Dasa and the thought police

Dasa and the thought police


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26 Aug 07
02 May 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Robbie's on the ropes!
Haha, I don't think so, I came and I have successfully defended the indefensible, sonhouse, deep thought have fallen into fiction, you have no answers to anything other than to reiterate that dasa deserved his ban and seem content to produce insipid bumber sticker sayings while I am counting Lincolns and sitting in a corner of my room!


26 Aug 07
02 May 16

Originally posted by twhitehead
Actually, although you tried very hard to suggest a dispute, nobody actually did dispute his capacity to carry out the atrocities he desired, so to call it 'in dispute' seems a little strange given that it was all in your head.
As for his capacity to incite others that was disputed and you in no way established that he had no such capacity.
In fact, you ...[text shortened]... problem with 'thought police' and why you attempted to police my thoughts earlier in the thread.
The point is and i don't know how it has evaded you was that it was all in dasa's head.

14 Mar 15
02 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Haha, I don't think so, I came and I have successfully defended the indefensible, sonhouse, deep thought have fallen into fiction, you have no answers to anything other than to reiterate that dasa deserved his ban and seem content to produce insipid bumber sticker sayings while I am counting Lincolns and sitting in a corner of my room!
By room you mean cell right? (You've been disputing yourself for the last 3 pages!)


26 Aug 07
02 May 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
By room you mean cell right? (You've been disputing yourself for the last 3 pages!)
You may mock but the time will come when you need Weasel legal services inc. to get you out of a tight spot! 😵 We defend genocidal maniacs, and psycho killers, quacks of all kinds. Clients include Anders Breivik (he hired us to get him decent playstation games instead of the PS2 games he was being issued) and Dasa, militant Hindu extremist (successfully exonerated on all charges due to fantasy defence)


25 Jun 06
02 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why dont you hire a knife wielding grammar prigg like Duchess64 to clean the place up. Also why would I be replying to Dasa, he is banned? to do so makes NO SENSE!
I rest my case


28 Oct 05
02 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You may mock but the time will come when you need Weasel legal services inc. to get you out of a tight spot! 😵 We defend genocidal maniacs, and psycho killers, quacks of all kinds. Clients include Anders Breivik (he hired us to get him decent playstation games instead of the PS2 games he was being issued) and Dasa, militant Hindu extremist (successfully exonerated on all charges due to fantasy defence)
On what grounds do you claim Dasa's "freedom of thought" has been limited by him (and his hate speech) being rejected by this community? Do you agree or disagree with the view that hate speech is a behaviour that has demonstrable social costs?

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
02 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Haha, I don't think so, I came and I have successfully defended the indefensible, sonhouse, deep thought have fallen into fiction, you have no answers to anything other than to reiterate that dasa deserved his ban and seem content to produce insipid bumber sticker sayings while I am counting Lincolns and sitting in a corner of my room!
You haven't successfully defended the indefensible. All you've done is insult other posters and claim to have won the debate. You haven't presented a reasoned argument you've just invoked the Chewbacca defence.


25 Jun 06
02 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The point is and i don't know how it has evaded you was that it was all in dasa's head.
So Dasa didn't actually post anything in this forum - is that what you are now claiming?


26 Aug 07
02 May 16

Originally posted by finnegan
So Dasa didn't actually post anything in this forum - is that what you are now claiming?
Oh dear such a vain attempt, almost FMFian in its blatant plastic transparency,


26 Aug 07
02 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by DeepThought
You haven't successfully defended the indefensible. All you've done is insult other posters and claim to have won the debate. You haven't presented a reasoned argument you've just invoked the Chewbacca defence.
Yes i have, you could not provide a single valid reason why Dasa's comments would result in any overt action except some speculative reasoning on the number of players that are registered (itself quite false because not all of them read the forums and even if they did there is no proof that it would cause them to do anything) and some bat crazy reference to Anders Breivik and an appeal to what is not known rather than what is. Sure i may have gone a little overboard with some jibes but its all good fun. 😵


26 Aug 07
02 May 16

I announce my retirement from this thread, you cannot reach me now, I have transcended the forum.


28 Oct 05
02 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The issue is not me, its not even Dasa, heck its not even what Dasa actually said! The issue is whether you can be condemned and punished for merely 'thinking'. This is the issue being discussed in this thread.
What evidence do you have that Dasa was "punished for merely thinking" and not punished "for what [he] actually said"?


28 Oct 05
02 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Sure i may have gone a little overboard with some jibes but its all good fun. 😵
So you would place no restrictions whatsoever on the kind of hate speech used or its frequency of use on this message board?

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
02 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Yes i have, you could not provide a single valid reason why Dasa's comments would result in any overt action except some speculative reasoning on the number of players that are registered (itself quite false because not all of them read the forums and even if they did there is no proof that it would cause them to do anything) and some bat crazy refer ...[text shortened]... than what is. Sure i may have gone a little overboard with some jibes but its all good fun. 😵
You've made an appeal to ignorance. That I cannot cite an actual case of Dasa's posts leading to an attack does not imply that it is impossible, or even unlikely, that such a call may be a contributing factor in an attack. What is more I cited the case of Breivik because he visited extremist websites before carrying out his attack. Correlation does not prove causation, but it is evidence of it. So I've provided some evidence which spoils your appeal to ignorance and your approach is to dismiss it as "bat crazy". I think this is evidence of you having lost the argument.


26 Aug 07
02 May 16
2 edits

Originally posted by DeepThought
You've made an appeal to ignorance. That I cannot cite an actual case of Dasa's posts leading to an attack does not imply that it is impossible, or even unlikely, that such a call may be a contributing factor in an attack. What is more I cited the case of Breivik because he visited extremist websites before carrying out his attack. Correlation does no ...[text shortened]... oach is to dismiss it as "bat crazy". I think this is evidence of you having lost the argument.
Ok I will come out of retirement just for this,

Your assertion that RHP, Time for chess etc would be a plausible port of call for anyone considering extremist activity is about as bat crazy as you can get. Heck its RJHindsxSuzzianne^10 crazy! Its like all rationality has been lost in the recoiling of your moral sensibilities. Sonhouse has a guy sitting with a Semi automatic gun perusing RHP looking for and being influenced by Dasa's text! My goodness lets hope the BJP and Mr Modi don't play chess, we wouldn't want another recurrence of the 2001 riots in Ayodhya with angry mobs clutching Dasa's text in clenched fists! It could just be the spark that ignites it all over again.