Did Jesus sin?

Did Jesus sin?


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14 Mar 15
27 Dec 19

@sonship said

I recognize you as confident that some classes in Christian theology has equipped you to go among Christians and assure them that Atheism is the truth. Bad fruit. Killing fruit. Poison fruit.

"False prophet" and "ravenous [wolf]" more accurately describes yourself until you repent to believe in God and in the salvation of the Son of God.
I recognize your insecurity in downgrading my theology degree to a few classes in Christian theology and how twice since I've known you you've inquired (insincerely) to know more of my studies and then proceed to completely ignore my detailed reply. (On both occasions).

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 19
1 edit


God made him “to be sin.” Paul’s language is careful. He did not say Jesus became a sinner, which would be untrue. Rather, Jesus BECAME the representative sin-bearer. He identified 100 percent with the sin of the world when he died on the cross (John 1:29). God treated Jesus as if he were sin itself.

Jesus, who was sinless, BECAME sin for us so that we, who are sinful, might become righteousness when we are united to him. (TGC).

If you're such an expert, tell us how "careful" Paul's language is about the existence of God contrary to your atheism.

Are we suppose to assume you really care about conveying Paul's thoughts?

A wolf in sheep's clothing. A false teacher.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 19


I recognize your insecurity in downgrading my theology degree to a few classes in Christian theology and how twice since I've known you you've inquired (insincerely) to know more of my studies and then proceed to completely ignore my detailed reply. (On both occasions).

Wishful thinking advertised as your "recognition".

14 Mar 15
27 Dec 19

@sonship said
Actually, "a [wolf] in sheep's clothing" would more describe you. You don't even teach of the reality of God's existence, regardless of your other pretensions.

Paul warned the Ephesian elders that from their midst "wolves" would arrive not sparing the sheep and speaking perverse things.

[quote] "I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come i ...[text shortened]... s clothing.

These are definitely [b]"perverse things"
you teach against God's very existence.
I don't think you have thought this through.

As an open atheist, I am not wearing any clothes but my own. There can be no confusion about where I stand on the subject of God. A wolf in sheep's clothing is someone pretending to be something they're not, like your friend Witness Lee. An open atheist will not lead the Christian astray. Only a false prophet like Lee can do that.

It is you Sonship that needs to beware.

14 Mar 15
27 Dec 19
1 edit

@sonship said

[quote] God made him “to be sin.” Paul’s language is careful. He did not say Jesus became a sinner, which would be untrue. Rather, Jesus BECAME the representative sin-bearer. He identified 100 percent with the sin of the world when he died on the cross (John 1:29). God treated Jesus as if he were sin itself.

Jesus, who was sinless, BECAME sin for us so ...[text shortened]... me you really care about conveying Paul's thoughts?

A wolf in sheep's clothing. A false teacher.
Are we only allowed to comment on things we personally believe in?

I look at scripture academically. You view it through the prism of a half-baked charlatan.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 19
1 edit


Are we only allowed to comment on things we personally believe in?

We may comment on what we don't believe in, IMO.

And I may comment that your educational degree coupled with your lack of experience is something to beware of, as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

And that especially when you hypocritically level the charge against a genuine man of God whose service to Christ was so exemplary.

14 Mar 15
27 Dec 19

@sonship said

Are we only allowed to comment on things we personally believe in?

We may comment on what we don't believe in, IMO.

And I may comment that your educational degree coupled with your lack of experience is something to beware of, as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

And that especially when you hypocritically level the charge against a genuine man of God whose service to Christ was so exemplary.
Wait, didn't he say Christians were in an organization of Satan?

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03 Jan 13
27 Dec 19
2 edits


I look at scripture academically. You view it through the prism of a half-baked charlatan.

Excuse me if I am less then dazzled. Like many people running away from God, you may have decided that to get a theological education was your most effective way of rationalizing God out of your life.

Some people go to theological seminary to find God.
Some other people go to theological seminary to get away from God.

They figure that if they can rid themselves of God with a theological education, they have REALLY effectively rid themselves of God.

Maybe you were of the latter kind.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 19
2 edits


Wait, didn't he say Christians were in an organization of Satan?

To accuse someone of being a false prophet as you have, you have to do more than point to something said that you didn't like.

For example for someone to claim - "I don't like that Witness Lee said this ...." is not sufficient to identify false teaching.

Now Romans is the basic book on Christian doctrine. Go to Lee's Life Study of Romans and identify exactly where a major false Christian teaching occurs in that basic book of Christian tenets.

Find me a false teaching.


Here's the table of contents:
Life-Study of Romans
1. A Foreword
2. The Gospel of God
3. The Source of Wickedness and the Way of Restriction
4. The Vanity of Religion and the Totality of Hopelessness
5. Justification in God's Way
6. The Example of Justification
7. The Subjective Experience of Justification (1)
8. The Subjective Experience of Justification (2)
9. The Result of Justification—the Full Enjoyment of God in Christ
10. The Gift in Christ Surpassing the Heritage in Adam
11. Identification with Christ
12. The Bondage of the Law in Our Flesh (1)
13. The Bondage of the Law in Our Flesh (2)
14. The Freedom of the Spirit in Our Spirit (1)
15. The Freedom of the Spirit in Our Spirit (2)
16. The Freedom of the Spirit in Our Spirit (3)
17. Sanctification in Life
18. Heirs of Glory (1)
19. Heirs of Glory (2)
20. Heirs of Glory (3)
21. Heirs of Glory (4)
22. God's Selection, Our Destiny (1)
23. God's Selection, Our Destiny (2)
24. God's Economy in His Selection
25. Transformation In Practicing the Body Life (1)
26. Transformation In Practicing the Body Life (2)
27. Transformation In Practicing the Body Life (3)
28. Transformation In Subjection, Love, and Warfare
29. Transformation in Receiving the Believers (1)
30. Transformation in Receiving the Believers (2)
31. The Consummation of the Gospel
32. A Closing Word
33. The Basic Concept of Romans
34. The Basic Points in Chapters Five through Eight
35. Being Freed from Sin, the Law, and the Flesh
36. Being Freed from Death (1)
37. Being Freed from Death (2)
38. Law in Romans Seven and Eight
39. Life and Death in Romans Five through Eight
40. Abiding in Christ by Minding the Spirit
41. Saved in Life from Sin and Worldliness
42 Saved in Life from Naturalness
43. Saved in Life from Individualism
44. Saved in Life from Divisiveness
45. Saved in Life from Self-Likeness (1)
46. Saved in Life from Self-Likeness (2)
47. Reigning in Life by Grace
48. The Meaning of Reigning in Life
49. Reigning in Life Over Death
50. Reigning in Life Over Satan
51. The Flesh and the Spirit
52. Serving in the Gospel of His Son
53. Designation
54. Sonship in Romans
55. Designation in Resurrection
56. Designation by the Spirit of Holiness
57. Designation by the Mingled Spirit
58. Righteousness—the Power of the Gospel
59. The Selection of Grace
60. The Practice of the Body Life
61. The Dispensation of the Triune God for the Fulfillment of His Purpose
62. The Dispensation of the Triune God according to His Righteousness, through 63. His Holiness, and Unto His Glory
64. The Life of the Triune God Dispensed into the Tripartite Man
65. Not an Exchanged Life, but a Grafted Life
66. Transformation and Conformation by the Grafted Life (1)
67. Transformation and Conformation by the Grafted Life (2)
68. God Condemning Sin in the Flesh
69. The Processed God Being the Law of the Spirit of Life
70. God Condemning Sin in the Flesh That We May Be In the Spirit
71. Being in the Spirit to Experience the Work of the Spirit

Locate a major false teaching there and not just some words you don't like.

14 Mar 15
28 Dec 19

@sonship said

Wait, didn't he say Christians were in an organization of Satan?

To accuse someone of being a false prophet as you have, you have to do more than point to something said that you didn't like.

For example for someone to claim - "I don't like that Witness Lee said this ...." is not sufficient to identify false teaching.

N ...[text shortened]... he Spirit

Locate a major false teaching there and not just some words you don't like.
I created a whole thread dedicated to the scrutiny of Witness Lee where multiple examples of his Christian frailties and abnormalities were explored.

It is 'you' sonship who enabled Lee to be a wolf in this forum by cherry-picking which parts of Lee's writing you exposed other Christians to so they had an incomplete picture of what he really stood for. I have made efforts to readdress this.

14 Mar 15
28 Dec 19

@sonship said

Locate a major false teaching there and not just some words you don't like.
But his teachings are composed of words. Take for example:

“The traditional explanation of the Trinity is grossly inadequate and borders on tritheism” (Life Messages, p. 164).

Isn't Lee here rejecting the Trinity as it has been passed down for generations by theological greats?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 19
1 edit


No. I don't think Lee fails to acknowledge the contributions of brothers in the past. He speaks highly of Athanasius. He has been called "the father of orthodoxy".

Life Messages have their emphasis on experiencing God as life - ZOE life- the divine life of God.

Lee's major emphasis about the Triune God is His dispensing of His life into the saved that man may live God.

Lee cautions against regarding the matter of the trinity as merely an objective teaching for debate.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 19
1 edit


I created a whole thread dedicated to the scrutiny of Witness Lee where multiple examples of his Christian frailties and abnormalities were explored.

It wasn't very successful. First of all Witness Lee is human. So "frailities" being hunted for is kind of weird.

And the "abnormalities" I found to be mostly quote mining you derived from other critics.

It is 'you' sonship who enabled Lee to be a wolf in this forum by cherry-picking which parts of Lee's writing you exposed other Christians to so they had an incomplete picture of what he really stood for. I have made efforts to readdress this.

I think your critical attempts do not speak as loudly as the thousands of churches brought up on the continents directly or indirectly from Lee's ministry.

Not that numbers alone means what is taught is right. But I think we have both, good teaching which helps people into the experience of Christ and the church, AND results on the five continents among different cultures and nationalities.

If he were NOT criticized, I would expect that he had not been faithful to the Lord Jesus.

As Paul wrote to Timothy neither to be ashamed of the Gospel nor of Paul the prisoner suffering evil on account of the Gospel.

"Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord nor of me His prisoner; but suffer evil with the gospel according to the power of God." (2 Tim. 1:8)

Its all ok.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 19

To the theologically educated yet do not have any knowledge of God Himself!
Witness Lee's word is appropriate IMO.

We need to know the Bible not merely according to letters in black and white, but also according to the divine revelation and heavenly wisdom. Do not think that having an advanced degree qualifies anyone to understand a book such as Ephesians. If we study this Epistle only in letters, we shall not be able to understand it. For a proper understanding of this book, and for the Bible as a whole, we need a spirit of wisdom and revelation. This was the reason Paul prayed, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him, the eyes of your heart having been enlightened” (Eph. 1:17-18). We thank the Lord that for more than fifty years we have been receiving such a spirit of wisdom and revelation. As a result, the messages put out in the Lord’s recovery always contain something fresh and new. These messages are given not merely according to the black and white letters of the Scripture, but according to the spirit of wisdom and revelation.

We in the Lord’s recovery do not treasure theology, tradition, or the councils. We honor, respect, and treasure the holy Word under the shining of the heavenly light which comes by a spirit of wisdom and revelation. Because we depend on God’s enlightenment, His Word is opened to us.

Life Study of First & Second Timothy by Witness Lee


14 Mar 15
28 Dec 19

@sonship said

No. I don't think Lee fails to acknowledge the contributions of brothers in the past. He speaks highly of Athanasius. He has been called "the father of orthodoxy".

Life Messages have their emphasis on experiencing God as life - ZOE life- the divine life of God.

Lee's major emphasis about the Triune God is His dispensing of His life into t ...[text shortened]... Lee cautions against regarding the matter of the trinity as merely an objective teaching for debate.
I like how you shrug off quotes like this and make no real attempt to address them.

“The traditional explanation of the Trinity is grossly inadequate and borders on tritheism” (Life Messages, p. 164).