in the last 5 to 7000 years we've suddenly starting building and farming and having written language and keeping track of time? Something does not add up. Why would it take millions of years to get to this point in our evolution? ...[text shortened]... asking the questions is all.
It's as if man got a kick start if evolution is true.

As has been said before man's progress is exponential. This is easily demonstrated by looking at computer advances over the last 20 years.

However although society/technology is evolving there is no reason to suppose that man is. (Although there is some interesting, inconclusive work being done in Sweden).

Its difficult for man to adapt to a changing environment when we are in control of our environment! (eg clothing, central-heating, water on tap, supermarkets for food)

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
04 May 12

Originally posted by menace71
Evolution in its classic sense teaches man evolved over millions of years. However so let's say this is true then all of a sudden in the last 5 to 7000 years we've suddenly starting building and farming and having written language and keeping track of time? Something does not add up. Why would it take millions of years to get to this point in our evolution? ...[text shortened]... asking the questions is all.
It's as if man got a kick start if evolution is true.

As has been said before man's progress is exponential. This is easily demonstrated by looking at computer advances over the last 20 years.

However although society/technology is evolving there is no reason to suppose that man is. (Although there is some interesting, inconclusive work being done in Sweden .... theres a thread in science forum I think).

Its difficult for man to adapt to a changing environment when we are in control of our environment! (eg clothing, central-heating, water on tap, supermarkets for food)