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North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
19 Jan 11

Originally posted by jaywill
Jesus is with us until the consummation of the age according to His own true word:

[b]"And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age." (Matt.28:20)

He is the available and living resurrected Christ, who became "a life giving Spirit"

" ... the last Adam became a life giving Spirit" (1 Cor. 15:45)

S ...[text shortened]... spirit longing to be filled with the Holy Spirit of the Triune God.

Believe me.[/b]
Don't you all sometimes feel kind of empty within ?

Actually no. I'm quite content thanks.

It is quite evident, and recalling conversations with you in the past, that you felt empty within at some point in your life (when the 60's ended if i recall correctly). The Christian faith which you chose to follow filled that void for you. It is your mistake and arrogance that everybody else should feel the same.


02 Aug 06
19 Jan 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]Don't you all sometimes feel kind of empty within ?

Actually no. I'm quite content thanks.

It is quite evident, and recalling conversations with you in the past, that you felt empty within at some point in your life (when the 60's ended if i recall correctly). The Christian faith which you chose to follow filled that void for you. It is your mistake and arrogance that everybody else should feel the same.[/b]
Actually no. I'm quite content thanks.

It is quite evident, and recalling conversations with you in the past, that you felt empty within at some point in your life (when the 60's ended if i recall correctly). The Christian faith which you chose to follow filled that void for you. It is your mistake and arrogance that everybody else should feel the same.

It is not arrogance. I think the only reason you would not admit to sometimes tasting the vanity of human life, is only because you want it to have nothing to do with God.

If such an occasional thirst has to do with God, you prefer to deny it in favor of saying you are completely self satisfied.

I am not saying everyone comes to God in exactly the same way as jaywill.

IF God talk were not involved, I am pretty sure to your best friends you confide in them some amount of thirst for a more real reality of some kind.

Then again, eh, maybe I'm wrong. No biggy.


02 Aug 06
19 Jan 11
3 edits

Solomon had it all. Wisdom, he had it. Knowledge, he had it. Beauty, art, money, power, government, he had it all.

Women? Only 600 wives and 300 girlfriends. And he wrote that book practically everybody gets something out of - Ecclesiastes.

Vanity of vanities. All is vanity and chasing after the wind.

We need the living God in our innermost spirit.


11 Nov 05
19 Jan 11

Originally posted by jaywill
You do realize that I am commenting on the words of Robert Ingersoll

I think you want to send me off to go argue with Robert Ingersoll because you really haven't carefully thought out your own argument.[/b]
This is not a contest. This is a debate.

Sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong. When you write something I can learn from I am a winner of the debate. If you feel that the one having the last word is a winner, then you are a winner. Of what, I wonder. Did you learn something?


06 May 05
19 Jan 11

Originally posted by Doward
Shoot...what do you want to discuss?
For one, what influence do you believe Richard Dawkins really has among atheists as a whole?

I, for one, have read one of his books on evolution but I have no real interest in reading the god delusion. I respect him and his views on many things, but I don't agree with all of them for sure.

It seems to me that many theists, primarily christians it seems to me here, think that he has a bigger influence in what people believe than I think he actually does.


St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
20 Jan 11

Originally posted by PsychoPawn
For one, what influence do you believe Richard Dawkins really has among atheists as a whole?

I, for one, have read one of his books on evolution but I have no real interest in reading the god delusion. I respect him and his views on many things, but I don't agree with all of them for sure.

It seems to me that many theists, primarily christians it ...[text shortened]... ere, think that he has a bigger influence in what people believe than I think he actually does.
I think there are two audiences for the God Delusion. 1: he is preaching to the choir. many athiests do not need Dawkins to convince them that no God exists, but are interested in his "apologetics" if you will, and the argument he makes

the second group I believe are mallaeable college students who are angry at mommy and daddy for making them go to church, etc... Then they take an intro to philosophy class and immediately they are experts in world religion, delusion and truth. For this group Dawkins provides a voice to vocalize their angst and anger at a world they understand littlle, and which promises a long struggle ahead.


St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
20 Jan 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
The 'big JC' died around 30AD (allegedly).

If he asked you to live a certain way that would make you at least 1970yrs old.
When he told his followers to love one another as I have loved you, he wasn't just speaking to the 12, but to everyone who believes in him. He speaks across time to a world that needs to hear a message of love.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
20 Jan 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Doward
When he told his followers to love one another as I have loved you, he wasn't just speaking to the 12, but to everyone who believes in him. He speaks across time to a world that needs to hear a message of love.
Tell me, why did this god wait till 2000 years ago to do its Jesus thing?
Why not 10,000 years ago? Humans were just as smart then as now, you pluck a kid from 10,000 BCE, put him in school, he will learn just as much as any other kid.

Same from 100,000 years ago, they were quite modern in intelligence. So what was so special about that time frame of 2K years ago? Wasn't the 19th and 20th century far far worse in many regards from that time frame then?

It would seem to me your god should send someone down TODAY before we totally screw up the planet and kill off every human on Earth. As that has not happened and with all the absolute evil of the mid 20th century and later, with no intervention by your god or anyone else's, it is very indicative to me we cook ourselves or save ourselves, we are on our own, no god is going to stick its metaphorical finger down from the sky just as the world is 10 minutes from starting world war 3 or tipping the CO2 levels so high the Earth won't recover for a 1000 years and all humans die, nobody is there to come to our rescue.

So it is up to us to grow up and smell the planet for our selves, not for some purported god and a book written by men to control men and subjugate women, which is actually in your bible, women are worth less than men. So no god will come around to save our sorry assses if we totally screw up.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
20 Jan 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Doward
When he told his followers to love one another as I have loved you, he wasn't just speaking to the 12, but to everyone who believes in him. He speaks across time to a world that needs to hear a message of love.
Big JC has personally told you 'diddly squat', unless of course you are around 1970yrs old. Which i think i can conclude you are not.

So therefore what Jesus is alleged to have said you have accepted as a matter of faith, you hope he said what he said. You then have to accept as a matter of faith that the people who allegedly wrote down Jesus's words were correct in their recollection of them (it should be noted as well that most scholars put the gospels of the NT as having been written at least 40yrs after Jesus death). You then have to accept that as a matter of faith that none of the texts were altered in the centuries leading up to the formulation of the NT.

So when you say this -

I live as Christ asked me to live, as do many others.

You should say this -

I live as i believe Christ asked me to live, as do many others.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
20 Jan 11
1 edit

Originally posted by jaywill
Actually no. I'm quite content thanks.

It is quite evident, and recalling conversations with you in the past, that yo
u felt empty within at some point in your life (when the 60's ended if i recall correctly). The Christian faith which you chose to follow filled that void for you. It is your mistake and arroga ...[text shortened]... irst for a more real reality of some kind.

Then again, eh, maybe I'm wrong. No biggy.[/b]
Then again, eh, maybe I'm wrong.

Yep. You're wrong again.


St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
20 Jan 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Big JC has personally told you 'diddly squat', unless of course you are around 1970yrs old. Which i think i can conclude you are not.

So therefore what Jesus is alleged to have said you have accepted as a matter of faith, you hope he said what he said. You then have to accept as a matter of faith that the people who allegedly wrote down Jesus's words ...[text shortened]... say this -

I live as [b]i believe
Christ asked me to live, as do many others.[/b]
actually that's not quite correct. The Q was likely written before 50 AD, the synoptics are patterneed after it. There seems to be much conguity between the gospels and many of the apochryphyl books as well.

As fas as the Christ speaking to us today, the Bible is a message for all of humanity through out all time


St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
20 Jan 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
Tell me, why did this god wait till 2000 years ago to do its Jesus thing?
Why not 10,000 years ago? Humans were just as smart then as now, you pluck a kid from 10,000 BCE, put him in school, he will learn just as much as any other kid.

Same from 100,000 years ago, they were quite modern in intelligence. So what was so special about that time frame of ...[text shortened]... th less than men. So no god will come around to save our sorry assses if we totally screw up.
love God and love your nieghbor as yourself---Leviticus


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
20 Jan 11

Originally posted by Doward
actually that's not quite correct. The Q was likely written before 50 AD, the synoptics are patterneed after it. There seems to be much conguity between the gospels and many of the apochryphyl books as well.

As fas as the Christ speaking to us today, the Bible is a message for all of humanity through out all time
To muddle it all even further. There isn't even a consensus that the Q document ever existed.

You've done it again.

I believe the Bible is a message for all of humanity through out all time.


02 Aug 06
20 Jan 11

Originally posted by FabianFnas
This is not a contest. This is a debate.

Sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong. When you write something I can learn from I am a winner of the debate. If you feel that the one having the last word is a winner, then you are a winner. Of what, I wonder. Did you learn something?


02 Aug 06
20 Jan 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]Then again, eh, maybe I'm wrong.

Yep. You're wrong again.[/b]
Yep. You're wrong again.

I allow for the possiblity of an error in timing but not in essence.

It is possible that perhaps it has not yet hit you that you really don't know what is the meaning of your life.

I concede that in timing I may be wrong. In essence I do not believe I am incorrect.