Do you know Islam?

Do you know Islam?


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BWA Soldier

Tha Brotha Hood

13 Dec 04
14 Oct 06
1 edit

Originally posted by vistesd
I love these “which is the worse religion” debates—everyone can go home with a black eye...
I do, too. I think they are very important. What ought we conclude about religion in general if contests between them consist primarily in asserting that fewer horrors have been committed in the name of one than in the name of the next? I think the black eyes are important.


02 Jan 06
14 Oct 06
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
Was this with help from the Islamic fundamentalists? Also, how many did Saddam murder with his mass graves and such?
My point in asking this is not to say that my religion is better than the Islamic religion due to the fact that Chistians don't kill as many as you do. My point in bringing this up is that men are killing in the name of Allah in Iraq but men are not killing in the name of the Christian God in Iraq. Both are killing, however, in the name of poitical and military causes. The only difference is that one is doing so in the name of God and the other is not. As I have said before, Christians used to do the same. They too were guilty of dragging a holy God into the sinful affairs of men in the hopes of giving their unrighteous cause an air of righteousness. All they have done, however, is to give a holy God a bad name as many unbelievers have pointed out on these boards. Do you not see Muslims killing Muslims in Iraq? Do you not see that killing is killing no matter if you do it in the name of democracy or in the name of God?


03 Sep 06
14 Oct 06

Originally posted by whodey
My point in asking this is not to say that my religion is better than the Islamic religion due to the fact that Chistians don't kill as many as you do. My point in bringing this up is that men are killing in the name of Allah in Iraq but men are not killing in the name of the Christian God in Iraq. Both are killing, however, in the name of poitical and mili ...[text shortened]... that killing is killing no matter if you do it in the name of democracy or in the name of God?
If you think about it you will find that Americans are fighting for their faith too. They are killing by the name of their new GOD. Freedom, democracy. They think they are fighting to defend their GOD and by its name. But not all of them, Presidint Bush said it once that this is the new crusade.

Muslims are not killing Muslims in Iraq. This is an issue that I don't want to raise.


02 Jan 06
14 Oct 06

Originally posted by ahosyney
If you think about it you will find that Americans are fighting for their faith too. They are killing by the name of their new GOD. Freedom, democracy. They think they are fighting to defend their GOD and by its name. But not all of them, Presidint Bush said it once that this is the new crusade.

Muslims are not killing Muslims in Iraq. This is an issue that I don't want to raise.
The United States is a secular country. We cannot so much as have our children pray in our schools. We cannot so much as have the ten commandments visible in our courtrooms. Abortion is even the law of the land. The United States is far more secular than Christian. Just watch American programing on TV if you don't believe me. Granted, Preisdent Bush says he is a Christian, however, I think he siad this mainly to gain the support of Christians to win an election. In reality, Bush is not acting any differently than any of our other Presidents who have stuck their noses in the affairs of the Middle East such as Presidents Carter through Clinton.

If you think the United States is involved in the Middle East for a Crusade I am afraid you are sadly mistaken. What is at the heart of the matter is oil and the fact that the Middle East is an important strategic area of interest of the United States as a result. To show evidence of this simply look at the Christians dying in Darfur at the hands of the Muslim Sudanese. You see those poor Christians do not have oil and therefore have been forsaken by the United States government.

As far as Muslims killing Muslims, I realize that you may not like to talk about it but it is reality nonetheless. I am not even Islamic and I don't like to talk about it as well. It is important to recognize that such killing is going on, however, because it is important to recognize the heart of a murderer. You see the heart of a murderer recognizes no bounderies between good and evil or Christian/Muslim vs. infidel. The heart of a murderer is only focused upon killing for their own percieved benefits.


03 Sep 06
14 Oct 06

Originally posted by whodey
The United States is a secular country. We cannot so much as have our children pray in our schools. We cannot so much as have the ten commandments visible in our courtrooms. Abortion is even the law of the land. The United States is far more secular than Christian. Just watch American programing on TV if you don't believe me. Granted, Preisde ...[text shortened]... fidel. The heart of a murderer is only focused upon killing for their own percieved benefits.
I agree with you and that is exactly what I mean. They told Americans that Iraq is aganist their freedom and democracy (The new GOD). So all americans agrees. That is what I mean. Because the name of GOD is no more attracting people, there should be another name to call for. This new GOD is freedom and democracy. And for those who still belive in GOD it was a crusade. Very intelligant thinking.

Flamenco Sketches

Spain, in spirit

09 Sep 04
14 Oct 06
1 edit

Originally posted by ahosyney
They are killing by the name of their new GOD. Freedom, democracy. They think they are fighting to defend their GOD and by its name. Muslims are not killing Muslims in Iraq.

Originally posted by whodey
ahosyney, The United States is a secular country. We cannot so much as have our children pray in our schools.

Aren't they great, folks? Let's give them a hand! They'll be here all week, and don't forget to tip your waitress!


Et in Arcadia ego...

02 Feb 05
14 Oct 06
1 edit

Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Aren't Islams the ones in charge of the Iranian theocracy that instituted Death to America Day as a national holiday, and are still instilling this value in their children?
Hey, they sound like fun... do they have turkey with all the trimmings (minus the rashers)??

Those crazy Islams...

Couldn't they do a Death to Canada day too? They're pretty annoying, what with their silly Mounties, 'ooots' and 'aboots', maple badges and and terrible bacon.

Though I suppose the bacon doesn't bother those crazy Islams- it's probably made more converts than they ever will.


Et in Arcadia ego...

02 Feb 05
14 Oct 06

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
This article contains some Islamic humour and also an explanation of the "rules of joking" in Islam.
I'll save some time:

"Rules of joking in Islam"

Rule 1: Hhhno hhhhjoking!!!

Rule 2: HhhhhNO JOKING!!!

{chop} [limb falls to the floor]


02 Jan 06
14 Oct 06
4 edits

Originally posted by ahosyney
I agree with you and that is exactly what I mean. They told Americans that Iraq is aganist their freedom and democracy (The new GOD). So all americans agrees. That is what I mean. Because the name of GOD is no more attracting people, there should be another name to call for. This new GOD is freedom and democracy. And for those who still belive in GOD it was a crusade. Very intelligant thinking.
What form of government do you consider to be superior? Do you think Saddam did a better job? Would you prefer living under Saddams regime or under the current democracy in Iraq? Which is superior and why?

You know it strikes me as odd how it seems that everyone, and I do mean everyone on earth seemed to hate Saddam, and with good reason. He is the poster child of why dictatorships are dangerous. Therefore no one is sorry he has been removed, rather, they are only angry that the US is the country that removed him. After all, Iran fought them for years upon years in one of the bloodiest wars in the Middle East.

The reason I consider the US system of government superior to that of dictatorships is the knowledge that the heart of fallen man is corrupt. Therefore, the more power you give him, the more corrupt he naturally becomes. The Founding Fathers of the United States recognized this flaw in human nature and decided it best to try and disperse the power and have checks and balances to try and thrwart such corruption. You could argue that it did us a lot of good with men like Bush coming to power whom you view as corrupt. All I can tell you is that his time is short. If he were a dictator he would be there for LIFE. Now there is a scary thought, no? I suppose in the mind of a Muslim, "holy men" would assume such dictatorial roles and would therefore be deemed incorruptable.

You can call democracy and freedom the god of America if you like, however, what I am talking about are deaths inflicted in the name of the one true God. After all, man must justify killing in the name of something or someone. This is because all would agree that killing in ones own name would be unjustifiable. Therefore, if man kills in the name of another god or gods I am not as offended as I am if it is done in the name of the one true holy God. I dare say God is offended as well when his reputation and name is dragged through the mud. As someone who is not a Muslim, I can tell you that the God of Islam has had his reputation dragged through the mud due to jihad like killings.

Let me ask you this, do you think the 9/11 killings were justifiable? Do you think God blessed them? Do you think the so called martyers in Israel are blessed by Allah? Do you think Mohammad or even Christ would condone sending children out to blow themselves up in order to kill civilians in the streets and then pay their parents thousands of dollars for their so called "sacrifice"? Do you agree with the President of Iran as he says the Zionists should be cast into the sea? Do you agree with the nuns being killed after the Pope made his controversial statements about Islam? Where does the bloodshed end? Is fighting evil with evil justifiable?


29 Sep 06
14 Oct 06

Who put in place most of the dictator in recent History (Khomeny, Pinochet, Castillo Armas...) ?

Check: Operation Ajax, Operation PBSUCCESS,...

Who killed democraticaly elected President in recent History the most(Lumumba, Allende,...) ?

Some people consider Bush administration as a Dictatorship.

No country should decide who's regime is right or wrong and impose their view on any other country.

If any country has such a imperialistic view, than yeah, they're going to suffer a lot.


29 Sep 06
14 Oct 06

Originally posted by whodey
What form of government do you consider to be superior? Do you think Saddam did a better job? Would you prefer living under Saddams regime or under the current democracy in Iraq? Which is superior and why?

You know it strikes me as odd how it seems that everyone, and I do mean everyone on earth seemed to hate Saddam, and with good reason. He is the po ...[text shortened]... tements about Islam? Where does the bloodshed end? Is fighting evil with evil justifiable?
I only agree on the part where you're saying that nobody takes individual responsability for it's own behavior.

Every soldier that kills is guilty.
Every soldier has the choice to not kill.

Great films have been made about this (Path of Glory,...)

Off course they are all under extrem pressure and I can imagine how hard it is to desobey orders.

But when an order is stupid it had to be desobeyed, and the validity of a choice is an individual decision, that's why the first thing they do in the army is to break you so you don't think, you just follow orders blindly.

The revolution won't come from any group. There isn't such a thing as a collective revolution, that's denying the human right of individuality.

The revolution will come the day each person will decide to act responsibly and kindly to the others.

But that's a personal decision.

Viva la Revolucion del Amor...


03 Sep 06
14 Oct 06

Originally posted by sjeg
Hey, they sound like fun... do they have turkey with all the trimmings (minus the rashers)??

Those crazy Islams...

Couldn't they do a Death to Canada day too? They're pretty annoying, what with their silly Mounties, 'ooots' and 'aboots', maple badges and and terrible bacon.

Though I suppose the bacon doesn't bother those crazy Islams- it's probably made more converts than they ever will.
Thank you for your nice Language.....


With White Women

31 Jul 01
14 Oct 06

Originally posted by ahosyney
Thank you for your nice Language.....
What is your opinion about American women?


03 Sep 06
14 Oct 06

Originally posted by kirksey957
What is your opinion about American women?
I didn't get your point. My opinion about what excactly..


03 Sep 06
14 Oct 06

Originally posted by whodey
What form of government do you consider to be superior? Do you think Saddam did a better job? Would you prefer living under Saddams regime or under the current democracy in Iraq? Which is superior and why?

You know it strikes me as odd how it seems that everyone, and I do mean everyone on earth seemed to hate Saddam, and with good reason. He is the po ...[text shortened]... tements about Islam? Where does the bloodshed end? Is fighting evil with evil justifiable?
I will answer your last questions. I don't agree of any of that. I answer you from my Islamic point of view.

I will tell you something. All my study since grade 7 is in Islamic School. My university is Islamic one too. I spent 12 years of my life study Islamic law , sprituarls , history , and culture, besides my basic study, Engineering. If what being said about Islam is true, me and all my colleagues should be the first ones to start Jihad as you say. But because we know what Islam told us what should we do.

The problem of Islamic countries today is that most of the Islamic regimes are not following the Islamic Laws including Iran. Actually Iran is so far from Islamic Laws. For example in my country they don't teach Islmic laws in the regular schools. This leads that most of the students don't know their religon. So if any one want to control their minds with the name of GOD it will be easy.

Islamic system through the last 1400 gurantee that the true Islam rules should be save. The trusted sources are known. But no one study them in regular education. The same goes for most of the Islamic countries today.

This leads to that some muslims that live in hard conditions because of the situation in the Midel East are told incorrect information. What moves all of this is politics. For example before 11/9 there was a lot of preasure on Isreal to find a solution to the problem. To remove this preasure 11/9 happned to set the focus on something else.

I don't know if that make sense to you or every one here. But most of the Islamic scholars didn't approve the suside bombing any where.